Wazupwiop's Guide to Juicer Domination

Discussion in 'Monday Night Combat 360 Strategy and Tactics' started by wazupwiop, June 14, 2011.

  1. wazupwiop

    wazupwiop New Member

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    Wazupwiop's "Juicer Domination" Guide

    We have all been in a game where a "insert class name here" kept juicing, killing, and pillaging your base. :evil: The results of this might have included a broken Xbox, a broken controller, rage mail, or all of the above. People don't know how to deal with juiced pros because they start freaking out. When noobs see a juiced player, they say "Oh my gosh, A JUICED PLAYER!?!?!?!? :eek: I WANT MY MOMMY!!! :roll: I WANT TO HIDE IN THE SPAWN ROOM LIKE A LITTLE SISSY!!! PLEASE DON'T SHOOT ME!!! :lol: KILL MY LOVELY TURRET INSTEAD!!! :cry: " :lol:

    At the end of this guide, you will be like this, "Lol, a juiced player. THEY DIED! What a noob!"

    1. The first step to countering juiced players is knowing their location and if they have juiced or not. If they haven't juiced, try to kill them before they juice. This can be done by one person grappling them while the rest of the team targets all fire on them. If they are already juiced, you have a bit of a fight on your hands. The best thing you can do is to ring them out or chain-grapple them. Ejectors, some grapples, bombs, charges, and etc. are your best bet to control the juiced player. Once they are off the map, there isn't much they can do about it unless they are assault. Chain-grappling is where 3 or 4 players surround the juicer and grapple him repeatedly. It wastes his juice time and annoys the living crap out of him. Freeze traps around turrets, hazards and bots are handy because the juicer will probably target those first, and thus slowing himself down when he lands in your traps.

    2. The element of surprise.

    There are times where you just simply cannot get within range to grapple or charge the juicer without risking your life significantly. When this happens, you should get cover and strike when it suits you most. Typically, when I play gunner I try to get in a good hiding spot where I can see what is happening. I will try to get behind the juicer and minigun the crap out of him. You can drain them very quickly. The primary weapon of each class tends to do best versus juicers.

    3. Preventing Juice.

    One large step in juicer control is preventing them from obtaining juice. Sometimes there is very little you can do about it, but there are a few steps you can take to prohibit them from getting juice. Firstly, you need to control the bot lanes. Bots are the quickest way to get juice. As soon as you lose the ability to control the bot lanes, you give the enemy a chance to melee your bots for quick juice.

    Secondly you should place freeze traps or a bomb near the juice machines. You can freeze them out of range of the juice, or you can weaken them and swoop in for the kill. If the enemy has 500$, they will be trying to spend it as quickly as they can, you must stop them from spending it. If you see them stop to buy a turret, kill them before they have a chance to build it. Saved money is wasted money in MNC. If the enemy is stuck with $2000 at the end of a game, they have wasted $2000 of their time and resources.

    Thirdly, you can buy up the juice machines so the enemy doesn't have the opportunity to buy it. By buying juice, you start the timer that counts for one minute before allowing juice to be bought again. Use this to your advantage.


    4. Area Denial

    By using firebases, turrets, and ice traps, you can really begin to fortify your base against juicers. Firebases are one of the best defenses against juicers; they will take down a juicer almost as fast as miniguns. Turrets are also useful if they are overhealed because you can freeze or grapple a juicer near the turret, and they will be damaged by both the grapple and the turret damage. Most people will back away from taking down a level 3.3 rocket if a support is overhealing it and guarding it from them.

    Flak is also a really good weapon against juicers. If you freeze them, throw a level 3 flak. It will eat their health. If you are playing sniper at the time, go for headshots for extra damage.

    Suicide Grapplers are also good area deniers of juicers. Many players will back off from a support if he has suicide grappled them before. Suicide grappling is where you throw an airstrike and grapple the juiced player at the same time. The airstrike kills you both, but you end the juicer's spree.

    Against assassins, you can plant bombs on a turret to blow them away from a turret when they get near it. You can also place freeze traps around the turret so they get stuck in their attempt to kill your investment. Blasting them away or freezing them makes them waste juice time, and it is a valuable strategy that can save a turret. If an assassin makes it to your turret, grapple them. It may save your turret if you do it properly.

    5. Juiced Tanks

    Juiced tanks are the hardest pros to deal with in MNC. Their high health combined with their extremely deadly jet gun is not something you want to mess around with. Because of these factors, I have dedicated an entire section to dealing with the juiced tank. You will probably die in attempting to take down a juiced tank, but there is one strategy you can try as a tank that may give you a good bit of success.

    First, you must have charge 3. This will stun the enemy tank for a split second, which is very important. Switch to your railgun and product grenade the tank. This will blind him for a few seconds. Charge 3 him to make his weapons useless. Railgun grapple him to throw him out of your base and away from his target. You waste a lot of his juice time and throw him away from the base which saves your turrets and makes him use the rest of his juice time to retreat or be killed by your friendlies on the map.

