New Gametypes, for Monday Night Combat

Discussion in 'Monday Night Combat PC Wishlist' started by MisterDoctor, June 29, 2011.

  1. MisterDoctor

    MisterDoctor New Member

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    Monday Night Combat is probably one of the most entertaining games that I've ever played. The problem with it though is lack of gametypes. Although crossfire is very unique and also incredibly fun, it starts to get boring after awhile. If MNC could just put simple gametypes such as Team Death Match, Free For All and, Last Man Standing, or something along those lines.

    Some other kinds of ideas that i was thinking of was, attack, and defend, where it would be a 30 minute gametype where defense has a fortress and has to hold off the atttackers. The fortress has 2 barriers that the attackers has to destroy before the attackers can get to the moneyball.

    Defense has no bots but they get lots of turrets, also to make it fair they would be limited to only 2 anailator uses per game. then for the attackers they have to escort the breach bots to destroy the moneyball. the attackers can pay to upgrade thier bots, which will increase thier attack, and defense. If the defense survives the 30 minutes they win, if the attackers can get the money ball before the 30 minutes, then they win.

    Another Gametype that i was also thinking of was Capture The Bullseye. Where you have to get bullseye which stays in the middle of the map. and you have to bring him to your spawn. i was thinking that if you grapple him then you grab a hold of him. I was also thinking that while holding bullseye you move at 25 percent speed.

    whoever get bulleye to thier spawn first wins. If Monday Night Combat could just put something even as simple as TDM, the I would be contempt.
    Last edited by a moderator: June 29, 2011
  2. arseface

    arseface Post Master General

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    This game would make for a terrible deathmatch. Not all the classes revolve around pro kills and the ones that don't would become useless. The entire match would devolve to snipers, gunners, and assaults. If someone wanted to go support and be someones bitch I could see that working, otherwise they'd be a waste of a team member.

    I'd like new game modes, but tdm is not the way to go. Bots are a focal point of the game and any new game mode would most likely need to include them. I like the idea of attack defend/ king of the hill/ and capture the flag type modes(with appropriate tweaks), but a deathmatch simply would not work.
  3. Col_Jessep

    Col_Jessep Moderator Alumni

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    There is a new game mode in the making, it's called Danger Zone. I can't say more about it because Eka will probably take away my bacon and juice ration if I do... ;)

    PS: I split your post up in paragraphs Doctor, it's a lot easier to read that way.
  4. arseface

    arseface Post Master General

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    Oh crap, I thought that was just a new map :shock:

    So much want.
  5. Col_Jessep

    Col_Jessep Moderator Alumni

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    Oh oh, what have I done... :D
    I don't know all the details myself, but I can tell you that Danger Zone sounds like a lot of fun from what I have heard. I'm really looking forward to it! :p
  6. Xx Tikki xX

    Xx Tikki xX New Member

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    spill the beans or we all spam this forum with bacon porn......
  7. Col_Jessep

    Col_Jessep Moderator Alumni

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    Am I doing it rite? :3
  8. Xx Tikki xX

    Xx Tikki xX New Member

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    no this is doing it right

  9. DeadStretch

    DeadStretch Post Master General

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    Wait, what have you heard? Do I need to bug them like you do to get info? :p
  10. Col_Jessep

    Col_Jessep Moderator Alumni

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    I can neither confirm nor deny any details about conversations that might or might not have happened involving any developers or design ideas...

    I'd love to tell you guys more but I can't, sorry. And I really don't know that much more. It's not like I participate in the design meetings at Uber. (Or Assassins would never have been nerfed... =P) All I know is that Danger Zone will play differently than Crossfire, so I assume it's a new game mode. Might as well be a new map that plays totally different. My money is on a game mode based on the name: 'Danger Zone'. All maps have their names from some Endorsement, right?

    The best I can do is point you to what Eka already said in the past:
  11. TNine

    TNine New Member

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    How about two-teamed blitz? Basically like normal Blitz, except the bots start a little weaker and across a bridge there's another team doing the same thing as you. Support your own defense or sabotage the enemies! Last Moneyball standing wins!

    The problem here is that the sin and assault would be more handicapped while the gunner, sniper and tank would be ridiculous. Bot spawns in the enemy base could make the sin more useful, but what of the assault?
  12. DeadStretch

    DeadStretch Post Master General

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    So basically a Crossfire with weaker bots?
  13. Xx Tikki xX

    Xx Tikki xX New Member

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    why would assassin be handicapped? shes great for killing bots, gunner sucks at it, assault is ok, and sniper, well you have to headshot bots to be effective with the sniper which is just out classed by assassin or tank
  14. TNine

    TNine New Member

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    Not quite.

    1.) The bots would not hit other bots, nor would they stop at turrets. Instead of pushing lanes, you need to destroy enemy turrets and disrupt bot-killing efforts while protecting your own base. Similar to crossfire, but the actual methods for doing this would be pretty different.

    2.) The Bots would gradually get stronger. So no Overtime is needed, eventually a team will fold under the pressure.
    Cause the sin is completely outclassed by the tank? The sins main attribute is stealth and mobility, neither of which is necessary in Blitz. The tanks has the staying power, railgun, product nade, and the ultra-strong death blossom to easily clear bots out of the way.

    Maybe i've been playing the sin wrong, but from what i've seen she can't keep up with a tank in terms of bot-killing.
  15. Xx Tikki xX

    Xx Tikki xX New Member

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    yes tank is better in blitz but the assassin could help more by being able to grapple the jackbot, assassins have no problem with keeping up in bot kills with a tank, if they know how to play decently, sniper, gunner and assault would be useless, it would just be supports, tanks and maybe assassin and that's it since its about killing bots and not people
  16. TNine

    TNine New Member

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    And then a gunner showed up and blew all your turrets to hell.

    The other team can intervene, ya know. The bridge between the sides is for crossing.
  17. Robbert

    Robbert New Member

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    A good idea, but imo Uber needs to it right this

    1. Get a way so neebz can learn it so they won't ragequit the game.
    2. Get a sale that attracts the more hardcore gaming group.
    3. Make this happen so the (then big) community can split up over two gamemodes.
  18. TankShadows

    TankShadows New Member

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    What i got out of this was something similar to Custom Hero Defense on Warcraft III. If I'm right basically there's two blitz lanes yours and the enemies you have to defend yours and you can spend money to send stronger bots to the enemies lane causing them to have to hold off stronger bots. Which ever time manages their money better can usually just spam the strongest bot and watch in joy as the enemy team crumbles. But thats just what i got from it
  19. killien

    killien Active Member

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    So... inverse Crossfire?
  20. Kel

    Kel New Member

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    I WANT DOTA :lol:.

    Then I can buy my assasine a new katana in the midgame with +1 cold damage :D.

    Really, I think a DotA-version of MNC would be AWESOME. Big map, 3 lanes, much bots, towers in the way to get down, 6vs6, itemshop fr upgrading your pro with the earned cash etc ..... give me an editor!!!

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