My Cleverly Titled Gunner Guide

Discussion in 'Monday Night Combat 360 Strategy and Tactics' started by TOM12121112, July 25, 2011.


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  1. TOM12121112

    TOM12121112 New Member

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    (Ctrl + F and enter the section code)
    AAAA  Intro
      AAAB  Weapons
      AAAC  Skills
    BBBA  Endorsements
      BBBB  Damage
      BBBC  Armor
      BBBD  Accuracy
    CCCA  Play style
      CCCB  Pub Play
      CCCC  Competitive Play
    DDDA  Maps
      DDDB  Ammomule
      DDDC  Grenade III
      DDDD  Lazerrazor
      DDDE  Spunky Cola
      DDDF - Steel Peel
    EEEA - Matchups
      EEEB  Vs Pros
        EEAB  Assassin
        EEBB  Assault
        EECB  Gunner
        EEDB  Sniper
        EEFB  Support
        EEGB  Tank
      EEEC  Vs Bots
        EEAC  Slimbots
        EEBC  Blackjacks
        EECC  Buzzers
        EEDC  Bouncers
        EEFC  Scramblers
        EEGC  Gremlins
        EEHC  Gapshots
        EEIC  Jackbots
    FFFA  Hints/Tips
    GGGA - Notable Guides
    HHHA  Closing
    EDIT 7/26/11
    Added more hints
    Added more map info

    EDIT 9/28/11
    Added to class matchups
    Added to playstyles
    Added to maps
    Last edited: September 28, 2011
  2. TOM12121112

    TOM12121112 New Member

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    Intro AAAA
    Welcome to my guide to the gunner. This is all information gathered by myself during my hefty career as gunner. At the time of writing this guide, I have 25500 minigun kills, 1400 mortar kills, 850 slam kills, 10500 gunner deploys, 300 gunner grapple kills, 4500 deployed minigun kills, and 13318 gunner kills, so i figure i am more than experienced in gunner tactics.
    In my guide I will try to provide as much information as possible regarding both public and private match play. To jump to a specific section, press Ctrl + F and enter the section code in the search bar.
    The gunner is a simple class that takes a good amount of gunskill to play effectively. His high firepower makes him a good slayer, but also a high priority for the other team.


    The Gunners weapons are his main focus in MNC. That makes him a simpler class, but that also means it takes more raw gun skill than most other classes.

    The minigun is a very powerful weapon, even when unendorsed. When you purchase your passive 3, it upgrades your minigun to dual miniguns, which essentially doubles the fire rate and clipsize. The minigun is hands down the best midrange weapon in the game, and that is the range where the gunner truly shines. Using alt fire, you can spin up your minigun so you may immediately fire at full speed, but this will cost you some movement speed. The biggest downside to the minigun is the huge reload time. Your primary focus with this gun should almost always be pros. The minigun does however deal a good amount of damage to turrets when juiced, so you can use it as a last resort if you are too close for mortars.

    Your alternate weapon is a mortar launcher. Like your minigun, it gets upgraded when you purchase your passive ability. Unupgraded, it shoots a single arcing mortar that deals minimal damage with a small area of effect. At passive 2, the mortar splits into 2 shells about 20 feet out, and at level 3 it splits into 3 mortars. The triple mortar is a force to be reckoned with at long range. You can arc it over walls to deal massive damage to snipers while remaining out of sight. Like any alternate weapon, the alternate fire is a grapple. This grapple however deals enough damage to kill unarmored snipers and assassins in one shot. When juiced, it can kill an overhealed level 3 rocket in 3 shots, but only at longer ranges. Only use it against pros as a last resort.


    Skills AAAC
    Your slam is a useful tool in several situations. It can be used to push people away from you, to pause bots, and if you time it right, slamming on top of someone will almost always instantly kill them, earning you a flapjack master protag. It is worth upgrading to 3 in a public match, and to 2 if you have the upper hand in a private match.

    Deploy is a highly underrated skill. It grants you higher accuracy at level 1, a higher crit rate al level 2, and extra armor, headshot immunity, and falloff range at level 3. Deploy is useful for shooting people as they run away or ambushing people in chokepoints. The lack of mobility on deploy is the dealbreaker in competitive matches. Deploy is one of my favorite skills in the game, it just takes a decent sense of awareness to use it properly. In public matches, I always upgrade it to 3. In private matches, I upgrade it to 2 only if I am going against a gunner better than myself.