    6. Juice Chaining

    To counter some juicers, you may need to build up juice normally and have $1000+ dollars on hand. Basically you need to juice and wipe out all of the enemy. Buy juice and keep them in the base until your team mates arrive. Keep pushing the enemy back and get more juice. Repeat this cycle until you win. By counter juicing, you can turn the game completely around.

    7. K/D Padding Enemies

    Some enemies that you encounter will be K/D padding pain-in-the-butts that won't attack your moneyball. If you encounter a juicer like this, just sit in your base. Don't come out until overtime. When OT hits, grab juice and use your best weapon against the moneyball. You just might win. I have played games against several other forumers that have K/D padded and ended up losing because and assault reached their ball and pounded it with a grenade launcher. Even if you cannot beat the juice chainer, you can still win the game.

    8. Closing

    Basically, when you fight juicers you have to use teamwork and the right weapon for the job. Try to get the close-range on them. Grapple the juicer and tell your team mates to attack and keep grappling. Eventually they are going to run out of money if they cannot get kills; that will end their juice spree. Juiced snipers are the least powerful juicers, tanks and gunners are probably the best at killing pros and turrets. Supports, assassins, and assaults are the best at killing the moneyball. Assassins are good at all everything when juiced and they can juice often. This is to be expected. Assassins are easily rung out and are easy to kill with charge 3 with either the tank or the assault. If you can keep juicers from completing their objective, you have done your job. Even if you die, you have saved your turrets and a team mate or two.

    If you want to play a few games with me to get some hands-on Juicer Domination , my GT is the same as my forum name. I am on in the afternoons usually between 3 and 5. Send be a FR, and I'll invite you to a game.
  2. Light My Pyre

    Light My Pyre New Member

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    Funny story today.

    I was playing Assault on GIII and there was a Support on the other side keep right sticking our bots.

    He gets Juiced and chased me but I Charge Grappled him... LOLZ Ring Out.

    He bought Juice after he respawned but I pressed the Ejector immediately... LOLZ Ring Out again.

    He bought Juice again and he did manage to escape(jump) my Ejector and when he jumped from the jump pad he received my Bomb... LOLZ ring out.

    He left the game and sent me few rage messages LOLZ.
  3. wazupwiop

    wazupwiop New Member

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    That is precisely how you are supposed to deal with juicers.
  4. That Dutch Guy

    That Dutch Guy New Member

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    did you mention a deployed gunner can absolutely shred through a juiced squishy? if it's an assault, they better not notice you but an assassin is dead meat if you deploy on them. Same for the support.
  5. AmazeTheory

    AmazeTheory New Member

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    Real men only use juice for charging at people and taunting in their faces.
  6. Z Bear

    Z Bear New Member

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    Heh, that wasn't me but I've been doing the same thing lately (trying to get my hurt gun protags) and there were a couple of games that a guy on the other team was GOOD at juice controlling. Very frustrating, but funny too. I don't know how many times I got grappled, bombed, and ejected those matches, but it was insane.
  7. wazupwiop

    wazupwiop New Member

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    You have to deploy at the right range though. You really have to do that at mid-long range, which can be hard depending on the map.
  8. That Dutch Guy

    That Dutch Guy New Member

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    umm, nope.

    a pub assassin will just run at you, slashing air. she will die in half a clip (deploy 2-3). if you surprise them (from a corner, perhaps) close range deploy will kill, or at least get more than half their health bar off.
  9. WildmanX2k

    WildmanX2k New Member

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    No. Don't ever build them. Level 1 Rockit Hack 3> Level 3 Lazerblazer Hack 3
  10. wazupwiop

    wazupwiop New Member

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    There are times where you might have to. Under some circumstances, sometimes a team cannot build a full rocket, so if three people collaborate on a lazerblazer, it is certainly better than a rocket. Lazer Blazers can also be quite useful when you put them on the edges of your defenses because they are hitscan and they take down enemy pros trying to retreat at low health.
  11. WildmanX2k

    WildmanX2k New Member

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    Again, No. You may kill 1-2 at the most, but i'll keep juicing off it easily as the Tank, Assassin and Support. Gunners and Assaults could also pull it off.

    What's the point in building a Lazerr Blazer when the other team will get more kills than the turret ever will?
  12. That Dutch Guy

    That Dutch Guy New Member

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    Did you know assault accuracy decreases while flying?
  13. wazupwiop

    wazupwiop New Member

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    Quit with the trolling, lol.
  14. That Dutch Guy

    That Dutch Guy New Member

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    Quit the incorrect grammar, lol.
  15. HazeTheRipper

    HazeTheRipper New Member

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    wow u can handel a juiced Support thats godlike u have to teach such pro things -.-

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