Some general questions from a newbie.

Discussion in 'Monday Night Combat 360 General Discussion' started by Otherworld Odd, July 26, 2011.

  1. Otherworld Odd

    Otherworld Odd New Member

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    Hey guys, I'm almost brand new to MNC. I was watching a stream where they played it and instantly fell in love and I couldn't get the monkey off my back until I bought it. So I'm brand new since last night. I haven't quite found a class yet, though I like all of them that I've tried (assassin, hard to stay alive... tank is pretty cool, as is gunner... assault, i play the most... and i love support but you definitely don't get as much money as the other classes). So I haven't found my niche yet. I just have some general questions for you guys though.

    1: Does this game suffer from Team Fortress syndrome? As in, does Pc receive all the updates while xbox 360 gets absolutely nothing?


    2: Is Bullseye a freaking male or female? -_-. Is it meant to be almost completely androgynous? I can't tell. I'm pretty sure it's a guy although it's dance moves are completely female.
  2. DeadStretch

    DeadStretch Post Master General

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    1) No but many will claim yes. The PC counterpart has gotten updates that the XBox hasn't but with TF2 Valve wanted their updates to be free, Microsoft did not so Valve said screw it. Uber on the other hand have been going through an engine update and DO plan on updating the XBox version.

    2) He's a dude... just look at that beer belly and moobs! I didn't know break dancing was "female dance moves?"
  3. Otherworld Odd

    Otherworld Odd New Member

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    Well, everything except the break dancing. Hip swirling and stuff. And I figured some chicks do in fact have saggy tittays. ;].

    Oh, another question. I was playing the game when this happened. I guess it was a glitch. But each team got more people than the game could handle I believe, so when I died the spawn count was set to 140+ and stayed there. Also, my HUD disappeared while I was playing and there were invincible robots and players running against the boundaries. There was hardly any lag though while I did get to play. It was... well... trippy I guess. Does this happen a lot?
  4. DeadStretch

    DeadStretch Post Master General

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    No it doesn't happen a lot. In fact I've never had it happen to me and I've been playing since launch.

    What happen was you lost connection to the host but the game didn't end leaving you in a game alone while the "ghost" of everything else just kept walking.

    As for extra players on a team this does happen quite a lot but it's usually one team with an extra player not both teams.
  5. TehRussBus

    TehRussBus New Member

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    I think I played a game with you...yes it was you. hmmm.
  6. Otherworld Odd

    Otherworld Odd New Member

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    Oh, really? Sweet. If I was on your team: Sorry I sucked =[.

    If I wasn't on your team: You're welcome! :D
  7. TehRussBus

    TehRussBus New Member

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    You were on the enemy team and I killed you quite a few times. Don't worry though, I was pretty bad when I started, but now I'm a buzzer (almost a gremlin) and can hold my own in a game. If you're even a halfway sensible person you'll soon grow as a player from sheer experience.
  8. Otherworld Odd

    Otherworld Odd New Member

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    Yeah, I suck right now. Like really really really suck. Almost 100% of my games' K/Ds are negative. It's really hard. -.-.
  9. lilslayertorres

    lilslayertorres Member

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    This is a game where you will almost definitely become better with time. Trust me no ones good at a game when they first start just keep trying your hardest every match and you'll eventually be good. By the way I don't mind playing games with a new player my GT is lilslayertorres hit me up if you wanna play sometime.
  10. LIVE 3RUPI

    LIVE 3RUPI New Member

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    Playing with good players help as they can tell you where to be and how to go about attacking certain pros, also using the right endorsements makes a massive difference. Check out the strategy section for all kinds of builds.
  11. lilslayertorres

    lilslayertorres Member

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    What class do you play?
  12. LIVE 3RUPI

    LIVE 3RUPI New Member

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    Everything, tank being my favourite.
  13. lilslayertorres

    lilslayertorres Member

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    Ah, so what is your snipper set up?
  14. LIVE 3RUPI

    LIVE 3RUPI New Member

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    Gold armour
    Silver rof
    bronze acc/hr
  15. Otherworld Odd

    Otherworld Odd New Member

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    Yeah, I probably will get better over time but I have to admit this game has a high learning curve for me.

    It's not just "Wtf, why do I keep dying" (though this does happen a lot) or "how do I keep myself alive" but also What do I spend my money on!? Which of these skills are completely useless and which ones should I focus on first? Is there any point in spawning extra bots for 100$ when just buzzers come out?! Should I use my starting money to upgrade or build turrets? Graawrg, why are all these classes so good and why can't I pick one that I really enjoy? Why is this game so hard?! *Shoots someone in the head* Hey, I actually killed someone! =O
  16. Foolamancer

    Foolamancer Member

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    You might check out the strategy section. There are plenty of guides in there which explain which skills each class finds most useful, as well as which ones can be ignored.

    You can also follow the link in my signature for "The Fool's Guide to Not Failing at Monday Night Combat" if you want to find something that will just give you a general overview of which each class is good at.
  17. Otherworld Odd

    Otherworld Odd New Member

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    The guide was definitely informing. Coming from Battlefield, I think I was looking at my K/D as a measure of my performance (although definitely not as bad as I would have if I came from CoD, as BF is objective based as well).

    The only class I haven't tried is the Sniper, but I think I'll give it a shot.

    On a side note, I didn't know the Bacon was so rare. I picked one up on my first match. o_O
  18. Foolamancer

    Foolamancer Member

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  19. Otherworld Odd

    Otherworld Odd New Member

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    I definitely enjoy the sniper class the best so far, even though it's the one class that I thought I wouldn't enjoy. Not so good at headshotting unless they're frozen in a trap but I think I did fairly well. Better than I have before at least.
  20. lilslayertorres

    lilslayertorres Member

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    That's nice I think the sniper was one of my lastclass choices besides Support and something else. My first was assin becuase the trailer made her look so awesome. But I didnt really like her much and began trying other classes.Now the Assassin is the only class i dont play. The sniper is and will always be my stongest class. If you play all the classes you'll have one class you play better with than all the rest.

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