    Grapple is the red headed stepchild of MNC. For whatever reason, the developers decided to grant the gunner one of the worst skills in the game. At level 2 it does good damage and at level 3 it throws pretty far. Its effect is similar to slam, but slam has an area of effect and is considered easier to use. The only time I use grapple is at level 3 in public matches on spunky to deal with bouncers.


    Endorsements BBBA
    Building your gunner is very simple. You need almost any combination of armor, accuracy, rate of fire, clipsize, or health recovery. If you run health recovery or clipsize, run it at bronze level only; and make sure that you are running silver or gold armor. Also, for competitive play, try to make sure your support is running high levels of rate of fire if you are running silver armor. Endorsements are put in GOLD/SILVER/BRONZE

    Rate of fire/armor/ accuracy allows for good damage and accuracy. The biggest downfall of this build is that you will reload more frequently than usual. You will find that this build will outgun a gold armor gunner of equal skill.

    Crit/armor/accuracy will deliver good damage, very infrequent reload, and a very powerful deploy, at the cost of very slow mortars. It will also get outgunned by most other builds with rate of fire.

    Armor BBBC
    Armor/rate of fire/accuracy is a great general build. It allows for good survivability, good damage, and good accuracy.

    Armor/rate of fire/health recovery is a good alternate build to run in public matches when you do not have a support to help you out.

    Armor/rate of fire/clipsize is a build I recommend to those learning to claw. It gives you a bigger crosshair and more bullets to play with while you work on your accuracy.

    Accuracy BBBD
    Accuracy/armor/rate of fire is the build most will recognize as Deadeyes gunner build. At midrange, it will lose out to most other builds. It really shines if you are good at controlling the distance between you and you enemies, and it also shreds light classes better than most other builds. It also is very unforgiving if your accuracy isnt dead on.


    Playstyle CCCA
    The gunner has huge firepower, a large hitbox, and poor mobility. This means he is a high priority for the other team, especially the sniper and gunner.

    Pub Play CCCB
    As a skilled gunner in public matches, you are generally free to do whatever you please due to your good damage and armor. You should realize that you are not with a team that will support you, so you want to be wary about how far you push and where you can retreat to safely if something goes wrong. Try to take the high walls and stay on them as much as possible. Drop down if you are being focus fired or are in a snipers field of view. Seeing as there is no sense of map control in most pub matches, you can generally flank very easily in pubs. Keep in mind however, that it is not uncommon to get flanked yourself, so remember to watch your back. Since you can not always rely on a competent team to help you out, always be watching bots as well as pros. the mortar isnt all that bad of a weapon to kill bots with.

    Competitive Play CCCC
    In a competitive setting, your primary objective is to push and hold ground. You almost have to be ale to claw to play a competitive gunner. Rule number 1 of competitive gunner: Be wary that you have a support next to you healing you. Do not bring him into a situation you wont make it out of, and protect him as much as possible so he doesnt lose his juice. Be wary of other snipers, and try your best to outsmart/outgun the enemy gunner. Because the enemy sniper is usually much more skilled and focused than a pub sniper, you generally want to avoid taking the highest walls as much as possible. Push the assault, gunner, and tank back, and call out to your assault where the enemy sniper is at. Deploy at your own risk. In a competitive setting, you are to much of a target to sacrifice your mobility in 95% of the situations you are in.


    Maps DDDA
    As a gunner, you will find Lazerrazor and Spunky will be to your liking, and you will probably opt to veto Ammomule and Grenade III in public matches.

    Ammomule DDDB
    In ammomule, most of the action revolves around the dome. Stay on top of it as much as possible, and stay mobile to avoid snipers. Remember that your support can heal you through the dome to an extend. drop down into it if you get hurt too much. as safe as it seems, try not to make use of the tunnel as a hiding spot. That is an easy way to get cornered on low health. Ammomule is a very straightforward map, and there is not much to be said about it.

    If you are getting pushed into your base, use cover as much as possible because the enemy will have the high ground.

    When you get pushed up to the enemy base, try to sit on top of the dome and keep them pushed in. for cover, drop behind the side bridges on into the tunnel underneath the map.

