Some generic tips for just about everything.

Discussion in 'Monday Night Combat 360 Strategy and Tactics' started by Crimson Trainer, August 17, 2010.

  1. Crimson Trainer

    Crimson Trainer New Member

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    Just a couple things to help everyone out :ugeek:

    While hovering an assault player is invulnerable to grapples so should you get a little too close to an assassin or sniper a little tap of your Y button will prevent an untimely death/ringout.

    When your charge ability is level 3 it will perform a throwing grapple on any grapple-able enemy when you collide with them. Should you collide with a sniper or assassin it will kill them outright from full health (not sure when they have armour on) and will damage and hurl any other enemy a large distance. This is an incredible ability to use and with its quick recharge you could throw your rifle away and simply throw everyone around.

    Your bomb ability has quite a bit of knockback and when stuck to a player it usually outright kills them. If you are being chased by a player or you notice they are near an edge if you manage to detonate a bomb near them it will throw them around a fair bit allowing you to escape your attacker or letting you watch them fall to the sight of a $100 ring out bonus.


    The tanks secondary weapon is essentially a snipers rifle without the scope. It can penetrate multiple enemys and does quite a decent amount of damage. It can take assassins and snipers down to a a sliver of health in just 2 hits. And seeing as it has infinite range could be an easy way to cut down groups of bots or harrassing that annoying sniper from a mile away.

    With a silver level armour endorsement you can survive a backstab from full health.

    Due to the way tanks hold their weapons you can easily snipe using your rail gun without exposing yourself too much.

    The jet charge takes quite a bit of health from an enemy so it might be worth just burning an enemy from close range down to about half and then charge into them for a quick finisher.

    Holding A when airborne will activate your jetpack for a short while allowing extra jump height and a chance to prevent yourself being thrown out of bounds if you arelucky enough to be close to an edge.

    The LT move on the jet gun is an effective way to keep assassins at bay should they get a little too close for comfort.


    For your heal/hurt gun endorsements have no effect and you should avoid them if your planning to try to buff it. Rate of fire has no effect, and neither does critical(while critting damage is not increased at all although im not too sure on healing)

    Hack Hack and Hack some more! Hacking improves turrets range and distance and at lv 3 improves fire rate too. Hacking a turret thats already been hacked simply tops up the hack to full again. It DOES NOT stack so dont hack a turret your teammate just did since it pretty much just wastes your hack.

    When playing support you are able to pick up your deployed turret by holding the "Y" button next to it, this will refill the skill and let you re-deploy somewhere else.

    Also another side-note to hacking already hacked turrets, if someone has hacked a turret up to .3 and you walk up and hack it with lv 1 it will downgrade it to .1 and completely waste your fellow supports efforts.

    Throwing air strike beacons underneath bridges causes the bomb land on the top allowing you get the drop on unsuspecting snipers or those other supports camping above. Also, since themarker is underneath the bridge and not above it will seem as if an airstrike came in out of nowhere

    Currently, it is actually possible to overheal jackbots and while it doesnt show until its fully buffed you can tell its still working due to your juice meter that keeps increasing. When it hits fully overhealed the bar suddenly jumps to show it and decreases when attacked like normal. Doesnt take as long as some people think.

    Without any kind of armour endorsment getting stabbed in the front by an assassin gives you a one way trip to the spawn room so its a good idea to have at least the lowest armour so you can survive. Also, having lv 3 armour wont allow you to take a backstab.

    Your shotgun is incredibly strong and getting the drop on a gunner or a tank from behind usually is ended with just 2 shots. This will also 1 hit assassins should they try to get you from the front.


    Your traps are an incredible way to keep yourself protected. Dropping one on either side of you keeps you pretty much untouchable from everything but other snipers and leaves the attacker open for an easy headshot once you upgrade to lv 2.

    As a sniper your one of the two classes that can grapple a jackbot. Should you see a jackbot stomping towards your base take 3 seconds to whip out your smg and grab it to quickly reduce its health.

    Your grapple skill when upgraded is an incredible way to get rid of assassins should they be sneaking up on you. A quick press of the B button will either knock them 3 miles across he map or outright kill them.

    When your passive is upgraded to lv 3 when you hit an enemy it makes an explosion around the target hurting nearby bots/turrets/players. Use this on the waves of bots to quickly clear them out.


    Should you get grabbed by an assassin from the front once you come out either just follow up with a slam or grapple followed by a slam to quickly get them away from you.

    With a gold level armour endorsement you can survive a backstab from full health.

    Regardless of the ProTip the gunner face shield that appears when deployed actually does prevent headshots from snipers. This has been tested with all passive levels of sniper rifle.

    Holding A when airborne will activate your jetpack for a short while allowing extra jump height and a chance to prevent yourself being thrown out of bounds if you are lucky enough to be close to an edge.


    When initiating a grapple it removes your cloak but unknown to many is that you can instantly recloak during the grapple preventing turrets/firebases from filling you full of holes mid-grapple.

    To easily manage the smokebomb jump after you have pressed B just mash the A button to get it pretty much every time.

    Following up front grapples on classes like the support and then following up with pressing RB with the dagger/sword for a lunge attack straight after is a easy way to get rid of players without chasing them around swinging widly.

    If your grapple fails as an assassin, RB dash away from the enemy and cloak right away. I know you can usually dash or slash out of the grapple to kill them, but it can be much more effective to separate for a moment, then send out a dash as soon as they drop their guard thinking you ran away. Just make sure you get the dash in before they start to regen health.


