Where does the Assault really shine?

Discussion in 'Monday Night Combat 360 Strategy and Tactics' started by TowelWarrior, August 18, 2010.

  1. TowelWarrior

    TowelWarrior New Member

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    Well after getting my A#$ handed to me a couple times as the assault i figured that I need help understanding the class and his role in the game.
    Thanks for any advice!
  2. OptiMAT

    OptiMAT New Member

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    It doesn't. That's the role in almost every 'Assault' type class in any class game. There always has to be a guy that's middle ground with no obvious specialty. However, you could argue that being middle ground is a specialty in itself. Assault isn't an 'obvious shiner' like Sniper, Assassin, or Support.

    The way I play Assault is to primarily destroy enemy bots. That might sound obvious but when you think about it is there really a class devoted to this? No. Assault has the big guns, Assassin in CQ anti-pro, Sniper is anti-heavy-pro, Support is pro-your-bots... Assault is anti enemy bots.

    That's my take on it anyway.

    So, after getting down the enemy bots and helping yours get into the base the other players around you can dominate. The Launcher does quite a bit of damage to the moneyball but unless you're the last one in the area it's better to let the Tanks and Gunners hit the ball while you carry on dealing with Turrets and Blackjacks.

    Gunners, Snipers and Assassins can usually be made light work of if you're putting yourself in favourable situations but I still find Tanks and Supports to be fairly hard to kill on my own.

    Use the Grenade Launcher to quickly damage Turrets and Firebases and Bots, use the AR to get a cheeky kill on unsuspecting Gunners, use Charges and AR to better Assassins and force Sniper into midrange combat where neither the SMG nor Rifle can best you.

    Hopefully that helps you out.
  3. Mutated Muskrat

    Mutated Muskrat New Member

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    I will say that despite the fact that there are usually an assassin, a support, and/or a tank or gunner on every team I play on...I rarely finish lower than 4th OVERALL (out of all 12 playing) in money earned as Assault. True, some may have more kills....but if you add kills and assists, I often am at the top. I build turrets, spawn bots, kill the enemy bots, and lay cover fires. Which brings me to what the Assault does: he ASSISTS the team. The assault kills bots and can control lanes....this allows the "specialty" classes the freedom to run amok and focus on their beloved k/d ratio as there is a grunt watching their backs. Every war ever fought has been won on the backs of the common soldier, which is what the assault is.
  4. Chosen Predator

    Chosen Predator New Member

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    Assault is my favorite class if you use them correctly their amazing at killing bots and good at killing human opponents if timed correctly.

    Assassins can't hit you if you keep jumping or using hover once their exposed their pretty vulnerable to be dashed at. Snipers, can always freeze you but you can always throw a landmine and con them towards you - get one of those tanks close the the edge and just watch them go flying

    I should mention support is the hardest to kill for an Assault
  5. Adree1

    Adree1 New Member

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    I normally use assault as a lane clearer/anti-assassin player abusing that awesome charge throw as much as possible. Grenade launcher keeps the bots flowing into their base.
  6. Crimsonkingx

    Crimsonkingx New Member

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    I do agree that he is great for clearing lanes for bots. I do think that is his primary strength. However that is not to say he is not a killing machine if given the right endorsements.

    Personally I spam the living hell out of bombs and my charges. So I use Skill recovery for my Gold endorsement. I keep the pressure on constantly on the opposing team, and am always throwing out bombs just to keep people at bay and to take out bots and turrets in the process. Also it is good to mention that the Assault is the king of the ring outs. I love to lure players to the side of the level and use my bombs to blow them out of the stage and use the charge if they are within my range.

    I also like to use Armor for my silver endorsement. Lets me stay alive a bit longer and push the offense that much longer. This is preference here though. Some like to up the critical shot with the assault but I only use my AR at pretty close range to take out unsuspecting people.

    Bronze is really your choice. I use reload speed so I can reload my grenade launcher a little fast.

    This is all my preference though. I do pretty well just bomb spamming and charging while clearing lanes for the bots.

    OH! Also, spawn the Buzzer bots! They are a amazing weapon in their own right. You will be getting kills and assist out the ying yang.

