The Unofficial Uber Club.

Discussion in 'Monday Night Combat 360 General Discussion' started by Ownage Messiah, August 18, 2010.

  1. Ownage Messiah

    Ownage Messiah New Member

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    Are you part of the Uber Club?
    Do you know what the Uber Club is?
    No? Well let me explain.

    The Uber Club is a way for people on the forum to team up with players that are good enough to hold their own in a match. I thought this be a wayy better idea than haveing a "post your gamertag" forum topic where you dont know who youll be playing with and wether or not they're a sqeak or just plain suckish.

    So how do you know your in the Uber Club?

    Have the title "Uber Streak" you get this by haveing a 25 kill streak. This is a way for good players to be teamed up with other good players.

    So this is how it will work, post your gamertag as a reply then either wait for someone to invite you or you invite someone else when you are in the same party check that each player has the title then have fun!!!
  2. Nayr

    Nayr New Member

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    I get this every game.
  3. KahLriK

    KahLriK New Member

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    I died at 22 on the Assassin today... I think I hate you for making this.

    11 kill streaks feel easy, but those 25s are nasty.

    I think I just play too offensively...

    EDIT: Nayr reading your post made me lose hope for humanity.
  4. Ownage Messiah

    Ownage Messiah New Member

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    game up with 4-5 ppl that all communicate and watch out for eachother then see how easyer it is. Got a mic? if so send me a FR and well play sometime.

    GT: Ownage Messiah
  5. Bufger

    Bufger New Member

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    if the criteria for getting in is a high killstreak then what makes these people good team players? team me up with a good support player that cares about overhealing and holding strategic positions rather than kills.

    Pro kills are for assassins and snipers, everyone else should be getting/holding a lane, slaughtering bots/turrets and going for the moneyball.

    (i do have the title but its not as important to me as teamwork)
  6. FalseKing

    FalseKing New Member

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    ^ This ^

    I'm a Sniper in every match I play, I play with 2 other friends (1 Gunner, 1 Support), and the 3 of us win most games by ourselves, I hold the enemies back and their bots with the Sniper, not to go for kills but to push back from a distance, while Support overheals Gunner and Gunner takes on team and moneyball.

    My highest ever was 36-23-0, but the kills were just a collateral to the match, priority was holding the line, thus winning.
  7. fatMasticator

    fatMasticator New Member

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    its amazing how elitists find their way into every single game... I'd hate to play monopoly with him.
  8. Mutated Muskrat

    Mutated Muskrat New Member

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    ^This^ is what most people should try to do....not seek out the glory of the k/d ratio....that will come if you are using teamwork.

    No, I do not have the 25...
  9. Intricasm

    Intricasm New Member

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    The highest streak i've gotten was about 18, but it wasn't on purpose, I was just defending our weak lane as a gunner with a support while the rest of my team rushed over and over again. We both got a very large amount of assists and kills, but like I said it wasn't on purpose.

    Like others have said before me, having a great K/D ratio means jack spit in this game. Earlier there was a sniper on the other team that went 35 and 3, but they still lost because he never bothered to actually help his team.

    The way I see it, if you're doing your job, be it defense, pushing lanes, or harassing the enemy, no matter your K/D, you're being a good teammate.
  10. DR0KZ

    DR0KZ New Member

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    Was well on my way a few times and hit in the 20s but usually the game ends before i reach 25, mostly as gunner/support but sniper got me at 23 once before i forgot to retrap and an assassin stabbed me between the ribs.

    Once i had 24 as gunner, someones activated the annihilator and a second later i got backstabbed stabbed by a assassin again wich killed me instead of leaving me with a tad bit of HP thanks to the gold armor (much Gobi luv!).

    The other two times the host left the game and where unable to restore connection, so nothing got saved, not cool at all :lol:

    But well i have it now, as support on SteelPeel, me and an assault peeled their steel hardcore.
  11. ZeroHourHero

    ZeroHourHero New Member

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    Oh I have the protag, but I wont be joining your little club, because as others have said, this isnt team deathmatch, this game is about defending your base, assaulting the enemies and pushing lanes, even in matches where I've had an insane K/D the win would never have happened without people pushing lanes and killing bots.
  12. DCtheEE

    DCtheEE New Member

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    I believe I played against you last night in a couple matches and you were really rocking the Assassin. You got me more than a few times. Thumbs up from me! :)
  13. ukystout

    ukystout New Member

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    Gamertag: I ExtinctioncZ I

    I have this title and I am looking for players to play Playoff Blitz with or just regular multiplayer. I am online as of 2:50 EST. Send me an invite!
  14. Ownage Messiah

    Ownage Messiah New Member

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    I get what you guys are saying, not everyone on the team can be a slayer every game. I being the gunner am always a slayer pushing them back then holding down half of the map with the help of my friends. Maybe it was bad to promote the idea of 6 slayers being on a team but hey if can can work then why not.

    Almost every class can do what snipers and ***assins can do which is keep them in their spawn, slay bots and keep 'em scared if done correctly.

    As for the support, i find it dumb for one person to be the support the whole game ( but thats just my opinon ) The only time its smart to play the support is if your slayers are haveing a hard time doing what they do. For me that rarely happens since i always play with 4 or 5 slayers.

    Everyone has a good chance of getting a uber streak even the support. It all depends on who your playing and if good at doing it. Everyone will eventully get an uber streak.

    On a personal note- I find it dumb that people are commiting themselfs to one class that they always play. Sure sure, everyone has thier best class but that doesnt mean you cant mix it up every now and then.
  15. Kyou Kizu

    Kyou Kizu New Member

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    I got plenty Uber Streaks as a support.

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