So what obvious lessons have we learned?

Discussion in 'Monday Night Combat PC Discussion' started by NeoCyberman, June 22, 2011.

  1. NeoCyberman

    NeoCyberman Active Member

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    So what have we learned from the sale?

    Lesson one: MNC needs better tips/class tutorials

    For one we have learned that MNC is not newbie friendly in the slightest. I won't repeat my or anyone's past arguments on this. MNC's entertainment value is based on how much you are willing to research outside of the game. Finding help inside is not quite easy and anything you find is not quite helpful.

    MNC has defined class roles with some room to play around with. But things that we take as obvious (cloak hums) need to be found out through trial and error which brings us to...

    Lesson Two: People will find a way to be good at MNC (But will scare off others)

    I'm not going to say that people can't find their way around MNC. Newbies do not need to be babied. Newbies can learn from seeing people pull those annoying maneuvers by trying them out for themselves. That's how I learned.
  2. Xx Tikki xX

    Xx Tikki xX New Member

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    i have learned that noobs do not listen to me when i tell them a tip, so i just use troll builds and melee kill them any chance i have....
  3. CriticalError

    CriticalError New Member

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    Sorry my friend, being one of these newbies I cannot understand where this "nobody listens to me, so I kill them all" argument comes from. I bought the game at Steam's special discount, read through the wiki, the forum at Steam and this one, played first solo for a while and now online for a sum of 10 hours now. There has never been anyone online telling me anything and while this game is fun, the one billion assassin attacks really suck. I have seen assassins -definitely not newbies- running/jumping around at the speed of light and just killing players, no matter whether an army of bots marches towards their money ball, their base is under attack, their team loses or not. Next game, the same player at killing-mode again. Lost the game. Next game. Killing-mode. Lost again. Hurray!

    I definitely agree to all of the points NeoCyberman wrote. Tutorials, how-tos, guidance, what-ever. Heck, I still do not know several things, meaning of various buttons, how to kill of the annoying assassins (being a gunner), stand a chance against a tank, do the triple-back-flip-over-the-barrier-and-out-of-sight-thingy to not get caught in the crossfire (with a gunner again) or why almost nobody seems to buy bots to let them stomp over the enemy.

    Sorry if I sound too harsh, but "nobody listens to good advice" is definitely not true.
  4. zarakon

    zarakon Active Member

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    1. Jump/fly backwards
    2. Fill assassin with holes

    If a tank charges you, try to use slam before he hits. You'll still take damage, but you'll resist the knockback/knockdown, and your slam will damage him, slow him, and put him out in medium range where he's most vulnerable.

    Avoiding getting caught in the crossfire is one of the biggest challenges in playing gunner. You move pretty slow and your only tool for escaping a bad situation is to shoot your way out. Don't get greedy. Kill bots, watch your ***, and let the kills come to you. Push forward only with teammates or if you have juice.
  5. Robbert

    Robbert New Member

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    You're one of a kind because almost nobody else listens. I played yesterday a bit with the sin. The entire game I just didn't kill anybody myself, I killed bots, build turrets got that way kills. I was the only experienced player in that lobby. What did some of them do: call me a tryhard. Next game i gave them tips. Or they didn't listen or they called me names. Do you think that is then still fun to help other peoples?

    ps. The reason nobody told you with tips is because of the sales the community is 8-10 times as big, and the most of the experienced players stopped for while to let the new players learn things or don't play alot. Of course there are always morons who are going to abuse you but that are just assholes .
  6. Xx Tikki xX

    Xx Tikki xX New Member

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    i didn't target them, i was using stupid builds to make it easier for them and wouldn't just go for kills, my main focus was bots, even now i am still saying "assassins, kill some bots to gain juice and help win" EVERYTIME i say that, i get the same reply "Noob, bots don't win games" so i kill that person as much as possible and if its an assassin, that is a lot because they only run at people.
  7. CriticalError

    CriticalError New Member

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    Sorry again if I was too harsh. It's only quite frustrating to read "nobody listens to good advice" and over again when you are actually looking for good advice and digging through the pages. I am sure you understand that.. as I understand excactly how you feel when you get these stupid answers ingame.
    There are idiots among the newbies AND the pros. (But of course not here at this thread :lol: ) Agreed?

    Thank you for the precious advice to my questions. My biggest problem concerning the assassins, they -obviously- do not run towards me to get their pack of bullets, but suddenly *bam* killed again. I heard of a "humming sound" but never managed to identify that sound.. MNC isn't a silent game and shooting like a maniac ..ehrm.. a gunner is not like chirping in the woods either. Is there a good video on youtube where maybe one of you pros show how to play a gunner and maybe where an assassin is identified by the humming sound?

