For a TV show it looks amazing. The story is kinda brutal but I'm looking forward to season 2 hoping it gets better.
Just finished a good book on the zombie front. It's called World War Z and its basically a collection of fictional journalism about the onset, the war, and basically rebuilding the earth after two thirds of it dies and reanimates. Pretty cool book if you like zombie things with a little more depth then just BRAAAINS.
I loved the first season of the walking dead, first series in a while ive been interested in and actually watched it all the way through. New season starts up Halloween night right? Going to be sweet.
Sometime in October is all I know. Speaking of the 28 days/weeks series, are they still making a part 3?
According to wikipedia the people who own the franchise rights are no longer on speaking terms. I don't know how believable that is but it's Hollywood so... Shame though.