Exclusive class club

Discussion in 'Monday Night Combat 360 General Discussion' started by Imsoooometal, August 18, 2010.

  1. Imsoooometal

    Imsoooometal New Member

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    I play Support exclusively. I haven't even TRIED another class. I feel I'm really good at Support and there isn't any reason for me to play something else. Is there anyone else like this. I feel like that if you play support, the chances that you only play support raises considerably. We're definitely cut from another cloth. You have to be a little touched in the head to play this class nonstop.

    So, is anyone else like this that they play one class and one class only?
  2. Kyou Kizu

    Kyou Kizu New Member

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    I pretty much played support exclusively for the first 5 days or so. I'm slowly moving on now though. :)
  3. Bankshot

    Bankshot New Member

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    I played my first match ever as assassin, like everyone else does. Didn't like the play style as much as I thought I would and went tank for my next match.

    I dominated and have stuck with tank ever since.
    I did join a pug in progress the other day and picked support. The opposing team already had shields down and dominating my team so I didn't really get much support play in. I went back to tank afterward.
  4. DCtheEE

    DCtheEE New Member

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    I think it does the game a grave disservice to only try one class. True, you bought it and you can play what you want, but half the fun is messing around with the other classes and using the right one at the right time. I usually rotate between Assault, Assassin, and sometimes Gunner.

    I think part of being a good player is knowing the capabilities of the other classes. For instance, I'm usually pretty deadly against Assaults as an Assassin because I think of the moves I would use in any good situation and counteract that. Same with the opposite way.

    Either way, Uber went to great lengths to make the experience fun, so why not give another class a try? You might find one you like just as much as, if not more than, support.
  5. Imsoooometal

    Imsoooometal New Member

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    The way I look at it...if I didn't play Support every game there would be a ton of games without any Support at all.
  6. DCtheEE

    DCtheEE New Member

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    Luckily, I've never been in a game where we DIDN'T have a support.
  7. TrMako

    TrMako New Member

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    Or maybe you pick support right away, cause that's all you play, and your team is smart enough to see that someone already picked support and they pick other classes to diversify the team.

    I think you should at least try every other class. It honestly seems a little arrogant to me to just assume the first and only class you play is your best, hands down, and nothing else is even worth the time to take for a spin.

    There's a reason they made this game with multiple classes, they all have their uses. Might be a good idea to learn those a little better.

    Just my 2 cents. You're obviously welcome to do what you want.
  8. Imsoooometal

    Imsoooometal New Member

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    I think they made multiple classes so everyone has a chance to find what they like. I've been playing World of Warcraft for 5 years. I've been a resto (healing) Shaman the entire time.
  9. DCtheEE

    DCtheEE New Member

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    That's absolutely right; they make multiple classes to you have a chance to find what you like, but you're negating your argument by saying you haven't spent any time trying other classes.

    For WoW (I'm a recovering addict, lol) I started with a NE Hunter (played that for 3 years) and tried Priests, Warlocks, Rogues, and Mages. Finally, I settled on a Paladin for an alt, and loved it MORE than my Hunter. You just never know what class will ultimately impress you the most.
  10. joshdale

    joshdale New Member

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    I've been back and forth with support and gunner. I like both, it really just depends on what my teammates pick.
  11. JBizzle

    JBizzle New Member

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    I played my first game as a sniper and was terrible, so I figured I'd try an assassin. I have yet to play another game as another character since.
  12. Shammas

    Shammas New Member

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    Lol, I never played it once until like 100 matches in, and just so I could get my grapple achievement. Never played it again.
  13. Shademonger

    Shademonger New Member

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    I started on Gunner but have since found a Tank build that works really well for me. It is my primary class, but I have been toying around with custom builds for other classes as well. It seems that in the higher levels of play, class switching at the opportune moments can be quite crucial when the vice is tightening. Once I get a fair amount of pro tags for Tank and unlock the rest of these custom class slots, I'm sure I'm bound to diversify.
  14. PuRe x MaGiCkZ x

    PuRe x MaGiCkZ x New Member

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    I started as a gunner, changed to support for awhile, but now im loving the tank.
  15. yoomazir

    yoomazir New Member

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    I tried all the classes but I decided to stick with the Tank, love that class.
  16. Shadow09

    Shadow09 New Member

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    I have been slowly experimenting as other classes lately. At the start of it all, I went and played the Assassin because I like the cloak thing. But I found out I was good at it and stuck with that. Then when more people wanted to be Assassins, I tried playing as the Sniper and was awful at it. Now I'm doing Assault and I seem to like it too.

    The Tank is slow for me and I die a lot so that's out of the question. Now I need to try the Gunner and I will see what I like the best.
  17. WiredGunslinger

    WiredGunslinger New Member

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    I play a lot of support, but mainly because 75% of those playing support in the game do a very piss poor job of it. All too often I see supports who don't apply a single hack to a turret the entire match and play shotgun all game long offensively. They don't heal teammates. I literally watch as I run past another support who has an overhealed max turret still heal the turret instead of healing my 1/10 life self standing right next to him.

    I tend to get very vocal to if I see a guy completely ignoring objectives and will tell them so. More folks need to play with a headset though. Sad when I go on and on about a gunner inside the tunnel to our left in the one map where I can't bomb him and no one comes over to help deal with them.
  18. BlueZebra

    BlueZebra New Member

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    I only play assassin unless their already is one on our team.

    ASpence has always been a gunner.

    Pacman is always support.

    Gualdhar plays Tank a majority of the time.

    and Frosty loves being a sniper.
  19. OptiMAT

    OptiMAT New Member

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    Half way house.

    I play Assault, Assault, and Assault, and Assault.
    But if on the Team Loadout screen I see two other Assaults I try a different class (depending on what else the rest of the team is... no Tanks? Go tank etc.) and if the enemy puts me in a situation where I really need to change class halfway through then I do; but I really hate having to buy all the stuff again just for a few kills, waste of money.

    In summary:
    My Custom Classes (when I unlock them all) will be 6 of my own takes on each of the classes rather than 6 different types of Assault, but by default it's Assault every time.

    I tried Tank class first but got frustrated. Assassin is too much like the age old 'knife to a gun fight' scenario for me, Gunner is like easy mode, Support is meh, and Sniper doesn't have enough offensive power for me.
  20. FalseKing

    FalseKing New Member

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    I started off the game trying out different classes, the first one I fell in love with was the Support, and it's still my Custom Class 1, I use it in smaller maps where Sniping really doesn't cut it.

    Aside from him, Sniper all the way.

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