    Another, maybe silly, question: Is there a way to easily identify whether a player is on your team or not? There is no sign at the player's name indicating whether he/she is on your team, you do have to wait until you see the colour, do you? (By the way, is friendly fire possible?)
  8. verden

    verden New Member

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    Don't worry, keep playing and you'll familiarize yourself with the sound, I remember the assassin being the superior class when I first started playing(lmao), but trust me, the class is not a pro-killer. It's a game winner though. :)

    Uhm, well your teammates' names always display, and in green. Your opponents only show when they're visible, and in red. Quite simple really :D
  9. CriticalError

    CriticalError New Member

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    Whoops.. I thought "red" means player with low health. :oops:
  10. verden

    verden New Member

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    No worries :D

    Health is displayed by the color of the class symbol next to the name. :)
  11. Z-UNIT

    Z-UNIT Active Member

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    to get used to the sound of an assassin play a few rounds as assassin and use the cloak a lot
    you will soon get used to the assassin sound
    assassins are also not totally invisible until they upgrade cloak to lvl3 so keep an eye out for moving shadows
  12. Robbert

    Robbert New Member

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    You have already learned the most important lesson, you are not a god when you start playing a game the first time, so you take advice, use it and become better of it. THAT is THE lesson to learn. Not only for this game, but for every game with more skill involved than point and click (sniper??? ;) )
  13. daztora

    daztora New Member

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    I've played the game since a few days after It's release and I still don't think I'm 'god' or anything just have playing It, that's the whole point of a 'game'
  14. Im Hudson

    Im Hudson New Member

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    I have some gunner clips on my YouTube channel in my sig. (should be listed as smedley's video medley #2). At work so i can't link directly.

    Note that it's on console so you won't be able to spam jump jets as often as I do, but it shows how to play a competent pub gunner.
  15. zodiark1234

    zodiark1234 New Member

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    For dumb builds, i went with an Armorless Sniper and hit the front lines. It wasn't the one hit front grapples that bugged me so much as half of the grapples had me caught in midair.
  16. DeadStretch

    DeadStretch Post Master General

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    Are more tutorials really need that much? I mean there is plenty of info in the game already that can help send you on your way. The problem is you have to read it.

    Besides who actually looks at or plays the tutorials anyways? I watch quite a few live gaming broadcasts and if it's one thing I noticed gamers hate is long in-depth tutorials. What usually ends up happening? They skip the tutorial and say stuff like "It's a shooting game not much to learn."

    Another example: Eka had recently picked up Shadowrun one thing I remember him saying about it was that the tutorial was way too long.

    So in short-ish I personally think the in game tutorials are fine as is. Uber doesn't need to waste their time on something so frivolous.
  17. Im Hudson

    Im Hudson New Member

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    So where in the game does it explain that assassins should be played exactly the opposite of how most players perceive the assassin should be played?

    And where does it explain that every single class should focus bots as a first priorty when they are on your half of the map? (and honestly, on the other team's half of the map as well.).
  18. DeadStretch

    DeadStretch Post Master General

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    Those are somewhat "advanced tactics" which should be learned by trial and error.

    Besides the class section in the 'How to Play' section does a great job of somewhat outlining what each Pro does. It may be vague but it does have very useful information.

    Hudson, you're a very knowledgeable player how did you learn how to play?
  19. CriticalError

    CriticalError New Member

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    Wow, these are a lot of answers. Thank you very much.

    Great advice, I will power up MNC just right after this post and will do a few rounds as assassin. One question though, if an assassin is cloaked (shimmering or not) and I really make it to identify the sound, how do I know I do not fire at a teammate? Is the name of teammates shown when they are cloaked, too?

    Definitely true, that's a lesson for life, not only for games I'd say. :)

    Found them. Now I am sitting there like --> :eek: WOW, wtf? They are incredible! I looked at them twice now (and will do again later), it's just amazing how you play the gunner.
    How do you kill enemies THAT fast? Even at level 3 I need about twice as much time shooting at the enemy until he goes down.
    Spam jumps: There is a difference between console and PC version of MNC? No way to jump that much when playing at the PC? No work-around? (Hey, that's not fair ;-) )

    Surprise, I say yes. ;) Either tutorials or a better manual. I read the information in the game, every snippet I could find. Still many things are left unanswered. For example the thing with the teammates: Is there friendly fire, does red names mean low health or enemy (okay, maybe that's stupid but at least I know that know). I did not find any information on how to change my char ingame (I only know it is possible), that there is a possibility to buy bots ingame and -believe it or not- that you can actually buy juice! The latter I saw in a video on youtube. Maybe that or some of the other things are mentioned somewhere (wiki, manual?, forum) but where do a new player expect these things to be? Ingame, I'd say.
    MNC is a shooting game, but not THE standard shooting-game (best example: Shoot the bots, not the players!), so some more help is necessary.
    (By the way, I did the tutorial twice)
  20. Vlane

    Vlane New Member

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    Friendly cloaked assassins do not make a hum. If you hear a hum it's an enemy.

    MNC is a very simple game when it comes to numbers, nothing special.

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