My Assassin tactic (tell me if you have a better one please)

Discussion in 'Monday Night Combat 360 Strategy and Tactics' started by JACKO6622, August 19, 2010.

  1. JACKO6622

    JACKO6622 New Member

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    Ok so what I do right off the bat is upgrade dash and assassin (I upgrade dash instead of cloak because dash runs out faster than cloak). What I normally do is hide behind something like a wall where they won't see me (also do this to recharge your cloak and dash). I cloak myself and dash out to the battlefield (not into the middle where everyone is but off to the side), and I usually grapple from behind to get the kill easier, then cloak myself again (it'll go away when you grapple) and then dash back to a spot to recharge everything including grapple. Then go out again and keep doing that (note: I don't ONLY do that).
  2. Legendary pUMA

    Legendary pUMA New Member

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    I frequently use the assasin, I find spending the majority of your time early in the game focusing on enemy bots, and building juice and money to be most effective. I usually don't even really bother with pros until i'm level 3 cloak/sprint with a katana. if you're juiced with a katana, nothing really stands in your way.
  3. xxxScorpion

    xxxScorpion New Member

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    Straight up I barely do any of this. In actuality the shuriken gun is my main weapon and the dagger/knife is for cutting down cannon fodder.
  4. Shadow09

    Shadow09 New Member

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    Usually what I have been doing recently is lunging at other Pros to get closer and damage them (From the front or back doesn't matter) and finish them off with a grapple. Usually I only do this when there alone and I need to clear a path for the bots too.
  5. Vinticus

    Vinticus New Member

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    I do fairly well as assassin. More of a saboteur than assassin really. I was going to put this in it's own thread, but it's probably better off here.

    Starting a match
    For one thing I always start a match with level 2 sprint and I build a level 3 laser blazer. You can start with whatever upgrade you want, but I'd strongly recommend building a turret, it's like a thing that gives you random gifts of kills and money!

    Be helpful
    Don't just run into the enemy base and try to be a "cool ninja assassin" and get destroyed in an attempt to backstab a guy in his own base, push those lanes! You get tons of money and juice from the bots.

    ALWAYS go for jackbots! You could use your grapple to kill them quickly, but I prefer to hack and slash them to their doom to rack up the juice since they will just sit there and ground pound until it or you are dead. Don't forget to jump!

    When you get full juice, cloak and get to their base as quickly as possible then unleash the fury! Kill as many turrets as possible and any players who get in the way, don't forget to use the lunge to travel between turrets! Save the bots for after to get more juice.

    General tips
    Being constantly cloaked is dumb for the reason of the loud noise it makes, plus you waste it doing this. Only use it when you know someone will see you otherwise. Also never run directly in front of an enemy when cloaked because they can see your outline!

    ALWAYS use the lunge to lead into a grapple, and always expect your opponent to have armor and switch to shurikens to finish them if they do. Most light and medium armored players (meaning anything except gunners and tanks) will die with the one-two punch of lunge and grapple even from the front!

    Smoke bomb is only good for high jumps and blinding turrets, players will kill you before you can blind them most of the time. I like to use this as a means of getting to difficult to reach areas and get a good view of what's going on, or to harass turrets with shurikens.

    Sprinting is EXTREMELY useful, but creates a trail. Only use it when not trying to be stealthy or when you are behind someone.

    Shurikens absolutely destroy stationary players or players taking straight routes. These will destroy most turrets with ease even when not juiced. NEVER grapple with the shuriken out, it's useless (unless you want to taunt them with it).

    Don't focus on buying upgrades to max. "Why's that?" really the only thing that upgrading cloak and sprint does is give more duration, smoke recharges faster. The only thing I'd say is REALLY worth level 3 is the katana. Other than that, use your money for turrets or juice, it's better spent there! But don't completely neglect your skills either!

    *Note these are based on my play style.
  6. Sloth_Mayne

    Sloth_Mayne New Member

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    the only way to be useful with the assasin that i have found without grapple whoring is to just build juice and shuriken people to death.The shurikens also bounce everywhere so even if you miss you might hit someone else so heres my douche bag juicy ninja setup.

    3.clip size
    2.rate of fire

    please try this and tell me how you like it.
  7. JACKO6622

    JACKO6622 New Member

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    That's a good idea, I'll try that.
  8. StriderHoang

    StriderHoang New Member

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    If you have cloak level 3, your entire clip of shurikens become crits if you start shooting right out of cloak.

    Think about what you can do with cloak that stays on forever if you camp someplace and instant crit shurikens on command...
  9. Bufger

    Bufger New Member

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    Obvious tactic is obvious.