    Long shots dont work on the map with the dome over most of the middle (might be steel peel arena)

    Long Shot tip: Get one and fully upgrade it whenever you possibly can (with the exception of Steel Peel Arena). While they are slow-firing, pretty lightly armored, and unlikely to get you many kills, they have a HUUUUGE range, which means that you're going to be getting a ton of bot assists and player assists. Long Shots are a phenomenal source of steady, reliable income in the entire game.

    Normally, you shouldn't put a Long Shot too close to the frontlines, because it will die quickly. However, if you and your team are able to sustain a push in a lane, feel free to make one up front to shell your opponents' base.

    There are a couple of turret nubs that are blocked by a ceiling on some maps. DO NOT PUT LONG SHOTS ON THESE NUBS. They're generally located close to the Moneyball, especially on GrenADE III Arena.

    Lv 3 lazer blazers are stronger than lv 1 and 2 rock it turrets so it would be a better idea to build them instead if you dont have enough for a full rock it

    On blitz the apparent gap shots that walk out of the arena dont actually move. If you watch where the shot is coming from it is actually still sat there and is easily killable.

    The rate of fire endorsement affects everything (including swords and daggers) except the heal/hurt gun

    If your playing defense, and your team is starting to get overwhelmed, start spawning bots, lots of them. Don't even bother trying unless you can spawn at least 3 of them one after another. Spawning the gap shot (support's bot) one after another will help your offense by killing enemy turrets. The buzzers the Assault class can spawn are very deadly and will net you some killstreaks easily. Sending in waves of gremlins with the assassin in the late game can often push the enemy all the way back into their base.


    Hopefully this is of some use to you guys.
    Last edited: August 19, 2010
  2. Rolo

    Rolo New Member

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    Great tips, a few on there I didn't know about (Jackbot overheal ftw!!).
    I'd like to add a couple if you don't mind.

    First, when playing support you are able to pick up your deployed turret by holding the "Y" button next to it, this will refill the skill to let you re-deploy somewhere else.

    If your playing defense, and your team is starting to get overwhelmed, start spawning bots, lots of them. Don't even bother trying unless you can spawn at least 3 of them one after another. Many times I've seen this change the momentum back in your favor. Spawning the gap shot (support's bot) one after another will help your offense by killing enemy turrets. The buzzers the Assault class can spawn are very deadly and will net you some killstreaks easily.
  3. Crimson Trainer

    Crimson Trainer New Member

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    Thanks, I've added yours in too ;)

    If anyone else has any tips to add to the list feel free to do so!
  4. SuperEvilDOOM

    SuperEvilDOOM New Member

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    For the specifics about the armor endorsements and surviving a backstab, the Gunner can survive with Gold armor and the Tank can survive with Silver armor.
  5. Caanon

    Caanon New Member

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    I wanted to add a bit to the assassin.

    If your grapple fails as an assassin, RB dash away from the enemy and cloak right away. I know you can usually dash or slash out of the grapple to kill them, but I find it much more effective to separate for a moment, then send out a dash as soon as they drop their guard thinking you ran away. Just make sure you get the dash in before they start to regen health.

    Also, I agree with the support, sending in waves of gremlins with the assassin in the late game can often push the enemy all the way back into their base. Sometimes, I do not upgrade the smoke bomb at all and leave my sprint at level 2 so I can start spitting out gremlins early. They will usually give you a kill or two in moderate numbers, as well as a number of assists and turret kills.

    I also have a couple other tips for assasins, but I am keeping a couple of my favorites a secret so they are more of a suprise when I use them. If someone is really interested in tips for assassins, I may be willing to share a bit more to individuals.
  6. Crimson Trainer

    Crimson Trainer New Member

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    Thanks for your extra tips guys! I have added them to the list for you :)
  7. The Reaver

    The Reaver New Member

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    Long Shot tip: Get one and fully upgrade it whenever you possibly can (with the exception of Steel Peel Arena). While they are slow-firing, pretty lightly armored, and unlikely to get you many kills, they have a HUUUUGE range, which means that you're going to be getting a ton of bot assists and player assists. Long Shots are a phenomenal source of steady, reliable income in the entire game.

    Normally, you shouldn't put a Long Shot too close to the frontlines, because it will die quickly. However, if you and your team are able to sustain a push in a lane, feel free to make one up front to shell your opponents' base.

    There are a couple of turret nubs that are blocked by a ceiling on some maps. DO NOT PUT LONG SHOTS ON THESE NUBS. They're generally located close to the Moneyball, especially on GrenADE III Arena, and they block the projectiles of the Long Shot.
    Last edited: August 19, 2010
  8. Crimson Trainer

    Crimson Trainer New Member

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    Added yours in reaver :)
    Its a good thing you mentioned about the nubs underneath things i forgot about that :oops:
  9. tomin83r

    tomin83r New Member

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    when playing as a gunner once u get the passive ability to lv 3 u get double miniguns making a lot easier to kill players and deploy lv 3 creates a face shield which prevents headshots from snipers but the face shields is only when deployed
  10. Crimson Trainer

    Crimson Trainer New Member

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    Unfortunately when playing as a gunner and get lv 3 deploy the face shield doesnt actually prevent headshots. It tells you in one of the ProTips that pops up now and again.
  11. tomin83r

    tomin83r New Member

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    as long as ure facing the sniper it does
  12. Crimson Trainer

    Crimson Trainer New Member

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    Hmm ill go test it out quickly.
  13. tomin83r

    tomin83r New Member

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    because ive tryed sniping threw the face sheild and i dont headshot
  14. Crimson Trainer

    Crimson Trainer New Member

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    Yeah you're right. Ive tested it with the 3 different levels of the sniper passive and none of them can penetrate the faceshield. Thanks for bringing that up ill add it in to the gunner list for you ;)

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