Just ran into a 5 support team + gunner

Discussion in 'Monday Night Combat 360 Strategy and Tactics' started by Anonymous, August 17, 2010.

  1. Anonymous

    Anonymous Guest

    This is exactly why a healer has no place in shooters.... :x
  2. Raiden

    Raiden New Member

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    False. There is another game that this game is greatly compared to that a "healer" works in. The difference is that in this game health is regained in that game at a snails pace compared to this one and the guy who heals and the guy who builds/fixes stuff are two separate classes while in this game their one. Ok we all know I'm talking about TF2 by now...
  3. steamwitch

    steamwitch New Member

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    IMO there should be a limit on the classes like 2 per team. I just played nothing but 4 assassins and 2 snipers...on steel peel...
  4. Pinhead9019

    Pinhead9019 New Member

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    <--- catpuke3

    Anyway, limiting how many of one class there can be will chase people who only play said class away. How about making a max of 2 heal beams effect any one target? Seems reasonable to me.
  5. ALIENwolve

    ALIENwolve New Member

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    That's how it works in Team Fortress 2 and any more is a completely retarded oversight.
  6. harpy515

    harpy515 New Member

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    Then play as a support yourself and do the same thing, games with healers are way better IMO than games that have nothing but killers in them. TF2 > MW2!!!
  7. Bufger

    Bufger New Member

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    ice trap - headshot headshot.
    Cloak, run, Smoke jump, cloak - sword dash, back grapple and run away (rinse and repeat)
    Mine - explode
    Airstrike - multikill

    Ring out? (lure onto an ejector works)
  8. fatMasticator

    fatMasticator New Member

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    if all 5 support were healing that gunner; that sounds like a 6 kill multikill waiting to happen... i wish i had been there.
  9. Serevarno

    Serevarno New Member

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    I was in a party w/ friends last night and we used the 5 support 1 gunner set up.

    Getting 5 lvl 3 firebases in the enemy base, maintaining distance from each other while healing (not only the gunner but each other) all while being healed and protected by the firebases and our own airstrikes, while STILL staying underneath the sections around the money ball that gave us overhead coverage.

    Worked very very well. We were all juiced by the time the shields went down to our bots, and the ball lasted all of 1 second at that point.
  10. The_Support

    The_Support New Member

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    That sounds like fun! It would be very funny to see the other team try so hard. You would think that all the other team would have to do is throw some airstrikes in there with their support class and mess the whole thing up.
  11. OptiMAT

    OptiMAT New Member

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    So, 5 Support healing one gun-toting Gunner...

    Sounds like a job for a competent Assassin/Sniper duo. Sniper just keeps blasting away, with 5 of them running around you're bound to hit one of them multiple times and at least do damage... have the Assassin sneak round behind and assassinate as many as possible, if you can get the gunner or his healers to turn around/focus elsewhere even better for your team.

    Sounds like a tricky situation to be in but I wouldn't say unbeatable by any means. A well-balanced team (class wise) should have no trouble defeating a class full of one type.
  12. Pinhead9019

    Pinhead9019 New Member

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    With Pugs that's few and far between. We had 3 snipers, a tank (me) and two assassins.

    My railgun couldn't out damage 5 healing beams and every time I got close enough to death blossom I would get 3+ shotguns to my face and w/e the gunner is using. The snipers were off killing bots somewhere, and one of the assassins was in their base trying to take out the lvl 3 rock-it turrets.

    I understand that a team of 6 people who are all communicating and working together will generally win, But I'm not even sure if all of us focus firing one of them would be enough to take them down with 3/4 beams on whomever.
  13. zarakon

    zarakon Active Member

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    Funny, I saw the opposite today. 5 gunners and 1 support. It was terrifying, and then we lost
  14. Immortal303

    Immortal303 New Member

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    I don't see why people gripe about the Support class. So somebody used some teamwork and beat you. Sounds legit to me. Most don't use Support effectively anyway. I see a lot of players getting headshots, and lighting up bottlenecks with gunners, but none of them are as effective at accomplishing the overall goal of Blitz or Crossfire as Support is.

    Mastering that annoying character takes skill.

    If you got stuck with an air raid, it's because that guy got you. Not because Support is overpowered. If you tried to assassinate one and he turned your head into a canoe with his shotty, it's because he got you, not because his shotgun is too powerful.
  15. PrivateJohn

    PrivateJohn New Member

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    That means the other lane is empty, they can definitely rush in your base faster than 5 support + 1 gunner IF they have a good mixture of all classes...ying & yang baby.

    However most of the players online only know the shooting part so they will go toe to toe with the enemies w/o realizing the situation & what is at stake. People always seems to overlook the strategy portion of the game.
  16. Armada99

    Armada99 New Member

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    Most people tend to forget that 5 support + 1 gunner = 6 guns and endless supply of health. Or 6 miniguns and 5 shotguns and 15 airstrikes? 6 guns, endless health and 15 airstrikes?

    A juiced gunner will die to a level 3 turret in about 4 seconds or less. But the juiced gunner can get grappled by an assassin and only take 30 to 35% damage or so? Or get shot at by a gunner and assault and the juiced gunner can wrap both of them up in seconds.

    Is the support overpowered? Not in my opinon. Is it easy to be a griefing **** as a support? Yes. And way too many people do it. Its not the class, its the player. Plain and simple.

    Whats the only gun in the game that can shoot around a corner and who has it?
  17. Rawdell210

    Rawdell210 New Member

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    full support team has proven to be god to end a game quickly if the team has a strategy. but yes that would be ridiculous to up against
  18. BlueZebra

    BlueZebra New Member

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    ...Was there an ASpence and/or a Hi Im Pacman on that team...? If so, please disregard their idiocy.
  19. bro1016

    bro1016 New Member

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    I have a question.


    Ok, not a question. Still, 3 snipers could pound on 5 supports' firebases, plus the gunner's big meaty head.

    Then your team can have 1 gunner and support, to destroy enemy turrets.

    I guess in matches where an unpartied team plays a partied team, they can all chose 1 class and make it seem really good. Think that is possibly a good reason to limit 2 class per team in the game. That does grief some people who play a class exclusively though.
  20. Im Hudson

    Im Hudson New Member

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    Tank buys juice. Tank death blossoms, tank gets an all time great.

    6 snipers would destroy this set up also. As would 6 gunners.

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