Why dont forum members play competitively?

Discussion in 'Monday Night Combat 360 General Discussion' started by joker, June 18, 2011.

  1. krunkthuzad

    krunkthuzad New Member

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    Running plays in a video game ITT
  2. joker

    joker Active Member

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    Being in the right place because you're not stupid, ____________.
    Well i don't wanna just GIVE away the answers
  3. AARPS

    AARPS New Member

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    I tend to stay away 'cause I play support and I see how poorly they're regarded in privates, and I get bored playing in the pocket. Also because the sarcasm shown here is what I imagine the crowd to be like. I mean you asked the question, so why bag on people's responses? It makes it seem even more unappealing.

    Lol you said thickened.
  4. Im Hudson

    Im Hudson New Member

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    This x1000.

    Chron (and any others interesting in recruiting for competitive gaming)

    You need to realize the following:

    You are coming to uber's forum (which largely are casual fans or at the very least, hardcore fans who still don't find privates [or the ideas of privates] to be fun) in an attempt to recruit more people to play private matches. You are attempting to recruit people into a very niche mentality from an already small player base. Many of them have flat out told you that either the attitudes turn them off, or they have not had fun or do not think they would have fun if they played it.

    If you want to recruit more people, you need to make privates fun for people from day 1, and you need to structure the competitive community in such a way that it does not seem like Head and Shoulders/Grand Prize is gracing the community with knowledge/skills and are gods gift to mnc. [Admittedly, the group IS every bit as awesome as they claim to be, so don't take this as a "LOL YOU JELLY" comment. I'm trying to help you from a recruiting standpoint: many people find it off putting for top players to refer to themselves as top players. It very well may be true, but if your goal is to recruit more people, shutting down the circle jerk would be a tremendous starting point.]

    Stop talking about best players, best teams, best rosters. Stop telling people to "learn from the best" or anything else of the sort. Sell this as something that is fun from day one, not a learning process that eventually pays off in the future. Dumb down your play to encourage people to stick around for more than one game when they are curb stomped. Hell, THROW a few games. Make Head and Shoulders look BEATABLE. I guarantee you turnouts would increase.

    These are all ways in which the competitive community attendance would likely increase, but would require major ego checks at the door.
  5. o Johnno o

    o Johnno o New Member

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    Agree with Hudson and AARPS completely. Privates do sound fun to me but the so called "tough love" & loosing every game because i can't compete doesn't. I am constantly looking to improve my play and will take advice from anyone better than me. For all the people who say you need hard skin and need to get an attitude to play competitively , no thanks i just wanna hang out with friends and share some banter whilst playing not talk **** and have arguments. It would seem that the two are mutually exclusive.
  6. joker

    joker Active Member

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    i agree with hudsons points, and for chermy and johnno i believe shammas was happy with chermys support play in past experiences and johnno im happy you at least try them out
  7. De Troll

    De Troll New Member

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    Private games are a good starting point. We try to mix up the teams and balance it out so new players aren't getting stomped. The real goal is to have actual teams that can play against other actual teams. Here's my mindset-
    If you have a group of friends that you play with on a regular basis stomping public games, why not make a team with them? It's a lot more fun than you would imagine, and you don't have to play our team right out of the gate. Thunder Eagle Group, Droppin' Knowledge, and now Abyssia are all willing to play. It's just more exciting and challenging than playing public games all day. You don't NEED to follow a set format when playing a good team (although it usually helps). If you can find a setup that works better for your team, go for it. If you want to be known as the team that turtles with 2 supports and builds up the base, then shotguns the enemy ball and wins in overtime, be that team. If you want to be the team that uses an extra assault instead of an assassin and just kills everything, go for it. There are still ways to have fun playing competitively and it's very rarely serious. Just because Miracle yells at people because he can't carry a team, doesn't mean you should be discouraged.
  8. CCSoloist

    CCSoloist New Member

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    Lately, I have noticed a lot of people telling me that they refuse to play "friendly privates" with members of H&S because of the way the teams are(n't) balanced. It seems that Chron (or whoever) sets up a lobby with his friends (most of the rest of his team) and then invites others to come and play. This results in a massacre and most people are turned off by that. I have even heard that there have been instances of spawn-striking and spawn-camping while the ball is down and not being attacked. If you guys are going to call it a friendly competitive match, I would suggest you stop treating it like a pub-stomp. It shows a lack of character and makes you guys seem hypocritical. To say you want to build the competitive scene and toy with these people in-game. Pretty f***ed up if you ask me. And by the title of the thread, it seems you did. ;)

    Youse guys are widely considered the best team in MNC, and it is frustrating to have to play against you with people who you have never played privates with, or have never played privates in general. After 2 or 3 matches of getting rolled over and seeing no hope for victory, I would be reluctant to play with/against you guys myself.