    Hopes this help. =)
  7. Snappyguy

    Snappyguy New Member

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    I've gotta say he is very annoying at mid-range finishing off.
  8. jjcpockets

    jjcpockets New Member

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    With even just a silver accuracy endorsement the assault rifle is improved dramatically, paired with critical shot or firing rate (both!?) and it's dangerous within medium range.
  9. StriderHoang

    StriderHoang New Member

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    An accuracy endorsement above silver (I like it on gold) makes his run and gun borderline brain dead. Just move the left stick and either press the right trigger or hold both.

    His AR is really annoying at the sweet spot range and can fight over longer ranges with an accuracy endorsement. If anything you can hold the line down, taking out bots with the launcher and keeping pros at bay with the AR.
  10. TowelWarrior

    TowelWarrior New Member

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    Well I'm having a certain degree of success using

    R3 Crit
    R2 Rof
    R1 Acc

    just went 25-4
  11. Vernox

    Vernox New Member

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    My best game with an *** was 46-2 but I use a much different build then everyone here. Your best bet is to find a playstile that suits you. Assault is one of my top 3 classes with tank and gunner being up there also.
  12. TeenTerror

    TeenTerror New Member

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    Ok so, I just want to say that the assault is EXCELLENT for pushing down the sides, and is a primary in destroying bots (as already said). One thing a lot of people don't seem to understand is how powerful the grenade launcher truly is, and bouncing it off walls is one of the best things you can do. I have gotten so many kills by bouncing them off the wall. Also...you have th best chance of saving yourslf when being "grappled", or "ejected".
    If someone grapples you and doesn't kill you, be sure to immediatly hit "B" and you will usually kill them with your own grappl...of course you have to upgrade it. Also use your jetpack/charge ability together in mid-air for a life saving combo that will save you about 80% of the time. So for my assault class I use:

    Gold Endorsement: Fire Rate
    Silver Endorsement: Accuracy
    Bronze Endorsement: Ammo clip

    I went 40-4 with this class.

    Always remember to check the ejectors while you are walking by them...kills with th ejectors are SUPER easy. Especially that map with the Anihilator in the middle of the map...so many ejector kills SCREAMING to happen! Lol.
    So yeah, I hope this maybe helps!
  13. SetLord

    SetLord New Member

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    What is your build if you don't mind sharing?
  14. Evil Jar

    Evil Jar New Member

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    I think the real strength comes from the sheer speed & mobility jetpacking & high jumping offer. You can clear walls just by hopping over them - landing on enemies that try to hide, jetpack over gaps, fly around walls where others can't walk all the while zipping in and out of cover making sure no one can complete the kill from distance. Couple that with a really strong grapple for 1v1, the gren. launcher for turrets/bots, the rifle that seems to mow down almost any class in close-mid range (w/ +RoF), your det. bomb for clearing lanes, choke points or pursuers and you end up with a highly mobile class that lets you tackle just about any job.

    Pretty much the only thing Assault can't do is fight at long range but that's why you have so much mobility - so you can close the distance and not die by the time you get there.
  15. neutrino

    neutrino low mass particle Uber Employee

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    This is my thought. He's just really mobile which can be taken advantage of in many many situations. Hover + charge is your friend.
  16. Tomato

    Tomato New Member

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    When using Assault, I like to focus my endorsements on the gun. My setup:
    Gold-Rate of Fire
    Bronze-Clip Size

    This allows you to pump a lot of bullets out while maintaining your accuracy. Only disadvantage is you don't have armor or your skill regen...
  17. UberGunner

    UberGunner New Member

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    The assault character is meant to provide highly mobile fire support. When you zip around the battlefield properly you can kill gunners from straight on. He can go from one side of the map to the other rather quickly and his charge attack is devastating. He's meant to get the drop on slow moving softer classes like assassins, support and snipers and the occasional gunner from behind.

    He is not a long range guy... his gun just doesn't work at long range and if you try it you'll just get the enemy's attention. Use your bombs to control the map! This is the most annoying thing you can do to the enemy; it's also a really good way to rack up an extra 4-5 kills per map.
  18. Rawdell210

    Rawdell210 New Member

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    i used it a couple times. i found out an good gun endorsement set up for it, accuracy ROF then skill pill

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