    Grenade III DDDC
    Grenade is a mess of a map. It is great for snipers. Do your best to avoid being out in the open and try not to buy jump pads until you earn your double miniguns. If a sniper is giving you problems while perched on the front of the spawn ring, you can jump on one of the half walls that guard the ejector buttons and claw to the side and put some good shots in him. There are a lot of instances where you do not need to buy jump pads in this map as well. you can jump off of turret nubs to get to the left and right bridges, for example.

    If you are being pushed into your base, try dropping out the front on to the center platform and flank your enemy.

    When you get pushed to their base, use the bot spawner as cover and keep them back. If you need to get away, you can drop down and take the jump pad to the center, and get back to your base fairly easily.

    Lazerrazor DDDD
    Lazerrazor is a great gunner map. There is plenty of cover and high walls to use and duck behind. The only fault in lazerrazor is that it is kind of hard to keep with your support when moving forward from your base. Use the bridges and walls to ambush players as much as possible, preferably waiting for them to get past you then shooting them in the back. Try not to put yourself in an area that has long lines of sight if you ever need to back up. the tunnel on the lower right and the path above it are good examples.

    When you get pushed back, try to push the weakest exit and flank from there while your team pushes the other areas. Remember you can stand on the clock on the spawn ring if it gives you an advantage.

    When you have the enemy pushed back, there are several places you can be at that give you the advantage. The higher walls to the right of the base are my favorite.

    Spunky Cola DDDE
    Spunky cola offers a lot of places to deploy as long as you are watching the sniper location. Watch for firebases around corners. Many people like to open up with mortaring across the bridge. learn to expect this and dodge it if you can to avoid detection. Try to avoid encounters at the doorway on the enemy wall, as they have the right hand advantage. once you get pushed into their corridor, you will have that advantage on your side. watch for airstrikes however. Try to avoid placing yourself on the bridge in your base, as there is little cover from snipers.

    When you get pushed back, there is not much you can do besides make a basic offensive push and hope you can make it.

    The opposite is true for when you are pushed up in their base. Watch the back walkway for anyone that try to sneak out.

    Steel Peel DDDF
    Steel Peel is a nice balanced map. As long as you stay in mid you can generally avoid the sniper. This is one of the better deploying maps, as there are a lot of choke points that have little to no visibility for snipers. if you need a quick escape route, dropping down below the annihilator and over to one of the jump pads will get you out in a hurry. Keep an eye out for ice traps put down by snipers in the middle ring on this map.

    When you get pushed back, try flying up on the spawn ring glass, then out to the right bridge and shoot them from behind.

    When you push them in, keep mobile and watch all the exits, including the back L shaped walkway.


    Matchups EEEA
    Seeing as the gunner is a slayer heavy class, he tends to do well against most pros while lacking in the bot slaying area.

    Vs. Pros EEEB
    The vs. pros section assumes you can claw as a gunner and are an equal skill level as your opponent.

    Assassin EEAB
    If you can claw, assassins should never give you problems at all. If you learn the signs of the assassin, you should be able to tear them apart with the slam, mortar grapple, and of course dual miniguns. Watch for shurikens, as that is about the only thing a good assassin can do to you. If you notice an assassin pushing bots far away, don't go chasing her, but send a few mortars her way, and that should be enough of a deterrent to stop her from pushing bots for a while, or maybe land you a lucky kill.

    Assaults will give most other classes a decent challenge, but you are gifted with the god-given power of annihilating assaults in their best range, as well as your mortar being more powerful than their grenade launcher. Watch for their charge and move erratically so they have a hard time headcrabbing you. A headcrab or a ringout will be about the only way these guys will kill you in a fair 1 on 1, but keep in mind, their job is to make sure they never get in a "fair" 1 on 1, so make sure you watch for bombs and other ambush tactics, and keep cool when they hit you from behind.

    Gunner EECB
    The only way to kill an enemy gunner is to outsmart him and use the environment to your advantage. You may also try your luck deploying on him if you do it quickly. If you get shot from behind, turn around and shoot back while backing towards cover. Use teamwork whenever possible to take the enemy gunner down, especially in competitive play. a competitive level gunner essentially has no counter class, and the only thing that can bring him down is more skill on your behalf, or better teamwork and focus firing.

