The support class is insanely overpowered

Discussion in 'Monday Night Combat 360 General Discussion' started by Payattention, August 13, 2010.

  1. dragonfist

    dragonfist Member

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    Support is NOT overpowered. Gunner with Passive skill fully upgraded is overpowered. I own with mah Dual Miniguns all day :D. I'm unstoppable.
  2. Arcell

    Arcell New Member

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    If you leave the base turrets at level 1 yeah. With each level the turrets become much harder to take out while within their range. Now the Assault and Gunner, those guys can take out turrets from a safe distance.
  3. slayer52314

    slayer52314 New Member

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    i play the support all the time and i have neve found him overpowered i deal with supports all the time and they are no problem i agree with you on the drain gun and the air strikes they are just way too over powered i would of suggested a short EMP to replace the air strikes that disables turrets and upgradeing it increases range, and a skill draining beam to replace the drain gun that way it is supporting another player who is rying t take out an enemy as for the shotgun i have met countless anemys that are just not good enough to take me on with it i play really well normally ending up on a 20 killstreak only usig the shotgun possibly takeing on 3 opponants at once by dodgeing however the shotgun is still not too powerful because of its range limit and its tendencey for enemies to actually sponge shots from it
  4. ChrisMikeRack

    ChrisMikeRack New Member

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    Then why isnt the top of leaderboards populated with support class constantly? Ive been playing this game tonsd since release and this is definatly not the case

    OP and anyone wholeheartedly agreeing with them: You sir, fail.

    Maybe you are too busy trying to kill other players all the time instead of focusing on the tactical element. Who cares if someone sturret can kill you before you can kill them, theres more to it than that.
  5. PrivateJohn

    PrivateJohn New Member

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    We need to organize a game with those who think the Support is OP.

    Support-is-OP camp - All of them or at least most of them are using support.
    Everyone else - Balance team.

    People who complained about Support overhealing another class - Dude, you are talking about 1 v 2. How about making it a 2 v 2 scenario instead? So the enemy support is healing another gunner, what about you? I am pretty sure a sniper + Tank, Gunner + Assasin or Assault + Assault etc could take them out EASILY. Still, it goes both way depending on the player skill.

    Airstrike is the bomb!!! - It takes time to recharge. If you think airstrike is OP, I would think the same for Assault charge as well because 80% of the time you will get thrown out of ring. Cheap kill!!!

    Bots, turret, map control are essential. Reason why support can give people the impression that they are overpowered is because they have the ability to control the flow of the game - rallying forces (bots aura, ring a bell?) while the rest of the players are playing the grunt role by just aiming for kills and not caring about the strategy element of the game.

    When the forces finally overwhelm them, they will go cry baby and complain Support is OP!!! What they didn't realize is they themselves are to be blamed.

    If people are still playing this game like a shooter and aim for kills only...well then, good luck.
  6. JackBotXL

    JackBotXL New Member

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    Dude, agreed.I do think the support is OP, but for the most part i can kill it. Its just that the support is such a squirmy class. THEY ARE FAST. Specially with they're hurt gun all they do is run around shooting the darn thing. Its actually not all that strong, but its annoying.
  7. Trigger

    Trigger New Member

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    But this is exactly why support is considered overpowered. Because map control and bot support is what wins the game, and no one can do it as well as support. In a perfectly played game, the team with the support will beat the team without the support everytime, which is not a good thing.
  8. Red Rain

    Red Rain New Member

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    lol assassin takes no skill? almost every assassin i see sucks at their class and ive rarely ever been killed by one
  9. EmoHObo

    EmoHObo New Member

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    Maybe I'm going about this the wrong way but couldn't the Support easily be fixed by a few changes.

    Giving the Turret only 180 degrees kill zone and by making the Airstrike like the Assault's Grenade unless it sticks to a target.

    They could also make it an EMP Airstrike instantly killing weaker bots, highly damaging class bots and hurting Jackbots. When it hits a pro, it does moderate damage and drains their skills. Great for routing attackers.

    Also a damage decrease to the shotgun while increasing it's effective range.

    As a Support Player, I think these changes would help quell some of the hatred the class gets.
  10. PrivateJohn

    PrivateJohn New Member

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    That is why I've been saying, if other players are only playing the grunt role. Did you know that other class can kill Bots alot faster than Support? The bots spawn by other pros is useful as well, you just have to use it the right way. (eg. Gunner/Tank with their Bouncer to chase off the support while you concentrate on other major task such as destroying turret and whatnot.)

    However, most of the players online only chose to attack Pros especially the wanabe-Assassin (Read : Real Assassins play so much differently) who contribute nothing to the team with the following scenario :
    1. Camp throughout the whole game, waiting for opportunity just to get a few kills. Ignoring the base and stuff.
    2. Suicide Assassin who have higher Death ratio just to get a few kills.
  11. Trigger

    Trigger New Member

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    I'm not going to deny that some classes and kill bots faster than support, but that doesn't make support any less essential in bot support and map control.
  12. PrivateJohn

    PrivateJohn New Member

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    True, that is why each class is just as important and how you use it is the key.
  13. Rawdell210

    Rawdell210 New Member

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    pointless topic. how can they nerf this class without ruining it?? its fine how it sits and i dont even play the class.
  14. ZOoo00OOm

    ZOoo00OOm New Member

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  15. jaysofacton

    jaysofacton Active Member

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  16. MLGIntervention

    MLGIntervention Active Member

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    This thread is old.
  17. ZOoo00OOm

    ZOoo00OOm New Member

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    It's funny reading what people thought was effective back then.

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