Rain Of FIRE!

Discussion in 'Monday Night Combat 360 Strategy and Tactics' started by GreyDead, August 16, 2010.

  1. GreyDead

    GreyDead New Member

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    Some of you will love me for this, others won't, some of you probably already know, some don't so here is how to make that mortar for your Gunner a real asset to you team.

    If you can arc your mortar just right you can aim, almost straight up, and hit the enemy base. You know what that means, you can kill people and turrets from extreme distance, up that with RoF, and Critz. You get one mean killing machine. I tried this one match and actually destroyed the moneyball. That arc is hard, but you'll know you have it if you look at the bottom of your screen and you see a healthbar, that means you are hitting someone. So don't be like, "Eye dontz no wure itz hittingz!!1!1one". It's helpful fully upgraded. Takes patience too. Just something for you guys to try out.

    tl;dr. Use mortar, aim up, hit base, if you see health bar, you are hitting base or peoplez.

    Edit: I just did this in a match, their shield couldn't go up because I kept bombing them. Going to test this out a little more.
  2. DunkTank

    DunkTank New Member

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    This seems like it would be devastatingly unfair if mastered....I like it.
  3. Vinticus

    Vinticus New Member

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    I can foresee a patch coming now with a roof over the money ball, lol.
  4. Adree1

    Adree1 New Member

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    I tried it on one map, it's very similar to using the grenade launcher as a mortar in MW2 except you have spread shots. Fun and annoying!
  5. GrahamSimmons

    GrahamSimmons New Member

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    Haha I wondered when somebody else would discover this tactic. Ahh we had a good run.

    I've worked out the precise angle to arc the mortars at on Grenade III, Capital Hill and LazeRazor. Unfortunately the roof over the middle of the last map stops the mortars. I wait until my team take the moneyball's shields down, then just hit it with lvl 3 mortars to keep them down. It is awesomely unfair.

    Of course, when I'm playing with a team I get my friends to tank up and buy juice, taking down the moneyball's shields within minutes.

    Once you get really good at it, you remember where to aim for each turret position too. I can clear the base on LazeRazor and take out all but two of the turrets on Capital Hill. I even beat a team of 6 gunners with this tactic while they spawn camped us by sitting above our doors - while they were in our base, our bots wandered over to theirs and chilled next to their moneyball!

    It's devastatingly cheap, but so damn effective why not? The mortar damage is so low that it takes a good 7 minutes to wipe out a Moneyball alone - if the other team can't send an assassin to kill me by then, they deserve to lose in my opinion. Really it's the keeping-the-shields-down aspect that's the gamewinner.

  6. Neff

    Neff New Member

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    I can then see anyone who plays Support screaming because they can no longer airstike around the MB
  7. GrahamSimmons

    GrahamSimmons New Member

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    I have yet to play a game where a map itself was able to be patched. For that reason, I doubt the roof fix will be implemented.
  8. DR0KZ

    DR0KZ New Member

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    Yeah i tried that for abit on Grenade III Arena, worked quite nicely but it's hard to aim. Tonight i'll ask friends where exactly they are hitting to get a better feel for it.
  9. Bufger

    Bufger New Member

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    I hope everyone does start this, sounds like some easy headshots to me!!
  10. Hiero Glyph

    Hiero Glyph New Member

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    The fix is actually much easier than patching the map. All Uber needs to do is place a timer on the mortar rounds forcing them to explode when the timer expires. In this manner any shots that are lobbed at a very distant target will explode prior to impact. Problem solved!
  11. TrMako

    TrMako New Member

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    I'm not sure it needs to be patched. Like they've said above, it still takes a really long time to take out the moneyball and/or turrets. The sniper can attack the moneyball from pretty far away too. And if a gunner is just standing still all game trying to line up these long drop shot mortar shells, he'd be pretty easy to kill.

    Just saying... think it's a bit early to automatically declare this is unfair and assume a patch is needed to change it.
  12. DunkTank

    DunkTank New Member

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    I completely agree, the gunner is a sitting duck and not totally unfair as both teams can do it. :ugeek:
  13. Adree1

    Adree1 New Member

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    Yup, that's how Bad Company 2 did it for tank shells.

    And hell yes it's headshot city since we're basically blind until we reload (or get paranoid and look down).

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