Where's the 360 Love and How Come PC gets updates?

Discussion in 'Monday Night Combat 360 General Discussion' started by Ekanaut, April 27, 2011.

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  1. kanonkula

    kanonkula New Member

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    Hey, Uber, seriously?
    Fix the split screen!
    Look at the most played games on XBOX live.

    In the top 10, 8 out of 10 games have, guess what? Local multiplayer.
    In top 20, 14 out of 20 games have: Local multiplayer.

    Why was Halo CE a big success that saved the original XBOX from being a complete failure? Why will Call of Duty always and forever outsell Battlefield? Local split screen multiplayer, being able to bring your friends online from the same room.

    MNC is a great game, please, please, pleeeease reconsider fixing split screen.
  2. 13ip0lar

    13ip0lar New Member

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    Can I ask if we will get a news update anytime soon? I heard to keep an eye out for something in Q4 of this year, but that's just a rumor. I mean I'm not saying give us a date for new DLC, just that it's currently in the works and you plan to have it out as soon as possible?

    I seen the new armor the PC users have, and the new map and really want to play it on XBL. I'm also hoping it might bring some people/life back into the community on XBL. I see a lot of the same people in my games, and it would be nice not to run into them so often. :D
  3. Randomdude02

    Randomdude02 Member

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    Damn. The second the word of god descends in here, they get mobbed. Can't blame 'em for tryin to stay out of it. Still, I guess it's kinda sorta their fault too, for starving us of any interaction. Was really what I liked about the company. Oh well. Not like they'd be encouraged to with this crowd.

    All I gots to say is a rough sketch would be nice.

    Say, a simple, maybe even Mods/Admins only thread (like the forum rules) that said their goals for the month or something. I feel that'd appease a lot of people.

    Y'know, effectively twitter, or a blog, on the forums.
  4. teapot

    teapot Post Master General

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    2 months ago that's all I wanted, and I got flamed hard for it.

    Back when this thread was created, I could tell that they'd have zero information for us anytime in the new future. I am not surprised that two months have passed, and expect at least another two months before they decide to release some info. (NOT any DLC, just Info)
  5. Randomdude02

    Randomdude02 Member

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  6. TOM12121112

    TOM12121112 New Member

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    i highly doubt local splitscreen is a huge selling factor in games anymore. your argument about halo is true, but has nothing to do with this because almost nobody plays splitscreen locally anymore.
  7. heavensnight

    heavensnight Member

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    I just hope Uber finishes the update in time for it to be a anniversary update this August.
  8. teapot

    teapot Post Master General

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    my guess is we'll have to wait till the winter for a spuky cola anniversary
  9. Gentleman

    Gentleman New Member

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    Screw everything else. I want those new Summer taunts, darn it.
  10. NeoCyberman

    NeoCyberman Active Member

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    They feel more awesome than they look.

    I just wish Uber had a monthly update on the talks with M$.
  11. DeadStretch

    DeadStretch Post Master General

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    You are not helping. :p
  12. timmy TED

    timmy TED New Member

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    Ive been waiting 2 months just to buy the new merch online
  13. zodbones

    zodbones New Member

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    I'd like to know when the 360 is getting updated.
    I got so impatient i got the pc version which is only slightly better due to some map balances, bug fixes, and a better UI
  14. NeoCyberman

    NeoCyberman Active Member

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    Wait Better UI?

    Since when? Anyway I've been to'l the engine update is when and uber is working hard on that right now. I've overheard it is a little over half way done but that was half a monthago.
  15. Saint Mudknot

    Saint Mudknot New Member

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  16. DeadStretch

    DeadStretch Post Master General

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    That is a ******* great song!
  17. 13ip0lar

    13ip0lar New Member

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    Sad, but true...
  18. vashkey

    vashkey New Member

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    I'd call that optimistic.
    I've given up. If you don't update a game after seven months, you don't just suddenly start caring a month later. The game has effectively become completely irrelevant thanks to a lack of any sort of support from the dev. You don't even see play dates set up by them. When was the last time you saw any sort of acknowledgement of the 360 version on the main page? When the Spunky Cola DLC seven months ago? Twitter? Like when it was Deal of the week months ago? Youtube? again, seven months ago. The game might as well not exist.

    I could pretend to understand seven straight months of not being able to introduce updates or dlc but The game itself seem to get any sort of attention while Uber is willing to go on all day about the Steam version.

    Not getting the next Uber game at launch if it's about competitive multiplayer, thats for sure.
  19. 13ip0lar

    13ip0lar New Member

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    In their defense, they are an IP, and not a big company by any means. Also keep in mind that the way Microsoft handles IP, and updates in general, especially when it pertains to XBLA titles, is BS. So they can't update the game as easily as they may like, unlike the PC version of the game. However, all that in mind I wish we got more news updates. I'm not talking weekly or even monthly, but every two months or so would be nice. In any event, I really hope they aren't giving up on MNC for the 360. I like many others would have easily paid $60 for it, and assuming they will release DLC will happily dish out money for that. Hopefully it will contain all the other relevant game updates, and class changes the PC has experienced. Anyways, I hope they haven't given up, this game is truly awesome, and I would hate to see it fall by the wayside.
  20. Gentleman

    Gentleman New Member

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    FYI, Uber happened to give out a TON of free codes to download the game for the Xbox when it first came out, especially on sites like Twitter and Kotaku. I should know, I was one of the first to get a code. Plus not mentioning any names but they gave a member of this forum a free XBOX 360 to play MNC on, but since the PC version came next, he probably just leaves his 360 in the dust. Plus, the first of the supposed three DLC was free. So don't think that the good people at Uber aren't generous with their work.

    Granted, I'm PRETTY sure that Uber are working on the next S?t?e?a?m? ?u?p?d?a?t?e? 360 update right at the moment, because another Steam update would've came out by now. Hah. I'm kidding.

    I wouldn't mind Uber just releasing the game on retail and then buying the game from there, honestly.

    But yeah, it would be nice from time to time to see Uber give us another update as to when/what they're doing with the 360 version at the moment.
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