    The sniper is one of the few classes that is flat out better than you, but only at long range. Your best bet is to mortar them from afar or sneak up to them to get to mid-close range. His headshot will not fully kill you if you have an armor endorsement and are overhealed, but it will hurt a lot. if you can weasel your way into midrange, you should be able to gun him down with no problem, just remember he can quickscope so move erratically. if you get stuck in a level 2 icetrap, do your best to deploy on him and try to take him out first. if it is level 3, you will not have a deploy and will have to try to kill him, or just turn away and hope he misses. If you spot an icetrap, you can actually mortar it to set it off safely from a distance.

    Support EEFB
    The only thing you should ever have to worry about is an airstrike or two. The shotgun deals a decent amount of damage, but he should never be able to get that close. His firebase is childs play with a dual minigun, especially if you can shoot around a corner. if you get ambushed, try to get up high and shoot down on them.

    Tank EEGB
    The tank is a good rival vs you. His jetgun has about the same damage as your miniguns at close range and his railgun is the second best long range weapon in the game. If you can keep him at midrange you should be able to get a win in unless he hits you with a product bomb. Be wary of his charge 3 ability, and keep him at midrange once he earns it. A bad tank will be nothing but free kills, but a good tank will be a nightmare.

    Vs BotsEEEC
    The gunner should never really worry about bots, but sometimes you may need to take them out if your team is incompetent.

    Slim botsEEAC
    Seriously, do you really need help with this? Moving on.

    Blackjacks will go down relatively quickly to your mortars, as well as dish out a decent amount of juice. If you need to kill them quickly, remember you have two grapples to use against them.

    The minigun is one of the best weapons to kill buzzers with. Mortars work well if they are clustered far away as well. If there are only a few, I generally continue on my way and take the damage they dish out.

    Bouncers can be brought to very low health with a mortar grapple, or can be killed instantly with a level 3 skill grapple. watch for the lunge grapple they do.

    If your slam is upgraded enough you can slam before they drain it. Otherwise you can mortar them from afar or minigun them up close.

    Slam 2 or higher will destroy gremlins in one shot. Melee will do the trick on smaller swarms. Mortars are very effective from longer ranges. make sure you wipe them out so they dont sneak your ball down.

    They go down quickly from either skill or mortar grapple or shooting them with either gun.

    You do minimal damage to the jackbot. Your best bet is to mortar them from afar for juice. If you really need to kill them, deploy from the side so they dont shoot at you. Your best bet is to tap him lightly with the minigun to get the bot assist leave him to the assassin and assault.


    Hints/Tips FFFA

    The biggest hint i can give to other gunners is that you can gain a powerful advantage against other gunners and players in general if you make a habit of keeping the wall to your left, or "corner cheating." That is where you let your gun stick around a corner and leave your body hidden behind the wall. this makes it so you can shoot, but cant be shot.

    A big part of clawing that most dont think about is that if you start to spin up after you leave the ground, you can fly through the air with spun up guns AND be moving full speed.

    When you get caught in a reload, DO NOT slam or grapple them. Just try to avoid their fire until you finish your reload. If you slam or grapple, it will reset your reload and they will still probably be alive and shooting you.

    In pub matches, it is generally really easy to trick assassins into hitting ejectors on you. When they try to hit it, they are locked in place, and you can claw up in the air and gun them down when they are mobilized.

    If you ever get a ground zero stuck to you while you are up at least on the second level of the map, you can fly up and slam right before the airstrike hits and so long as you arent host, the airstrike will go off and miss you.

    If you get thrown by an assault bomb or a gunner slam or something else and you are headed for a ringout, you can try to time your slam so you slam to the ground before you fall off the map.

    On the topic of getting thrown around, if you get hit by something that throws you, you can hold your jump jets and fly pretty far back. you can use this for a makeshift retreat so long as you are not headed for a ringout.

    If you come across a tank that uses charge 3 as a crutch, you can time your slam right to negate his charge. obviously upgrading slam makes it easier to time the maneuver.

    Slamming on top of half walls and other small objects makes your slam nearly impossible to dodge vertically and often catches people off guard. the triangular glass on lazerrazor is a perfect example.


    Notable Guides GGGA
    A few guides that may prove useful when learning gunner or MNC in general. note that not all info in the guides is accurate or up to date.

