New player... the number one problem with MNC is...

Discussion in 'Monday Night Combat PC Discussion' started by shadow9d9, July 12, 2011.

  1. grayfox

    grayfox Active Member

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    I'm seeing a lot of concerns in this thread that only come from being new to the game. Your worries about snipers and assassins will lessen as you learn to counter them. There also seems to be a giant neglect of the chatbox in this thread (granted, its tiny and can be overlooked).

    As for VOIP, it's only as good as your team. 9 times out of 10, it's going to be pointless to use, because your teammates either can't listen or won't listen. This is true in every game with VOIP ever made. In the rarer case where somebody actually pays attention to what is being said, there is some merit. I will say that I've instructed a few people on proper weapons to attack bots/turrets/moneyballs with, and explained to tanks the importance of their railgun. However, wer'e talking like 1 out of 25 people here.

    Personally, I find your goal as the "Not a Baddie" to be to clean up where your teammates fail to do their job. The chances of you re-instructing your ally to not be terrible and play the game correctly in the span of a few minutes is extremely slim, so your best option is going to be to pick up as much slack as you possibly can.

    My issue is that 90% of the time I use VOIP it's to say

    "Don't Build:
    A. Lazer Blazers"
    B. Long Shots under cielings or on Steel Peel"
    C. Shave Ice next to the moneyball"

    These are things that really should be common sense, but could be taught in some way by the game itself (usually, that means failing enough 'til you figure it out). Voicing these facts can get tiresome.
  2. NeoCyberman

    NeoCyberman Active Member

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    Good to know.

    Assassins are extremely easy to dodge and snipers can be avoided. In fact they are only a nuisance on steel peel and grenade 3 because of how well they can fill out their role on those maps. Area denial and player control.
  3. Col_Jessep

    Col_Jessep Moderator Alumni

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    You forgot Spnky and AmmoMule. A good Sniper can be a real pain on those maps too imo.
  4. DeadStretch

    DeadStretch Post Master General

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    To show how pointless talking is in modern online gaming... XBox 360's come with a mic and every game has the ability for each team to talk and stuff. Still maybe 1 out of 1000 players use it.

    Yeah, Yeah I know this is the PC section but the point still remains.
  5. shadow9d9

    shadow9d9 New Member

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    Sorry, but your comments on voip are just not true. In TF2 there are many servers with a ton of communication over voip... even in Counter-Strike, voip is essential. Take the time to search for good servers.. and keep looking until you find one with communication. They are out there.

    VOIP for this game includes "enemy behind the turrets in our base", "Sniper back top left", and most importantly, "turrets down on the left, help the bots push!".
  6. DeadStretch

    DeadStretch Post Master General

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    To me that indicates that it is not very common.
  7. grayfox

    grayfox Active Member

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    I've been playing video games well over a decade, and those posting here probably longer than me. Good VOIP is uncommon.
  8. shadow9d9

    shadow9d9 New Member

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    Finding good players is uncommon, finding an intelligent human is uncommon... so?

    A team based game without an effective means of communication that is accessible to all is a waste of my personal time. If the tools are there, you just need to find like minded people. Hell, most people just want high kdr so they can feel special.
  9. Dubblebass

    Dubblebass New Member

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    Hahahaha...these are exactly what I use the in game VOIP for.

    "Their left turrets are now down, PUSH LEFT!"
    SIN IN OUR BASE DESTROYING OUT TURRETS!!! (all our base are belong to her)

    But yeah, I use it a lot. Dunno if people listen but I use it none-the-less.
  10. Z-UNIT

    Z-UNIT Active Member

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    most likely no one can hear you and you are wasting time even trying
  11. shadow9d9

    shadow9d9 New Member

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    That's kind of the point of this thread... but in game people have indeed told me that they can hear me. Shutting off VO certainly helps.
  12. Dubblebass

    Dubblebass New Member

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    That may be, but I am not wasting time. I can talk and play at the same time! :)

    But, people have listened and have responded so I know it is working and to those who want to coordinate, I am doing my due diligence by using it. If others don't want to, or PREFER to lone wolf, so be it.
  13. Xx Tikki xX

    Xx Tikki xX New Member

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    everytime i see a new assassin i say that assassins should kill bots (in text chat, and if you say its hard to notice, its not hard to notice at the end of a game or when you just spawn, at least for me) and they don't listen, voice chat would have the same affect so its not all that useful to me at least but i can see it helping
  14. Dubblebass

    Dubblebass New Member

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    How much pushback do you get from that? I have taken so much flak from new 'sins saying "No way, L2P! Sins suck at bot killing". It is frustrating. I tell them to come to the forums and learn some that point at least I know they are reading. I do it in voice first, but if it doesn't help then I will "waste my time" typing (since I really cannot type and play well at the same time). :)
  15. NeoCyberman

    NeoCyberman Active Member

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    Yeah if the first few times don't help I don't know what will.

    I would love an icon that tells you when the button is depressed.
  16. DeadStretch

    DeadStretch Post Master General

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    The other day there were a few 20 and below players in the match I was in and a few of them went Assassin, not all on the same team lol. I noticed the ones on my team had a few kills and 10+ deaths and I was working extra hard as a Tank to control bots.

    I put my mic in and say "Assassins please take out the bots and stop going for kills." In which case they didn't. Once the game was over I said it again so both teams could hear me then I get this "Why should I waste my grapple killing bots?" I wanted to facepalm, I really did, but I explained lunge and slice them with your primary weapon.

    Next game they didn't listen so mid match I switched to Assassin, I was playing Gunner this time. My Assassins were off trying for kills and their Assassin were trying kill me, I didn't try killing them I just fled everytime. I won that match for us, I know it was me because when that ball dropped there was not a single ally around. I finish the game something like 8-0-9 with 70+ bot kills and at least 6 turret kills. I hear a friendly Assassin say something like "Only 8 kills? I thought you knew how to play Assassin." Of course I say "Dude, I made over 5k with only 8 kills."

    That guy was finally on the other team and of course played the same way, I went Assassin and played the same way as I did before only difference was I was her from the get-go. I dropped their ball within the first minute and all but two quit the other team.

    No matter if they hear you or not, or even see it in action people are selfish and will not listen if they think they're right.
  17. Dubblebass

    Dubblebass New Member

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    Yeah, I get that. Too many people think this is a Deathmatch and WAY too many people want e-viagra for their e-peen.

    I wish I was better at 'Sin to show them how. I should work on that so I can show by example.
  18. DeadStretch

    DeadStretch Post Master General

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    I just started playing Assassin last week but I have been playing this game since day one so I seen a lot of good Assassin. I also understand the game as a whole.

    If you just focus on the objective she is very easy to play.
  19. G3722

    G3722 Member

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    But those people with their backs turned at me look so... Tempting. I just can't resist to give them a big and cold hug.
  20. Xx Tikki xX

    Xx Tikki xX New Member

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    my way of dealing with the problem is just destroy them until they stop running at me and if they rage when they lose i tell them that they should of killed bots, just a tip, shotgun support is soooooooooo fun against a team of noobie assassins that can't deal with a firebase or you :D

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