How to play a Assassin. MUST READ!

Discussion in 'Monday Night Combat 360 Strategy and Tactics' started by GreyDead, August 20, 2010.

  1. GreyDead

    GreyDead New Member

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    I play against people just to pull off dumb things such as. "I'MMA RUN INTO DIS BASE AND TRY AS HARD AS I CAN TO KILL U WITH ME MOST LIKELY DYING TRYING TO GET YO-AWWW IM DEAD! =[ =[ " or the "There is a turret there that will most likely kill me if I do this grapple." If you are one of these people then listen up. I'll make you better assassin.

    1. Assassin are mostly for destroying bots, and WHEN you do this do it from the back, never the front

    A: It does more damage from the back.

    B: You will get shot at if you come from the front.

    C: Assassin, yes YOU, are the best anti-fodder/turret ever (aside from snipers with fully upgraded bullets), take down that Jackpot, take down them turrets.

    2. Cloak: If you stand still while cloaked NO ONE can see you, unless of course if they collide into you in any fashion.

    A. Cloak is a great for making hasty escapes if someone sees you attacking there turrets, also turrets can't see you either.

    B. Level 3 cloak never runs out if you stand still while cloaked.

    C. Use this standing still at a place of high traffic, wait for someone to go by and dash to him and grapple.

    D. If it runs out retreat and recharge it is crucial for pretty much everything, don't be afraid to pull back. Staying in the game is important just in case some serious stuff goes down. Otherwise you have to wait to respawn.

    3. Smoke Bomb: My god the most underused skill ever. I barely ever see assassin use them. VERY IMPORTANT! When you PRESS B slam the hell out of A so you can get a super jump, yes if you jump at the same time you slam that smoke bomb at your feet you jump VERY high.

    A. If you do decided to go for a front stab for some harassment and a MAYBE kill but doesn't kill him, RETREAT NOAW! Slam that Smoke and Jump out of there, they will be stunned so they can't see you, and after doing so look for a place to guide yourself so you will be out of harms way (also while flying through the air, cloak yourself, you nearly always take damage when you land so expect yourself to be visible for a slight amount of time.

    B. If you EVER caught in rough situation that flash and jump will REALLY help, specially with tanks, and support. Just GET OUT! Relocate and if you want wait for them, and exact revenge but be smart about it.

    C. You see a sniper look at the ground for them freeze traps, use that super jump to hop over them things. Also if you see people you can't get behind sometimes it is the best place to use that super jump, fly through the air guide yourself behind them, and bam you landed behind them completely surprised by the time they find out, they are dead.

    D. Places really far up. Super jump.

    E. Turrets and robots are also affected by the stun, so they don't fire for a short amount of time.

    4. Sword: Essential for newbies, and harder opponents.
    There really isn't much I need to explain about a sword, more range, faster fire rate, more powerful, instant kill backstabs. Better all around.

    5. Dash: Really not much to tell about this, makes you run faster, nice for escapes, and going in for kills, usually the first thing I upgrade because I love having the advantage of speed.


    1. Smoke jumping behind people that are in front of you. For people that you have no way of getting behind.

    2. Jackbots, grapple them, cloak to avoid getting knocked around because of his slam, or simply jump to avoid the ground slam. After you grapple, jump and swing your sword like crazy, bring him down at all cost.

    3. Stand there with cloak, you wait for people to run by, backstab them. If it fails smoke out.

    4. Destroy bots for EASY juice, then juice into there base and whack the hell out of them turrets.

    I don't use the assassin's shurikens, so nothing for them, just all sword.

    The skills I have for mine.

    Gold: Armor.
    Silver: Skill Recovery.
    Bronze: Rate of Fire.

    If you liked this I will make another for a different class. :geek:
    Hope this helped make you a better player. ;)
  2. BlueZebra

    BlueZebra New Member

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    Honestly, this guide was pretty repetitive half the time, all of this has been posted before in multiple guides as well. It's a good start but I really think this needs to be a little neater, as well as throw something new into the content that hasn't already been posted before. Good effort though, lots of good beginner tips. =)
  3. GreyDead

    GreyDead New Member

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    Yeah, I rushed it, and made sure things got into people's heads. I'm tired of seeing assassins going in for kamakazi attacks. It's so annoying. They are just going to die a second after over maybe before I die.

    I rushed it hardcore. Hope people read it, tired of nooby assassins.
  4. scathis

    scathis Arbiter of Awesome Uber Alumni

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    Not one mention of the RB lunge attack...
  5. Shammas

    Shammas New Member

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    Actually, tank is the best anti bot/turret.
  6. Vike113

    Vike113 New Member

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    Doesn't that depend on the situation? The assassin can get to the bots way faster than the tank.
  7. toxn54

    toxn54 New Member

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    Really? An assassin can get to a bot faster than I can shoot a product grenade and then rail gun? Because I'm fairly sure that outside of the jackbot, the tank destroys bots faster. The assassin my take out small numbers of bots quickly from behind, but the tank destroys large numbers of bots (slims & blackjacks) from any direction in around 3 seconds from any distance as long as there is a clear view.
  8. zarakon

    zarakon Active Member

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    Tank and assassin are my #1 and #2 played classes

    I'd say they are about equal against bots. The tank's big advantage is that one product grenade can take out a group of blackjacks at extreme range, which is AWESOME for taking out a newly-spawning enemy bot group to help give that final push to your own bots into the enemy base. The asassin's big advantage is speed, able to switch between lanes or retreat from a bad situation very quickly.

    Assassin has the edge against turrets for one reason: juice. Maybe it's just in my head, but I feel that the assassin gains juice from killing bots (or whacking bullseye) much faster. One juice with an assassin usually means three downed turrets.

    To the OP: No shurikens? What the hell is wrong with you? Shurikens + armor make the assassin one of the best classes to beat a gunner at medium-long range. They're great for taking out low level turrets or firebases (which also pumps up her juice pretty well). With juice, shurikens are among the fastest moneyball killers, plus you can keep your distance while doing it.
  9. Vike113

    Vike113 New Member

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    It's not in your head ;), being close to the bots mean that you can pick up juice boxes and gain lots of juice fast. And yea, a juiced assassin in an enemy base killing turrets is unstoppable.

    I guess I forgot about product grenades.
  10. moodyjm2

    moodyjm2 New Member

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    I stopped reading after #1.

    Lunge+dagger/sword kills groups of bots almost instantly, unless it's a Gorilla or Jackbot XL (obviously). If you see a group of Slims and a Black Jack just lunge and attack...if you feel a swipe coming, jump. Same with Jackbot XL slam. If you're using a grapple on a Black Jack you are wasting a grapple.

    And seriously no strats with the Shourikan launcher? Use the Richochet!

    Lastly, learn the lunge+front grapple. If you front grapple an Assault, jump to the side first then smoke bomb a make a quick decision whether to lunge attack+slice or jump out. If you front grapple a Sniper smoke bomb then circle strafe and slice. If you front grapple a Gunner, jump strafe, smoke bomb, and strafe slice. Obvioulsy backstabs are ideal but you can't always risk getting behind an Pro.

    Never front grapple a Support or Tank! EVAH!
  11. Vike113

    Vike113 New Member

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    Is that really needed? Just a lunge is usualy enough to kill anyone who has been front grappled.
  12. moodyjm2

    moodyjm2 New Member

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    Well against the sniper a lunger would suffice, but if you front grapple an Assault or Gunner I would be ready to dodge and smoke.

    I can be alittle long-winded when I get into a game :X.

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