Sudden death blitz

Discussion in 'Monday Night Combat 360 Strategy and Tactics' started by supportFTW, August 16, 2010.

  1. supportFTW

    supportFTW New Member

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    well i was browsing the leader boards today and i saw for sudden death blitz two guys get past wave 600 someone please explain ive only gotten to round 70 trying only once. But round 600 someone please help.
  2. SuperEvilDOOM

    SuperEvilDOOM New Member

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    It's probably someone using a hex editor so I doubt it's legit. I got to 62 alone with the Assassin and on that wave the Jackbots practically power walk right to your Moneyball and step on it to make a statement.
  3. Zenith94x

    Zenith94x New Member

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    I got to round 80 with a Gunner and Tank. I did talk to the guy in the #1 spot but he wouldn't confess his strategy.
  4. Kyou Kizu

    Kyou Kizu New Member

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    Scathis thinks it's legit, so I do too. :p

    If it's any help, they got it using two Tanks. o_O
  5. Intricasm

    Intricasm New Member

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    I got to rank 82 by myself as a support. I could have gotten farther but I messed up on my turret placement.
  6. scathis

    scathis Arbiter of Awesome Uber Alumni

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    I believe that 667 round score is legit. Good turret strategy, good teamwork and a lot of endurance and i totally think it's possible.
  7. ho bo zach

    ho bo zach New Member

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    :eek: no wai btw what was highest dev/tester round?
  8. Spooze

    Spooze New Member

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    Gotta remember that Endorsements will help too. Having the right ones for each class tend to make a big difference.
  9. scathis

    scathis Arbiter of Awesome Uber Alumni

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    I only ever got to 105 but I knew every time that I could do better if I focused on certain things more.

    The thing is, after round 60 there is a set of rounds that it chooses at random to spawn and doesn't intentionally increase the difficulty. Now, it is possible at that point to get several Jackbot rounds in a row, which usually ends the match.

    If you can keep focused on how to handle each possible group that it throws at you, use the annihilator and ejectors at the right times, have a sound turret strategy and enough endurance I can see 1000+ rounds being possible.
  10. Warskull

    Warskull New Member

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    How long did 105 take you? I can see going a going a large amount of rounds not being too hard, because once you understand turret layout, how the spawning works, and the ejectors/annihilator it is easy to get things on lockdown. However 600+ rounds sounds like it would be a 4 hour game, easily.
  11. scathis

    scathis Arbiter of Awesome Uber Alumni

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    600 rounds will take you about two hours... Give or take.
  12. Kyou Kizu

    Kyou Kizu New Member

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    Will the bots speed, health, damage and numbers keep increasing to infinity, or is there a cap after reaching a certain wave?
  13. Immortal303

    Immortal303 New Member

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    Yeah, that's something I'd like to know. Stats on bots. Strategies for each wave. My turrets are usually pretty good, but as support, I have a hard time handling continuous waves of jackbots.
  14. Legendary pUMA

    Legendary pUMA New Member

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    I used the assasin/support combo and got past 100... i think 103... It could have been done better, but the assasin is great at taking out multiple jackbots in later levels. Support is awesome at building/hacking/healing turrets. Also a strong point to note is that 2 people tends to yeild the highest levels, because of less bot to turret ratio (as adding more players adds more bots)
  15. Rawdell210

    Rawdell210 New Member

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    me and my buddy got to round 76 or 77 just now using 2 tanks. blossem is for the win when ur facing the gremlins. me and him are going to have to talk things over tomorrow or somin to think about reaching 100.
  16. wimsi

    wimsi New Member

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    one of the devs said that bot health etc doesnt increase after lvl 60. There are just differnt spawns that come random.
  17. Immortal303

    Immortal303 New Member

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    I've started using shaveice turrets on the two points on the inside walls of the base (left and right from the money ball against the wall.) and one in the middle nub up front. I wasn't a big fan of these until I started hacking them. With all 3 running at lvl 3 and a lvl 3 hack, the bots slow down a lot, and the effect covers the entire inside, and for a good rage out front as well. Keeping 3 turrets hacked continually, and trying to keep my firebase hacked is about all I can do. I have a real problem playing on live, because other people don't go with the program, but if I had a good tank/gunner/assassin, maybe another support, I don't see why we couldn't hold out indefinately.
  18. Immortal303

    Immortal303 New Member

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    Just made it to 156 using 2 support. Prolly could've done much better, but we were bothered by distractions.

    One lvl 3 shaveice in the front, center nub. Keep it hacked, first priority. Everything else, rockets. except the two back corners, set those up as longshots. Put your firebases up just behind and a little to the left and right of the shaveice so they have clear lines of fire on the paths forward, left, right and the moneyball. keep em hacked. Other than that, just repair, get really good at bombing groups and using ejectors. Use the annihilator for jackbots of course.

    You'll be pretty busy the whole time, but if you can make it past the rough patch between 60 and 80, it seems to level out and becomes a manageable stream for the next 60 or 70 at least.
  19. Immortal303

    Immortal303 New Member

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    Made it to 237 using 2 support. Could prolly get farther using a new turret configuration.

    We used a 3.3 shaveice in the front middle, and a 3.3 shaveice on the nub right behind the moneyball. We built all rockets with the rest, except for the south (back) corners. We made those longshots.

    Next time I make a serious run at it, we'll try longshots along all the south (back) nubs. A friend suggested this to me, because rockets don't get much time on target, and for the most part, you only get slims, and buzzers or gremlins out of the south gates. You will get jackbots at a couple of waves (80ish?) and they will wipe out your longshots. You should have plenty of money to replace them, but you just have to be mindful of them and check on them.

    Keep the shaveice hacked, and protect it! If you lose your front shaveice, or even let the hack run out, you'll be done shortly thereafter. heal it while jackbots are hammering it, your turrets will kill them.

    Keep your firebase hacked! I know it seems like a lvl 3.3 rocket is more effective than a 3.3 firebase, but without the hack, you might as well not even have it deployed, and you NEED it deployed.

    Make sure your firebase has a clear line of sight to as many lanes as possible. Don't just randomly throw down your firebase. Take a couple of seconds, check the lines of fire. I've found that placing them behind and to the left and right of the front shaveice is very effective. Basically a yard behind and a little inside the nubs to the left and right of the shaveice. With 2 firebases up here, they have a straight shot down the lane immediately in front, and they have ample exposure to the opposite, front lane without firing directly into your shaveice. They can also support the side lanes, and have a clear shot back to the moneyball from here.

    Build your turrets from the inside out. Shaveice first, of course. Start with the two right by your moneyball, then the two on the sides of the front shaveice. After that, finish the remaining 4 inside, then the front 2, then the back longshots, and finally the rockets on the sides. Once you have all your turrets built, it's basically a matter of maintenance. overheal, and HACK EVERY CHANCE YOU GET.

    Use the annihilator for the jackbots, and USE THE EJECTORS. ejecting, even ONE group of blackjacks frees up your turrets to concentrate fire on other targets.
  20. FromLions

    FromLions New Member

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    Would just like to point out relying on ejectors is dangerous. They have a recharge which might not be ready when you need it and it takes time to go up and down the lifts and push the button. In later rounds the bots move so fast this isn't time you have to spair. But turret placement is HUGE. You're right on that one :)

    [Edit] The statement of getting to round 1000, definately possible. It becomes an endurance contest at that point. It's not "When will we lose" but "I really have to go to the washroom, I'm hungry, thirsy, and don't want to do this for another 5 hours".

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