To Teach a Newb:A plea to all those on the board

Discussion in 'Monday Night Combat PC Discussion' started by NeoCyberman, June 20, 2011.

  1. NeoCyberman

    NeoCyberman Active Member

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    Please if you can make sure to direct all newbies to this board or try to teach them on the spot. If you can, add them and teach them post match.

    I've been teaching new people for quite a bit and I must say that if they are frustrated enough they will accept your help. A simple "I teach" or "if you want help..." can go a long way.

    MNC is not a game that teaches you much even if you do go through all the aids the game provides. I could fill your head with anecdotes of stupid player moments but you have seen many in the short time the sale has been going.

    Put yourself in their position. Would you really know the importance of custom classes?

    Be Polite
    Be Friendly
    Show Compassion

    This week will in no way be normal. Take your time and be a little bit more newbish.

    As a side note, couldn't Uber have better warned us rather than vaguely noting that they were working on advertisement? I know it is what I wanted but it is only half of what I wanted. The other half is better in game tutorials or opening methods for players to access the forum or helpful information.
  2. Xx Tikki xX

    Xx Tikki xX New Member

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    i saw a couple of people pick assassin, said to kill bots as it helps to gain juice fast, they ignored me, i told them to check out the forum, no one typed back , i think people will ignore us a keeping myself from playing today but i am glad to see 3+ AU servers with people
  3. daztora

    daztora New Member

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    Everyones drilling this into us,

    We get It, help the new guys.
  4. BillNyeTheScienceGuy

    BillNyeTheScienceGuy New Member

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    Probably the best thing for them would be to play on a 3 star or lower server. Maybe uber could drop down a couple of their server's star ratings? :)

    Not that new people understand the star ratings but it should help some people have better experiences by keeping that five star from going 50-5 and making people rage.
  5. Dragon-Guard

    Dragon-Guard New Member

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    Be Polite
    Be efficient
    Have a plan to kill everyone you meet

    Or am i missing the point here? :lol:
    Oh well, old habits die hard, i wont play much untill wednesday anyway
  6. Xx Tikki xX

    Xx Tikki xX New Member

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    i tried, no one listens to me, they still think killing bots doesn't win the game, im sorry but i gotta just slaughter people
  7. Z-UNIT

    Z-UNIT Active Member

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    play passive assassin and kill all the bots turrets and the ball while ignoring other players all together eventually they will get the hint that killing bots wins the game when you continually mvp with no kills
  8. CriticalError

    CriticalError New Member

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    well.. I am such a newbie and as you can see, I am reading the forum. Looking for how-to-start-and-not-be-killed-in-a-second guides. Don't chose the assassin. Got it. Kill the bots. Got it.

    But three questions: Which class to chose as a complete newbie?
    Is there a way to (quickly) heal in game?
    Is it better to play with mouse and keyboard or with the pad (at the PC obviously)? I am not that convinced of the pad yet, but got killed fast while playing with keyboard, too. :lol:

    Oh and please listen to NeoCyberman and be polite. ..polite to stand still, so that I get a clear shot... after I killed the bots of course. ;)

    (Nah, don't worry. I am currently just fighting my way through solo)

    See you online!
  9. vortexcontinuum

    vortexcontinuum Active Member

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    The most basic classes for beginners would probably be Tank, Gunner, and maybe Assault. Your health regenerates at different speeds for different classes, but the only ways to heal faster are with a Support's heal beam or his Lvl 3 Firebase heal aura.

    Definitely use the mouse and keyboard, though the pad can be used if you're really good with it.

    I'm sure you've seen the tactics section already, your best bet is to head there.
  10. Myst

    Myst New Member

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    Get yourself on Mumble server, get newbs on Mumble:
    Port: 64738

    Go to "Jedi Training channel"
    Teach them the way.
  11. damondium

    damondium New Member

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    Awesome idea! That's what I'm going to do. Hope I can keep the discipline high enough to keep from falling to temptation.


  12. d-roy

    d-roy Active Member

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    Got into a few games today for the first time in a month or so.

    Took a while before I got into my MNC mode. Played assassins a rounds just to set a good example.

    Told people: "Hey, this is how you do it. I'm the MVP just from killing bots".
    As a reply I got: "Yeah well, you were camping the bot spawn, spawn camper".

    I'm really trying. But when common tactics are considered cheap by new players I consider them a lost cause.
  13. NeoCyberman

    NeoCyberman Active Member

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    I can't blame you. But try to set a good example anyway.

    I can only hope that they come here or learn sometimes.
  14. Kutharos

    Kutharos Member

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    I've been playing as sniper and the head counts are just rolling on in. I literally hade a few tanks just try to walk up to me with traps down. I almost feel guilty playing the game now. Almost.
  15. TNine

    TNine New Member

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    This is actually how i learned the sin was good. I was bitching about the sin sucking, and some guy went "he's squishy, not weak". Then he proved his point via singlehandedly pushing his bot lane right through our turrets, then jumping around and keeping our ball down ad nauseum.

    Needless to say, after that, i learned to respect the sin.
  16. Xx Tikki xX

    Xx Tikki xX New Member

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    people still continue to say killing bots does nothing, uber please a loading screen that shouts that killing bots win games
  17. d-roy

    d-roy Active Member

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    This is probably the best thing I've read on these forums.
  18. Dubblebass

    Dubblebass New Member

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    Ok, 1st off, AWESOME NAME!!!

    2nd, I have been playing for a couple nights now and I am glad I found this. I have seen both 3 star and 5 star servers available. When I started, I chose 3 star servers as I figured they were for newer players. After a few games, my star rating was 3.3 or so and I thought I wasn't allowed to join those servers.

    Could someone explain how this works? Could I still join those servers as I am still figuring things out in this (awesome) game? Is it a hard setting that doesn't let you join or is it a guideline?

    Thanks in advance!
  19. Fangeye

    Fangeye New Member

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    It isn't until you break 4.00 star rating that you no longer are able to enter 3 star servers. Star rating is an attempt at approximating player skill and is used when splitting the teams. Be aware though that star rating isn't terribly accurate so don't worry about trying to pump your star rating.

    Also if you happen to break 4.00 while on a 3 star server you will not be kicked, but if you leave you will not be able to join any 3 star server until you are 3.99 or lower.
  20. Dubblebass

    Dubblebass New Member

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    Awesome info. Thank you so much.

    You also answered a question I had been meaning to ask and that was about auto balancing. When I was playing, the players levels were extremely lopsided, but that makes sense as level is just a matter of time, not necessarily skill.

    I am no where near thinking about inflating my star rating. I have so much to learn still. I will have to drop back to 3 star servers then now that I know I can (and am allowed).

    Thanks for the quick reply!

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