I must have seen about 30 populated servers when I popped on earlier. I felt bad about rolling on all the new players though. Hope some of them stick around at least.
yep, steam top 100 game stats, MNC is back! current:884 Peak:980 And you shouldnt destroy them that much :O Ah, who am i kidding, would do the same. Unless there is a high ranked player in the other team, hen i just spend my entire game hunting him till he rages while the new guys do whatever they want. To bad i cant play :< 1:41 AM, still learning for my exams later 2day -.-
>He didnt finish exams last week. I've been trying to explain what to do to new players. Although I got accused of hacking by a few assassin players ("Y U SHOOT ME WHEN CLOAKED?!?!?!?!"). Nice to see full servers though. It's like when I first started playing.
So should we play with the new guys or not. im thinking we can not play with them til they buy the game, then once they buy it. show em how to play
Reroute all new players here. Please. The more people we get to stick with this game instead of dropping it, the more people we will have to play with in the future.
Please for the love of God (you know the one) let there be a link to the forums or something. These players were what I asked for but still they won't stay if they don't learn. Please everyone that reads this make sure to ask the newbies if they want help or to contact you for help.
So far it's usually been 1-2 vets on a team and the rest new people. Games are akin to watching a professional race car driver try to drive a car with four flat tires uphill in the snow.