    Deadeye's Gunner Guide
    A guide written by Deadeye that is a good generalized guide focused slightly more on public than competitive play.

    OfficerFuttBuck's guide to doing it tiki style
    A solid guide focusing more on competitive play.

    SXD24's Endorsements Guide
    A guide that describes the effects of endorsements in depth.

    The Fool's Guide to Not Failing at Monday Night Combat
    A great guide that gives basics on MNC as a whole.


    Closing HHHA
    That ends my guide. If you need any additional information, either post here, send me a forum message, or get a hold of me on Xbox at GT - TOM12121112
    Last edited: September 28, 2011
  3. AmazeTheory

    AmazeTheory New Member

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  4. kckzi

    kckzi New Member

    Likes Received:
    Your steel peel picture is showing as lazor razor right now.

    And, I can of just skimmed through it, but is there a part about what to buy order? I know it's pretty much general knowledge to get double minis first and such, but it might be nice to include.
  5. desertfalcon

    desertfalcon Active Member

    Likes Received:
    :shock: didnt know this "using alt fire, you can spin up your minigun" thnx nice guide

    LIVE 3RUPI New Member

    Likes Received:
    Nice guide Tom, the map placement was a good idea for new players who just sit in stupid places.
  7. TOM12121112

    TOM12121112 New Member

    Likes Received:
    there is no "buy order" but i do mention what you should buy in both a public and competitive situation on each individual skill section. it is all preference. i wanted to write this guide as more of a "what you should be doing" as opposed to just typing up my personal playstyle.
    blocked & removed from FL

    thanks. i will probably add to it as i see fit.
  8. That Dutch Guy

    That Dutch Guy New Member

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  9. Vlane

    Vlane New Member

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    You can spin up and shoot your minigun while using the annihilator/ejector.

    Slamming at the right moment avoids fall damage thus helping you regenerate health faster.

    Two things I didn't find in your guide which are quite nice.
  10. Deadpool FTW

    Deadpool FTW New Member

    Likes Received:

    Not worthy of the OH SNAP. You can post it if you want, but I sure as hell am not going to.

    On topic, very nice guide. Maybe I won't fail as much now that I have read it.
  11. WildmanX2k

    WildmanX2k New Member

    Likes Received:
    Nice guide, very formal and lots of info. Only thing I can think of at adding to this is using slam to stop being rung out by assault charges/bombs. Also, you can bounce mortars round corners, which is good for spunky if they are on the otherside of the walkway. Again, good guide.
  12. TOM12121112

    TOM12121112 New Member

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    i have found that they dont split soon enough to deal any solid damage and my time is better spent doing other things.

    i do need to add the slam thing, too.
  13. WildmanX2k

    WildmanX2k New Member

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    I've only used the mortar thing once (against you actually) on Spunky when you were deployed around the corner and waiting for me to come round. It's not amazing but it is kinda effective. Better to fly round behind you on the top of the back walkway thing though and minigun from there.
  14. AmazeTheory

    AmazeTheory New Member

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    When I slam, my xbox freezes. :(
  15. TOM12121112

    TOM12121112 New Member

    Likes Received:
    that means you are doing it wrong. are you using the "X" button?
  16. AmazeTheory

    AmazeTheory New Member

    Likes Received:
    Yeah. My Xbox is very old, also freezes sometimes when I fire my product grenade with tank. Like as soon as I press it, boom, frozen. I've just become so scared of it freezing I never slam, which sucks.
  17. TOM12121112

    TOM12121112 New Member

    Likes Received:
    that sucks. i hear that a lot of people get that, but i have only gotten a game-freezing slam maybe twice in my whole mnc career.
  18. ZOoo00OOm

    ZOoo00OOm New Member

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    Where are the boobs?
  19. TehRussBus

    TehRussBus New Member

    Likes Received:
    I looked at this guide to see what you had to say, seeing as the gunner is my main class as well. I thought it was very well structured and covered the gunner's strength and weaknesses very well.

    Also, I seem to use mortars more as I have over 1600 mortar kills compared to your 1400. I've only been playing this game since February so whatever.

    All in all, I approve.
  20. DeadStretch

    DeadStretch Post Master General

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    What no deployed minigun on bots for more juice and faster destroy time? I know it sounds funny but it WORKS! :D

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