1. xxxScorpion

    xxxScorpion New Member

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    It's started. I'm getting random hate messages after games from people I don't even remember because I focus on the game and not names. It's such a warm, fuzzy feeling to be called a "modded mother f*****" after a match without me knowing if that person was even in my last match.

    Good times indeed.
  2. FiercelyFuzzy

    FiercelyFuzzy New Member

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    This happens in every game. I've actually never gotten one(yet) I'm sure I will though.
  3. thesynysterg

    thesynysterg New Member

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    people accused us of using a lag switch
  4. FiercelyFuzzy

    FiercelyFuzzy New Member

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    Very true, even though the lag stops once they leave.
  5. Karishadz

    Karishadz New Member

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    Had a share of Rage messages already. Mainly from people pissing there pants off about how my Assault kills there gunner in a few hits or how my support gains kills and assist when im no where near the combat.
  6. RetroGamer91

    RetroGamer91 New Member

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    I had someone send me a hate message once when I was playing Super Street Fighter 4.
    The connection dropped out, and he started calling me a n00b for rage quitting.

    I politely disagreed with him, and explained that on my side, it had told me that he was the one that disconnected.

    He sent me another message, apologising for his behaviour.

    I can't blame him though, it is annoying when people ragequit during a game.
    I personally don't mind losing.
    Gives you something to learn from.
    (Especially on SSF4 as all matches are recorded as replays... >:D
    (that would be a neat feature on this game too, (but could it be possible to do?...)))
  7. Briq

    Briq New Member

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    The messages my friend and I have been getting have actually been pretty positive compared to the messages I get in mw2. Usually it's asking about our uber streak tags or if we're playing a full party, which we aren't so we take that as a compliment. Also random friend and party invites, but not a single hate message yet I don't believe.
  8. Terminal Happiness

    Terminal Happiness New Member

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    I actually got a really great one from this sniper who kept going up a grav lift to try to kill me, but every time I had a mine (assault FTW) there so he would just get rung out by the explosion. After doing it to him and his buddies like 6 times in 1 life I get a msg from him calling me a fag.

    I mean you gotta love that, he's too stupid to even consider flanking. Even the most dim animals no not to do something again if it hurts.
  9. Briq

    Briq New Member

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    Your signature is funny, I'm surprised the mods let you get away with having it though :p
  10. Snappyguy

    Snappyguy New Member

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    I just tell them I'm giving them a bad player review and they go nuts! :twisted:

    I just want to play fun. One of the reasons I quit a lobby after playing.
  11. Bufger

    Bufger New Member

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    I just report them for abusive communications (whenever its swearing and namecalling) then i lol when they get a suspension - which is ALOT
  12. Veruca

    Veruca New Member

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    I can so relate to that. I had this one fight where a Sagat player was simply dominating me. The first round comes to an end with him nearly perfecting on me, when suddenly I also get the connection drop message. I expected and got a message from him calling me a 'scrubby no-good ragequitter'. I told him that I didn't quit (he could even check my drop % since this was in vanilla SF4), and that on my side it looked like he was the one who quit. Didn't help though. My first and only 'Bad Player Review'... which has still standing me at 50% Quit Early after more than a year. :(

    People nowadays are just way too paranoid. Or maybe I'm just too naive. They see hackers/modders/lagswitchers everywhere, where I just see bugs/glitches/bad connections. :)
  13. Chaotic Phil

    Chaotic Phil New Member

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    Myself I haven't gotten Messages in this game (definitely in others) for being "a fag" or "gay" but i do hear it in the pregame lobby. Although most of the time I'm in party chat with friends and it makes me laugh that the person doesn't realize that he is talking to himself. :lol:
    I was surprised though that someone once had sent my friend a message from a game that we just did saying good sniping. OMG A COMPLIMENT OVER XBOX LIVE! THE WORLD IS DOOMED! lol
    I also love my preferred on live. 48% preferred and 52% avoided and the worst of it is that only 40% of the avoided is shown and I know that I'm not terrible at games. Not the best or greatly amazing, cause that would be a lie :lol:
  14. HagenMichiel

    HagenMichiel New Member

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    I have had 1 compliment (it seems possible indeed) and 2 "complains".

    The compliment guy (girl?) is now on my friendlist.
    I ignored one of the complains and i kind of fooled around a bit with the other complainer pissing him off even more ("oops, sorry for that headshot, but it seemed to me you weren't using your head anyway.")
  15. BoltAktion

    BoltAktion New Member

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    Ive got a few colorful messages sitting around, makes me smile

    I played with and against you the other day scorpion!
  16. Karkelo

    Karkelo New Member

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    I'm like 90% avoided for hateful messages, and I have no idea why because I'm always in party chat with a friend and I only send voice/text messages to people on my friends list.. I don't even have my mic connected if I'm not a party.

    Hmm, a conspiracy is afoot, Watson..

    I've never received any hate mail, though. Then again, I'm not really expecting it because there are very few games I'm good enough at to make other people rage.
  17. ChrisMikeRack

    ChrisMikeRack New Member

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    damn I havnt gotten any rage messages yet while playing this.... i must get better!

    Get plenty while playing fifa games though! My rep took a bashing once fifa 09 and 10 were out and started playing Be a Pro.

    Blur was like that too, even had to change my name a few times after offensive complants were made against it from Blur players
  18. Amaranth

    Amaranth New Member

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    I don't get a lot of messages period. I do hit people up in terms of feedback, though. I love hitting the "prefer" button when a player is good. Even if he's on the other team.
  19. Vinticus

    Vinticus New Member

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    I've had a few lovely accusations thrown at me. I was apparently a booster when I tried a new class I didn't play and didn't do well. Then I was speed glitching because I use the lunge to move around. :lol:
  20. bdcjacko

    bdcjacko New Member

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    I got a random hate message before the game started. Some level 4 told me "Get a life virgin mary" probably because I'm a level 60 something and have been playing the game for a month.

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