Over 1000 in Blitz?

Discussion in 'Monday Night Combat 360 Strategy and Tactics' started by Bambam Bm, August 19, 2010.

  1. Bambam Bm

    Bambam Bm New Member

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    Now im wondering how the top tanks on blitz can get to over 1000 rounds on Blitz. Now almost all the top 10 ranking Blitz are all dual tanks. Is Blitz that easy as 2 tanks? I got to round 152 as a Gunner/Tank team. Ive also tried the Tank/Tank combo and also got to round 152. How do they possibly get over 1000 rounds, or are they hackers? Lol, I could see just stayed at the money ball with both tanks whirlwinding, but i don't know. Any insight guys?
  2. Pinhead9019

    Pinhead9019 New Member

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    Probably hax
    But don't underestimate the whirlwind, especially two of them at once.
  3. Shon3n

    Shon3n New Member

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    I used to play Halo with XCONN, the #2 Tank, he told me they did it legit.

    If that's true, I immagine that it would take a very long time.
  4. Bambam Bm

    Bambam Bm New Member

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    What would be impressive is if any Non-Tank can get over 300.. because as it is now, tanks are the best in Blitz
  5. FiercelyFuzzy

    FiercelyFuzzy New Member

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    I'm sure a support duo could get pretty high with hacks(skill not HAXS) and their Firebases.
  6. Sm1tty Sm1t

    Sm1tty Sm1t New Member

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    I was curious: 3 gunners/tanks + 1 support = mayhem?

    Have the gunners/tanks set up as:

    1 looking straight, 1 right, 1 left all deployed. Throw the support turret in a position best suited to heal all 3 and have support run around and setup turrets.

    Would it work?
  7. wimsi

    wimsi New Member

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    hmm, this could work. but i think with 4 players the bots also come from the back entries?

    If you deploy you can shoot at the two front + left and right entry.

    but would be nice to try - if anyone is up for it add me -> wimsbacher
  8. Kalioc216

    Kalioc216 New Member

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    well, we can basically say they didn't hack (doubt its really hackable, except for the crossfire leaderboards). Surprised it isn't always a Tank/Support Combo, seeing as you could cover three places at once (Hacked Firebase, FTW!) and heal. What we need now is a Quad Support Team to reach 2000 xD
  9. Warskull

    Warskull New Member

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    Past round 50 the stuff starts having too much health and moves to fast for other classes to kill. Tank spin with reload kills bots very, very quickly.
  10. wimsi

    wimsi New Member

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    every supporter can hack 4 turrets at the same time. also one extra firebase. also airstrike.

    Yesterday I did a supporter solo run to lvl 148, which was pretty amazing. after lvl 60 there are not too much difficult bots.

    the 9 black-jacks can easy be killed with one airstrike + shotgun / healgun.

    The only problem I see are 2 or 3 times jackbots combined with other bots. I always try to buy juice after I killed 2 jack bots. It seems as if the first jackbot that comes after lvl 60 brings another jackbotspawn + black jacks, and soon after that gremlins. I noticed at least times now ( yesterday after the lvl 60 jackot lol )

    1.) 2 jackbots
    2.) 2 jackbots + 3 black jacks
    3.) gremlins

    has anyone else noticed that?
  11. Immortal303

    Immortal303 New Member

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    Yeah, that's the pattern I've seen. At round 60, I usually juice to kill the two jackbots, then head for the annihilator to get the next two that spawn with the blackjacks.
  12. Organous

    Organous Member

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    Totally dredging up a dead thread because the subject still interests me. I initially believed some kind of hacking was involved, but I'm getting increasingly convinced it could be done legitimately. I've been working out a Support/Assassin deal and got to 336 (internet trouble kept it from being posted). It simply gets repetitive beyond a certain point with no bot improvement. All we have to do now is get rid of human error, and maybe work toward "solving the puzzle" a bit more.
  13. scathis

    scathis Arbiter of Awesome Uber Alumni

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    The top Sudden Death Blitz score was done by a Support and an Assassin, I believe.
  14. Liefglinde

    Liefglinde New Member

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    Magikarp and I got to round 1017. He used a Tank, I used a Support.

    With blitz, it comes down to the Jackbot rounds. Even in 2 player blitz, my turrent strategy kept off round after round without fail. The reason I could never get past 300 with a Support solo was because I couldn't really do decent damage to the Jackbots. That's where the Tank came in.

    Basically, when the Jackbots came out, Magik and I would immediately juice. He would go for the one on the right, I would take the one on the left. He easily railgunned his to death, while mine was still at half health. He would product grenade mine and finish it off while still juiced. We both went back and bought juice and just waited for the next Jackbot round.