    I have heard some pretty good things about how you have worked out a simple draft system though.It would split your team up and could give the newer players a chance to feel good about winning a private match once in a while. Hell, you might even be able to teach them a thing or 2 while you are on their team. I would suggest you try that more often, especially when there are newer players (or players who are new to privates) in the lobby.
  9. ExT Insanity

    ExT Insanity New Member

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    I personally haven't seen unbalanced teams. There might be a game where it ends a little too soon then wanted every now and then. But when that happens, they switch teams. Usually Chron, Miracle, or Kckzi will switch in order to balance it out a little. Haven't seen spawn-camping or spawn-striking either. But that's just me.
  10. CCSoloist

    CCSoloist New Member

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    I have seen a few instances of unbalanced teams, but these guys are usually pretty quick to pick up on that and rebalance. Usually no big deal. However, when more than a few of the people on my FL come to me and say they refuse to play another private w/ Miracle or Chron, I think it's worth mentioning here. Especially after I introduced these friends to competitive matches.

    I am certainly not trying to discourage the readers of this topic from trying competitive matches, I am just adding my two cents.
  11. Randomdude02

    Randomdude02 Member

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    Lol. Lovin the sarcasm there bruh.

    It's not like I answered your question or anything. The urge to insult you for your lack of thought on the matter is immense, but I'll direct you instead to what has already been said:

    Your attitude is quite offsetting. In order to play competitively, I have to put up with snide insinuations, sarcasm, and rhetorical questions? No thanks. I'd rather continue pubstomping having a laugh instead of raging while someone like yourself insults others.

    I've played with friends for fun. I've played with friends against other groups of skilled players for fun. And you're right, it's completely different, and a ton of fun to just play your best to see what happens. But, to join the competitive field, and actually try, I couldn't do half assed. I'd actually go through the effort of getting a team together, and try to do the best I could. I wouldn't, as you put, spend 8-12 hours a day. I'm not disillusioned, though I could say otherwise for yourself. I'd simply play scrims, try to improve, and enter a tournament every now and then.

    Still, too much effort. I'm an incredibly lazy person, and that simply is too much for me. The fact that I turned down your genuinely generous and kind offer to improve may insult you, and others, leading you to once again try and establish what a tool I am for not embracing the competitive field. Oh well. You asked, that's my honest to goodness response. I'm genuinely not interested as of now. Doesn't mean I have any misconceptions, or fears. I'm lazy, and don't want to do it.

    And as for the tom thing:

    "Ah. Well, then just tell 'em I find it sad. Not on his/her part, but the fact that anyone would need to feel afraid to ask such a simple question.

    Anyone who got defensive/aggressive about it simply lacks self confidence or self esteem. It's rather pathetic."
  12. DeadStretch

    DeadStretch Post Master General

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    I r mod. I r bad.
  13. Randomdude02

    Randomdude02 Member

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    Come one. Just two.... more letters. It hurts.....

  14. DeadStretch

    DeadStretch Post Master General

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    I did that on purpose. They invited me to a private match a few days ago and all they kept saying was "You r mod. You r bad."
  15. Randomdude02

    Randomdude02 Member

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    I knew it was on purpose. I was mostly messin', but still.....

    seeing that almost literally hurts me... just.... ugh.

    Good thing they didn't bust out the holy water though, eh?
  16. sensitivepsycho

    sensitivepsycho New Member

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    I don't want SMG Sniper to become the dominant playstyle in the cut-throat world of competitive MNC.
  17. ZOoo00OOm

    ZOoo00OOm New Member

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    Look at this guy
  18. Z Bear

    Z Bear New Member

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    I think I'll start a thread about why it is that you seem to take it so personally that not everyone wants to play competitively.

    I personally would love to, but don't for most of the reasons posted before me. I know I'm not on the skill level of most of the competitive players. I think I play much smarter than most but I haven't had time over the last 10 years to maintain the twitch skill levels that I had when i was 22 and played TF/Counterstrike 6 hours a day.

    I also have no desire to be cursed at by someone half my age because they don't think I'm doing well enough or because they think that 'smack talk is just part of the game.' I certainly don't have the time to practice, between working 40 hours a week and running my own business. When I do play, I want it to be relaxing, and I enjoy playing for wacky goals like seeing how many gunner grapples I can get in a match or suistriking all match.

    I still say that I may get on the private matches sometime and play support or something just to see if it's fun. But geez, get off our collective backs about it. The way to promote competitive play is to show people how fun it is, not to berate us for not trying it.
  19. tlbww

    tlbww New Member

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    Why is there this mentality in the competitive scene to push non-competitive players to the competitive scene? I don't hear casual players trying to convince competitors to play casually (would seem rather silly to convince someone that not competing is somehow better). I would think the less competition you have, the more likely you are to win at a competition. The entire discussion seems so mundane and seems to funnel players thinking that to play a game is a to play in a competition.

    If they want to play in a competition, cool beans. If not, same beans.
  20. That Dutch Guy

    That Dutch Guy New Member

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    Yeah, that's what put me off, too.

    I mean, Chron, Miracle and kckzi are all nice guys, don't get me wrong, but it's the OUR OPINION IS FACT BECAUSE WE PLAY COMPETITIVE that's just wrong. I don't like it.

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