Forget all the calls for radical class changes, new powers etc .. the one thing that I feel lets down this great game, is that when you're still as the assasin she's still far too visible and still makes the loud wasp sound. Would be great to be able to snoop about with much more confidence..
and then assassins would just backgrapple everyone with no contest, it's fine how it is the cloak doesn't make the humming sound only when up close and then in the first place you have to be listening for it. also you can't see a cloaked assassin if she's a 100 feet or so ahead/behind of you
Yep thats why you'd still be able to hear it , just a lot quieter, and it would be loud when the assassin moved again, instead of having to run away hiding could be an alternative to mix up game play and keep other players on their toes (thumbsticks..). The whole running away thing puts me off her a little bit, to be honest I love my Turtle Beach headphones for that reason only. <3 [/quote] Cheeky Very Cheeky
So what you want is the assassin to be less noisy if she's standing complete still cloaked? in other words completely ignoring bots and add frustration to your team?
With lag, you pretty much are really invisible anyway. Anybody else ever hear a cloaked assassin, press a, and then while you're in midair you get grappled?
YES!!! Quite a lot of times actually...and well I usually uncloak when im near an enemy pro so he doesnt hear me, and then i grapple him..thought everyone knew this?
A good Assassin can kill anyone with ease. Just drop your cloak and wait for the right moment to strike.
Now that I think about it, how loud is her cloak anyway. I'll be an even distance away from other players and somehow they still hear me.
Well I really can't wait when Uber release the patch that makes Assassin's on YOUR team not give out the loud humming noise.
I think they should give the assassin an m60 light machine gun, for stealth of course, they could paint it bright red or blue.