    The only reason we lost at 1017 is because it was 5AM, I couldn't be bothered to hack anything anymore, and Magik was half asleep :lol: At that point we just let the bots waltz in
  15. TOM12121112

    TOM12121112 New Member

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    possible. i am starting to believe that with the right strategy, a 4 man blitz can be easier than 2 man. 1000+ is possible, its all in the strategy. there is a thread here somewhere posting blitz strategies, if you want to dig it up.
  16. Scented Midget

    Scented Midget New Member

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    Tom and I went to 731 as dual supports.
    It's very fun hearing peoples thoughts on how do to this well.
  17. StormedCorpse

    StormedCorpse New Member

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    The best I got to was like round 150 something. I was a Gunner and some German guy (Who's 40th in most rounds with like 700) was a support. Had to use annihilator as soon as it came online as we were getting pounded :/.
  18. Bambam Bm

    Bambam Bm New Member

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    Got to round 434, #1 currently for Sniper
  19. mute

    mute New Member

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    nah, it's not easier.. but I wouldnt say its much harder if you have an experienced, communicating team, that knows what they are doing (also harder to get together than a 2 player team). The strategy is pretty basic really and it infuriates that very few people get it. After round 59 (although you should really start doing this @ lvl 50 when the pairs of purple blackjacks start coming from all doors), TWO people have to focus on the back doors FIRST. Not the front, not the side...the back. The backdoors have the shortest path to the money ball and are the paths with the least resistance. From wave 60 and up to wave 2000 the waves practically become the same 4 or 5 variations over and over just in increased speed and health. Even if you have a crap team, if someone is covering those backdoors first, then the sides.. you'll make it well past lvl 100. I've carried pubs past 200 a few times where they never really noticed "why" they got that far (as a tank you can alternate sides with product grenade on one back door, then quickly charge over to the ejector on the other side.. cover the door with the spent ejector first, rotate, repeat.. juice when in trouble).

    Going with 2 supports and 2 tanks (best setup for 4x players), after level 60 you do this and then stay in this formation the rest of the game:
    Typical setup; rockits everywhere (Except maybe a couple hacked laser3.3s) 1 ice in the center, and 1 ice on the inside side walls.

    The 2 supports hold the front alone with hacked turrets and their firebases just under the bridge. The 2 tanks cover the back entrances, and then the sides afterwards. The front supports can additionally throw one of their airstrikes to the side doors as the tanks hit the back.. it's not nessicary, but it's safer. The tanks; Product grenade the backdoor bots as they get close to the bridge so the laser or rockit there will hit them whiel stunned. Charge to them quickly while they're stunned.. spin.. all 3 are dead (or almost). Immediately turn around and goto the side door and finish off the side bots.

    When Jackbots come, the tanks have to kill the side-door Blackjacks before the Jackbots or else they'll get on the money ball. Run up to the side door, Juice, spin once, charge to the back door Jackbot while still juiced, finish off the Jackbot. The assaults up front can handle the Jackbots by themselves with a few airstrikes and the hacked turrets, but turn and give them a product grenade or two if needed. If someone dies, buy/juice up again real quick... stand inbetween the Jackbots by the Shaved and spin.. you'll kill both bots @ one time.

    While this is going on, keep an eye on the next level wave that is coming. It may be another wave up 3xall doors Blackjacks. If thats the case, kill them with priority. If its another wave of Jackbots, someone needs to get up on the Anhiliator... wait for a second till the next wave is announced then hit it. The reason you wait for the thrid wave announcement in this chain is because theres always a chance you are about to get 3-4 waves of Jackbots/blackjacks in a row and those are the "trick" levels that you primarily need to watch for. Typically they only happen once or twice above the *60-*80 levels (60,-100, 160-200, 260-300, etc).

    Once you get the pattern down, and as long as you don't get fooled by an easy jackbot wave and launch the Anhiliator prematurely (when you will end up neededing it 2 waves later for a 3-4x Jackbot rush) you can survive a very very long time.

    Theres many reasons that 4xplayers is much harder than 2, but rather than listing them all I'll just mention that 4x is much more random and 4 doors of rushing 3xblackjacks is much harder than 2 and with 4 players, even when alot of joking is going on, you have to have alot of team communication and watching neighbor's back. 4 players has a degree of randomness that you will not see on a 2 player blitz match. 2 players the worst you'll see is back to back waves of 4 jackbots coupled with 4 3xblackjacks. With 4 players the worst you'll see is 6x 3blackjacks combined with 6x jackbots followed by another set 6x 3blackjacks, then multiply that for each level when the 'rush' is on and that same attack is being chained across multiple/overlapped waves: in less than 1 minute you might see 18 jackbots and 54 blackjacks. That **** is fun and presents a random challenge where everyone sits up and focuses, even @ level 500+... On 2 players though, you start to get bored.... even the chained waves aren't that hard. It's really a matter of deciding how long you want to play the game. Last time I stopped around 550 or something, but we had half the MB health left and I had to try and get at least an hour of rest before I had to leave for work (I gotta stop playing till 5am on workdays!).

    Again, gotta say... once you get to level 60+ and you realize no one else is going to cover those backdoors, you know the game will be over. Normally by lvl 100 or 150. It's annoying and in pubs rarely anyone ever listens, as much as you might plead. If you lose your Shaveds' and someone builds the wrong turrets there just before or after level 60, you might as well drop out of the game.
  20. mute

    mute New Member

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    german guy: oWSDo ? I play with him often.. he's one of the players we went to 500+ multiple times with on 4 players. Good guy. I think all he plays is Blitz. He hates pub crossfires for some reason but he plays crossfire privates with his brother alot.. so on crossfire earnings he's ranked like #25 even though he only has a few hundred pro kills. That guy plays MNC Blitz probably more than anyone I've seen... his strat is also identical to the one I mentioned above.

    another pro-tip: if you join a new pub game of 4 people, and 1 or 2 players rush to build the ciritical Shaveds with their initial 600 spawn $, to prevent the other players from doing the wrong build.. theres a great chance you're about to be in a game that'll last well past 100.

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