First off I'd like to say that MNC is a truly amazing game. Ever since I purchased it I haven't been able to put it down. To everyone at Uber, you did an excellent job. Now I like to play as the Assault class, mainly due to it's versatility. This is just one of my builds. As the title says this setup is to go after Assassins. Endorsements Gold - Speed Sliver - Skill Recovery Bronze - Health Recovery Overview The main weapon used here is the grenade launcher for the fact that left trigger is a grapple attack. Although using the assault rifle when you need to. Gold Speed is used to help you keep up and get out of bad situations easier. Charge skill is used both as a speed boost and an attack. Silver Skill Recover. of course used to regen Charge faster aswell as the bomb, which is used during escape from bigger enemies. Bronze Health Regen. so you can return to battle quickly. Tactics At the start of the game upgrade charge to lvl 2 for an early damage boost and build a longshot turret. Place the turret on the side you wish to patrol. This will be the only turret you place. Unless it's the map with the roof.(name slips me atm) Buy Fly 2 as soon as you have enough for it. You basically pick a path the bots follow and help move the line forward and bait in assassins. Using Fly with the combo of grenades and bombs. You really need teamwork for this class to work. Trying to chase down assassins solo will get you killed fast. Support and Tank I find pair best with it. As I am battling 'sins I am saving enough money to level Charge to 3 and Class skill to 2. Any extra money now is used to spawn bots and keep your longshot at lvl 3 then eventually level 3 of the rest of the skills. When attacking Assassins you'll what to use the grenade launchers grapple to weaken them then as the try to get away you use the charge. Charge at lvl 2 will kill them early in the match, later on a grenade or bomb after the charge will finish them off. Lvl 3 charge afterwards with the added grapple will kill them. This method can also kill other Assault and Support classes. If you happen to chase an Assassin into a big battle do you best to get cover and use the bomb to repel following enemies. Even if detonating misses, them seeing you drop it will slow their chase. Things to watch out for A Sniper freezing you in place Being caught reloading (biggest downside to this setup) Gunner slam Support with a firebase Well there is one of my Assault builds. I don't use this often but it's different then the other Assault classes I seen so that's why I posted it. Please do give it a try. Maybe refine the tactics and build. p.s. Excuse the rambling. I am a bit tired atm.
Why have a whole build just for killing assassins? seems like a big waste of your teams time to me - especially if you go hunting in pairs for 1 assassin!!! i find jumping around works and listening out for them. I can hear them coming so i jetpack away - throw a mine and see if i can see em. If i do then i chase after them - if i lose sight then i jetpack away. Simple (and not wasting time)
It's not to just killing/hunting Assassins. "You basically pick a path the bots follow and help move the line forward and bait in assassins." Which means you help push the bot line forward while making sure the Tanks and Gunners don't get backstabbed. Why let a weak Assassin get away when you can chase him down and kill him then return to the bot line.