HI Not sure if this is the right place to post. I have not played MNC or posted on here for a while. Last nite I was bored and thought I will give it a play 4 abit, lol which ended up being about 3hours lol. But after a while I noticed that some players screen names where not the same as there gamertags. Was wondering if this was a mod and are there other mods for MNC. Is the gamertag mod allowed by the Terms & Con. If a player as the GT mod then they clearly could have others. How to I go about reporting the gamers other then the file a complaint option on xbox live. Cheers Monkey
Did it look something like [XX] (where the x's are whatever you want) My Gamertag is Wildman X2k, so sometimes i might change it to [WM]. Hope this helps
I don't like GT's who have countless X's. For example : Xxx Assault xxX XXXXX tank XXXXX xXXx Assassin xXXx "X" is just so awful, unoriginal and GAY.
To be of help, what you're referring to is a glitch involving clan tags. I forget which one, but it's either the greater than or lesser than symbol in your clan tag that gets rid of the other characters. Here would be an example: I put my clan tag in as [Big<]Big Ordeal. My gamertag reads as [Big. Hope this helped.
Well something abit like that. The one I can remember was something like []? but the question mark was upside down. So is there a issue with how MNC deplays sceen names.
There's just that glitch that lets you erase anything following the less than sign. the upside down question mark is from the Spanish text entry page. You cannot display a different name than you GT, but you can use the clan tag to obscure it. See Big Ordeal's example. If you want to know the GT of a player that is using the glitch highlight their tag then press a twice. That will mute then unmute them, and their tag will show in the '"Clan tag glitcher" has been muted' pop up. Their full name will always show in game as well.
grant doesn't gay bash Edit: I'm kinda a d bag for misunderstanding. Thanks to grant for anti-anti-gay sentiments. And thanks to wanda for being hilarious, especially in pootie tang.
GT: IrradiatedRadex [RADX] The "X" is actually part of the name and not some cheesy decoration. Therefore, it's not
Ha! A+ post. I've always wondered why only Phoenix Suns players were used for that ad. Hill and Dudley?