    When im a sniper i throw out some ice traps and then try to shoot people in the head.
  10. moe

    moe New Member

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    As an assassin we must choose the best weapon for us right? What weapon can you recommend?
  11. Geminosity

    Geminosity New Member

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    Straight out of the gate I build a level 3 lazer blazer then make a gremlin spawn. I quickly rush ahead and lunge the first bunch of enemy robots for money and to push the lane, then the second group, then I kill anyone my gremlins are harassing. Once that's done I hop up somewhere high and shurikening the turrets until the lane needs trimming, the annhilator pops up or someone chases me off :p

    If I'm lucky my gremlins will rush the base and we'll take out all the turrets on one lane almost right at the start of the game and make the ball vulnerable =D

    for upgrades I eventually buy my way up to cloak 3 for the crit shurikens and the peace of mind I get from being able to stand still cloaked while I analyse the situation or regen health. After that it's smoke bombs and dash. I never upgrade passive anymore because the dagger lunge does more damage than the katana one, but that'll change after the patch no doubt :3
  12. Rev Rabies

    Rev Rabies New Member

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    another good strategy with 'sins is to jump and slash, i call it butterflying, it helps take out jackbots or those pesky big characters that try to use their ground attacks to kill you, it dodges the assault's charge, gunner's slam, and the tanks death blossom. The cloak is amazing, if you know how to distance yourself noone can hear you or see you, and the autocrits you get at lvl three make shurikens that more broken. Shurikens tear any deployed pro to ribbons, and i've gotten many kills by bouncing them down hallways, i always see assassins hack and slash the moneyball, you're just gonna get murdered. Go into lvl 3 cloak, unload an entire clip of crit shurikens, lather rinse repeat.
  13. Geminosity

    Geminosity New Member

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    butterflying? You aren't a Gunz Online player by any chance are you? Butterfly Step was a technique in the K-style play method used in that game :3
  14. Rev Rabies

    Rev Rabies New Member

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    Actually i did play gunz, hated butterflying in that game, i developed my own strat of bunny rockets, i jumped up and down firing one rocket launcher, and while i was reloading switched to another, emptied the clip, switched to my fresh launcher, and repeat.
  15. Organous

    Organous Member

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    (First post)

    I'll incorporate that turret part into my strategy. My initial strategy is to get into the base, smoke bomb on top of side spawn point, and try to shuriken the rocket turrets away. Of course, I gotta do it on the downlow. I gotta watch for those kill notifications and cut out the shooting soon after those so that whoever spawns won't be too suspicious. Cloak is very important to me in all of this.
  16. Rev Rabies

    Rev Rabies New Member

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    That seems way too risky, you can long range the turrets just as easily, it doesn't do as much damage, but you're much safer
  17. Luca Bligth

    Luca Bligth New Member

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    I always max my dagger/sword right away. I follow with my smoke bombs, I only upgrade those once right away but it gives a bit of a defensive bonus, then build dash and cloak back and forth before finishing the smoke bombs.
  18. Vigil80

    Vigil80 New Member

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    Maybe the Assassin isn't well-rounded, but I use her like she is. As a result, I upgrade everything to 2, then everything to 3, in the order of passive, cloak, dash, smokebomb.
  19. V A L K 3 N

    V A L K 3 N New Member

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    First off, I'd start with Gold Health Recovery and Silver Armor. You're health with start to recharge before you hit the ground from a Smoke Bomb Jump. So that's helpful as all hell.

    Secondly, I'd start with Cloke and Assassin. When you get enough finish off Cloke, then Assassin. Level Dash and Bomb to your own like.

    First thing to note, the Dagger Dash is the stuff. It's essentially the only unavoidable move you have. And it's a hoot! If you grapple and don't kill, IMMEDIATELY follow up with a Dagger Dash (unless it's a gunner, then jump first to dodge the slam.) Also, you can grapple immediately after the Dagger Dash so use this against players who are aware of your presense (and Tanks.)

    Second thing to note, Smoke Bomb Jumps! THIS is your main means of transportation. Great for transportation, right before an attack and right after. After you kill someone SBJ and hit cloke. You will dissapear and get a great view of the arena as well as get your health back. You can jump onto the edge of structures and wait for prey.

    Thirdly, KILL BOTS! You are the best at it. And if you're not a team player, it at least gives you mad juice. Nothing pisses off the team more than an Assassin running by some bots.

    And last but not least, NEVER BE AFRAID TO RUN AWAY! If you're Assassination attempt fails, bail. If you're better then your opponent you can Dagger Dash to victory, but if they are on your level or better it's a bit risky. Whenever you're in danger, try to SBJ and you're gain some health back and a much neaded view of the situation.

    I don't even play Assassin. A friend of mine plays on my account as one and I just sort of give him instructions on how to play and he follows them to a T. It works.
  20. Rev Rabies

    Rev Rabies New Member

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    Gold armor, silver RoF, bronze skill recov. No OHK's from other assassins, no grapples (other then sniper's) Kill you, your sword flies around like mad, as do your shurikens, and you get your run/grab/cloak/bomb back so much faster.

    That being said, in this order, lvl2 dash and passive, lvl 3 passive, THATS IT! unless the opponent is playing heavy on gunners/tanks, or dooing big turret defense, then get cloak3 to give you tons of crits.

    Farm money off of bots, run to the biggest threat turret(cloaked), smoke bomb it, juice up, wreck it and every other turret near you, killing any pros in your wake.

    Use money to buy a pack of oh so loveable gremlins, STICK WITH THEM, if they attack a pro, grab said pro and you get a kill, tag team with them, they are no doubt the best bot a pro can summon.

    When the moneyball drops, shuriken the hell out of it, they do a lot more than people think, especially when you're juiced.

    And if you can, hit someone with the shuriken gun's back grapple, for the lulz

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