I really don't know. I spent a majority of the day with players who would not leave the base. They weren't even pretending to do something. They were just standing there. My other favorite moments include Gunners who are too afraid to leave the base even though I'm right behind them healing them. Supports who don't understand that the Hurt/ Heal gun has a healing function. I keep expecting randoms to start learning and getting better, but it seems they get dumber as time goes by. It's like never ending mental abuse, and yet I keep coming back for more. I think there may be something wrong with me. :shock: :? :?:
The forums are for finding better players, both to play with and against. If this game has one flaw, it is a majority of the players somehow are incapable of playing correctly. The forums being so good, they can house MNC and Brink discussion, fixes this problem. XBox or PC? Sounds like XBox with all the horribads you speak of. Someone should be happy enough to play some games with you and share some friends who play.
I hear you! For me it's that the randoms NEVER FREAKIN TAP THE BALL! I'm suicide rushing the ****!ing thing over and over and over and there's two other assassins on the team and an assault derping around doing who knows what! Maybe it's because throughout my frantic darting and shuriken firing they get a level 1 base going and my team is all "OH NO TURRETS". Or maybe they're just all "lul suicide rushin makes ur k/d go down". I wouldn't know; and I probably won't.
Re: Essential treatment factors for New R11 Driver This guy is just too on topic. The rest of you deserve a 7 day ban for such nonsense off topic chit chat.
Re: Essential treatment factors for New R11 Driver Ok, well I nuked his BS post. As much as I like the Taylormade drivers, that was just nonsensical spam bot gibberish. So sad, because those drivers do rock ... anyway, back on topic. I'm going to play some PC MNC. See you there!
Re: Essential treatment factors for New R11 Driver Why don't you get on XBox MNC? Jkjk, I won't look too deep into it. Since you guys can actually test improvements on the PC version, I would play it too if I were a dev.
I'd gladly play the PC version, but my PC is getting so old it can barely run my web browser some days :lol: .
I dont own a pc and wouldnt get a gaming one just because i like to play whilst comfy on my sofa but i think that uber should give some kind of discount to players who own mnc on the 360 then purchase the pc version. Crazy i know.
lol, suicide rushing the ball in a pub. how about laying back and not racing there every freaking time? I, for one, play the game to have fun and not to kill myself over and over.
its a natural thing men do this they comeback to again again to the ones they hate and love at the same time