So what obvious lessons have we learned?

Discussion in 'Monday Night Combat PC Discussion' started by NeoCyberman, June 22, 2011.

  1. zodiark1234

    zodiark1234 New Member

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    Yeah, I felt pretty bad about it afterward, but I can't help but kill something every chance I get.
  2. Robbert

    Robbert New Member

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    I feel the same, if you are there and i can kill, i will try my best to kill you. Lately when i saw somebody almost retreated but i could kill them anyway, i just let them go. That makes me felt good, until i headshotted him again and i ragequit because i felt dirty :( .
  3. SingularElement

    SingularElement New Member

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    I am another one of the much-maligned post-sale players, and this I completely agree with. A quick map introducing only the Assault skills on the game mode that most people don't even seem to play seemed really inadequate and I was very confused when I jumped into Crossfire multiplayer.

    I didn't understand the point of killing bots as it seemed pretty superfluous, as did "wasting" money on the annihilator, as did "wasting" money on juice (after all you can get it for free!) Trying to get money out of Juicebot or Bullseye seemed like a good way to get killed for no reason.

    It's only after I happened on the forums searching for some useful endorsement builds did I happen across some of the other stickied threads and actually start understanding the flow of the game and how to win and that kind of thing.

    I still suck and I still haven't tried out all of the classes (no assassin or sniper yet), but I have about 40 hours into it now, and I can see sticking with this game for awhile.

    Another suggestion I can make is that a spectator mode might help people to get better as well. On other FPSes when I happen to play against someone that completely outclasses me in every way, it's really useful to spec them for awhile. That way I get an idea of what I should be doing as a player/what I should be paying attention to/where my situational awareness should be.

    Hunting down youtube vids of "top tier" players fulfills the same purpose, but it can be hard to know who is worth watching. It's a lot easier when you can see in-game how dominant a player is in relation to my own skill level.

    I know this isn't "Dev Suggestion Box Thread" but those are things that definitely would have helped/continue to help me ease into the game.

    Oh, and as a non-DOTA player what did you mean by "zoning" ?
  4. Vlane

    Vlane New Member

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    As in spectating him or playing with him?
  5. SingularElement

    SingularElement New Member

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    I mean playing with him enough to see that I could learn some stuff from this player because they're playing on a whole different level than I'm at.

    Sometimes that can be harder for me to tell when I'm watching videos on the youtubes because I'm not being repeatedly destroyed by them.
  6. CriticalError

    CriticalError New Member

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    Yeah. HOW? I do not have a clue how to survive one assassin. So, how am I to handle a bunch of them?
    I am hoping for any tricks on how to survive at a round.That's why I am posting at this forum, not for complaining. Currently I do not enjoy the game for a minute as no matter whether I play as a gunner (as recommended for newbies) or tank, I see the spawn-point for like 5 to 15 times a game.

    By the way, I agree that having a spectating-mode would be great.
  7. Vlane

    Vlane New Member

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    Depends on the class you play and the assassin.
  8. CriticalError

    CriticalError New Member

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    Back then: Tank and Gunner.
    And these were assassins, not just one.
  9. Vlane

    Vlane New Member

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    Charge + Beath Blossom as Tank
    Slam/flying + shooting minigun

    So several bad assassins then?
  10. CriticalError

    CriticalError New Member

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    Obviously not when it came to permanently killing the stupid tank/gunner.
  11. Vlane

    Vlane New Member

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    For you a good assassin kills people all the time. For me a bad assassin kills people all the time.
  12. Z-UNIT

    Z-UNIT Active Member

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    surviving assassins is all about awareness
    you need to look and listen

    multiple times during the past week or so i have played tank or assault and done nothing but wait for all the new assassins to come after me 1 lvl3 charge later and they are back in spawn wash rinse repeat for 15 min cos they just keep on coming
  13. DeadStretch

    DeadStretch Post Master General

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    Yes, use vets. just laugh when we see Assassins trying to be a slayers. Sure they might get a few sneaky kills but they can't kill in rapid succession. One grapple puts all of their grapples, main and alternate, on a cooldown. Not to mention Assassins are extremely brittle even with Gold Armor.

    Newcomers rage at Assassins. Veterans rage at Assaults. Don't worry you too shall see the way (if you stick around long enough).
  14. hobo-with-a-shotgun

    hobo-with-a-shotgun Active Member

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    Had a game as support with 2 sins on my team going around 2/15 and a tank that constantly used nothing but deploy. The other team had an assault that went around 18/2 and a sin that constantly killed just bots and our turrets. **** sucked, it's like the new players are just gonna ruin any teams they play on.
  15. Tigerhawk71

    Tigerhawk71 Member

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    I hate it when i end up on a team now mid-game and there's 3 sins, because i have two choices:

    Play my main class (Which happens to be Sin with ~100 hours of playtime) and feel bad for our lack of main battlefield presence...

    Play something i'm not good at (I can try some FUNner) and end up MVP even though we still lose because i've got no driving force on my team.

    But i'm not going to drill the new sins. Infact a random internet friend of mine i met on another game was talking about how fun MNC is and that he's playing Assassin. I trained him a bit, and he's now a "good" Sin, not that anyone will beleive such a thing exists. Not that i'd know, cos he's an American and i can't play on that kind of latency. Especially not with those juicy new zealanders to kill instead :lol:

    But overall i'm enjoying the new players. Even if they are guaranteed to lose on Spunky Cola because most of thier bots don't make it off the spawn platform. :twisted:
  16. zodiark1234

    zodiark1234 New Member

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    You forgot the other choice, take Assault and win the game single handed. :lol:
  17. Tigerhawk71

    Tigerhawk71 Member

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    I hate playing assault. It's a lot more fun to just pull the enemy team apart from behind the scenes. I'm nice like that. :lol:
  18. Chunnetter

    Chunnetter New Member

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    yes ,,,,it is so slow !!!
  19. zodiark1234

    zodiark1234 New Member

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    I myself have taken a liking to being able to take part in the action, yet maintaining a great deal of mobility.
  20. Tigerhawk71

    Tigerhawk71 Member

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    Shuriken Assassin kgo. :D

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