A small glimmer of hope...

Discussion in 'Monday Night Combat 360 General Discussion' started by thedongtea, August 27, 2011.

  1. thedongtea

    thedongtea New Member

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    @mightyfiregoat mighty goat
    @JohnComes I think its time you come clean to mnc 360ers about the dlc. its not coming and it never was, was it? you fooled us HARD!!!!

    JohnComes John Comes
    @mightyfiregoat There are business discussions about the Xbox version that have happened and will continue to happen. No intentional fooling
  2. Liefglinde

    Liefglinde New Member

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    If I remember correctly, Eka said that all resources are being put toward SMNC now. Both of them can't be right, so one of them is either lying or not fully aware of the situation. At least, where MNC is concerned.
  3. peachypony

    peachypony Active Member

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    i surely hoping these business discussions don't include SMNC

    how about you fix MNC first
    Last edited: August 27, 2011
  4. NeoCyberman

    NeoCyberman Active Member

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    Negotiation and XBLA do not go together.

    Uber has a communication problem and people naturally jump to conclusions. I'm not dismissing you but I'm doubtful.
  5. viruszero

    viruszero New Member

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  6. Oh Snap

    Oh Snap New Member

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    There was more to that conversation then that. I asked if ms ever gave them permission for the 3 dlc or just 1 dlc as uber have said before that mnc 360 wasn't built to handle updates past spunky (hello engine update and new ui) and that leads me to believe that uber only built mnc 360 to support 1 update as microsoft only signed them for 1 update with any other updates having to be negotiated.

    If that is true why did uber tell us that 3 dlc packs would be coming (since release) before microsoft agreed to it and why didn't they build mnc to support more dlc in case microsoft agreed to more dlc?

    uber said they didn't want to charge for dlc but now uber's making a f2p game & will be selling new items every week? that is going to cost people more money then buying the game and its dlc on console or pc. this is not to do with keeping fans happy. how many play these f2p games and really follow them and the people that make them? how many play them once, get bored and go back to a paid game? how many people get fed up with being killed by a player with a paid for insta kill weapon? f2p games are mostly for casual gamers who may buy 1 item as the game is free then never play again.

    tf2 had a big fan base before it went free so hush before you come at me.

    uber can't do us what we all want and that is to put tully on 360 as a goodbye and thank you for all our support because mnc 360 was never built to take it so that is really it for us. I really could talk about this forever but I can't be bothered with this game or company anymore.


    eka called me a f**king Idiot for saying 360 would never get a update past spunky. I lolz
  7. Oh Snap

    Oh Snap New Member

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    also uber knew for sometime that 360 wasn't getting updates but eka felt the need to mock us a couple weeks ago by saying "at least the forums get updates.. oooooh burn (myself)" is that the way a company of any kind should be handling its customers? do you really want to support a company that acts like that?
  8. Goose

    Goose Active Member

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    Oh Snap, you have the most mindless speculations. Please stop being a bitch about it and quit your ridiculous conspiracy theories. Nobody knows the definitive reason as to the specifics of Uber's lack of updates on console so please don't go spouting off things only Uber truly understands. I'm not saying you are wrong, i'm just saying your points are baseless.

    Also, F2P games often do VERY well. Riot is currently rolling around in cash because they did f2p correctly. HoN's playerbase skyrocketed when it copied LoL's system (not 100% copied but its pretty similar). TF2 got TONS of new players when it went free to play. New TF2 players actually started quit a few issues with the veteran players simply because the huge amount of noobs on your team after it went f2p. Sure there are some really stupid f2p games (Eve,Spiral Knights,Champions Online) that people do ditch but I'm sure Uber has been looking at the business practices of some of the popular f2p companies and i'm sure they know how to make it work. Not only that but chances are, if we as fans don't like it Uber would know something needs changing.

    Not only that but SMNC going free to play doesn't mean you have to buy power. They already confirmed this.
  9. Oh Snap

    Oh Snap New Member

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    baseless? I'm going by what members of uber have posted and tweeted . if there was to be more dlc then there would have been more dlc had they arranged it with ms prior to the release of mnc on 360. I mean why build the game then handicap any chances of adding more content if that was the business plan? if they never had it arranged then they knew the dlc may never come from before it released yet they still used the 1 free and 2 paid for packs as a selling point.
  10. Patch

    Patch New Member

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    ...though you're in good company considering how many people were shocked by the announcement.

    Eve is neither stupid nor F2P, and 99.5% of the time it's a lousy clerical job instead of a game. Unless you're a sociopath. Then it's awesome.
  11. Goose

    Goose Active Member

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    Sorry I was watching a video about f2p in games and how to do it correctly and I thought it mentioned Eve :?
  12. Rag1ngWampa

    Rag1ngWampa New Member

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    **** man dont u **** **** **** ****?
  13. Goose

    Goose Active Member

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  14. CCSoloist

    CCSoloist New Member

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    I guess he does ****. He showed you.

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