MNC screwing my internet connection?

Discussion in 'Monday Night Combat 360 Feedback and Issues' started by xxrpggamemanxx, August 20, 2010.

  1. xxrpggamemanxx

    xxrpggamemanxx New Member

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    So after being annoyed and having to deal with this a few times I am almost 100% sure MNC screws with my internet connection. I can play any other game on xbox live for hours and hours and nothing happens, but if I play MNC and the game migrates host to me then it slowly starts making the match laggier and laggier(I can host ANY other game.) Eventually it'll kick everyone and about 5 minutes later I'll even lose connection to xbox live. I can't connect to live again until I reset my router. This has happened to me about 10 times and it is always after it makes me host. If it never makes me host then I am fine and can play for hours and hours, but the game kills my internet connection somehow when it makes me host. I guess if devs need any extra information or anything about my internet provider or connection and stuff I can give it to them if they pm me :p Has anybody else had anything near this problem though? And like I said it's only MNC that does it and only after it gives me host.
  2. Kamikaze

    Kamikaze New Member

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    I've never heard of that, and the only times I've ever hosted is when while searching for a game and it gave up and started a lobby. Considering you have to restart your router I'm gonna guess the problem lies mostly there and not so much the game.
    Then again, I'm not a network guru.
  3. xxrpggamemanxx

    xxrpggamemanxx New Member

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    Why would it only be this game though? And not any other game? Heck I've been hosting Red Dead Redemption freeroam for the past 4 hours and nothing has been wrong, but I can almost guarantee that if MNC put me as host my internet would get all messed up.
  4. Amaranth

    Amaranth New Member

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    I had a very similar problem earlier tonight. I didn't blame MNC because I couldn't think of a single way it could be the problem, but it certainly was weird.
  5. PhantomPhoton

    PhantomPhoton New Member

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    Sounds like your router's firewall is exhibiting adaptive behavior on what it is perceiving as unusual traffic.

    Alternately, your ISP may be dropping packets or resetting connections due to the amount of upload bandwidth you are using. Some ISPs do this to try and disrupt BitTorrent traffic, which they hate. Support Net Neutrality!

    What brand / model router and modem are you using? Some do not follow the uPnP standards and subsequently can exhibit issues with certain games. Also, is your Xbox wired to the router or on wifi?

    Also, go to and run a speed test and a ping test. Both will give you the option of copying "forum data" which you can post here. MNC should not be selecting you as a host if your upload speed is insufficient to host a game, but perhaps you are "on the line", get selected to host, and as more people join you get bogged down.

    Considering the description of your problems, I suspect it is the router.
  6. xxrpggamemanxx

    xxrpggamemanxx New Member

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    It could be my ISP I know they don't allow torrenting or they massively limit the speed when it is torrenting. Though this doesn't happen with any other game when I'm host. Maybe it was something to do with the way this game does networking? Massive peer 2 peer or something so it looks like I'm torrenting.

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