Assault: endorsements and strategies

Discussion in 'Monday Night Combat 360 Strategy and Tactics' started by tyler251, August 15, 2010.

  1. tyler251

    tyler251 New Member

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    First off I would like to say that this is my first time making a guide of any kind anywhere so please bare with me.

    Bronze:Reload Speed
    Yes I know gold endorsement as accuracy but bare with me it works this allows you to be very accurate over long range with your grenade launcher which is VERY good. Now armor as silver isn't as crazy living longer how can that be bad. Finally reload speed now this you may or may not change but I like this as a slightly faster reload can mean all the difference.

    At the start of the match you want to upgrade passive, then bomb, and finally charge and then in the same order until these 3 skills are maxed and then you can start adding on to your fly skill if you wish.
    Now what I mainly do with this class. I push the bot line extremely hard with the grenade launcher it chews through all bot types you can take out a large group of blackjacks in a matter of seconds. Also you will find that you can basically take out any class as you see fit except for maybe a sniper at long range but if you practice with your grenade launcher you can hit at extremely far distances and basically snipe with it.Usually I find myself going positive with this build and being very helpful to my team.

    Please feel free to ask me anything about this build. And any problems you see in this build please feel free to speak your mind.Also i hope you enjoy this class because i always have a ton of fun with it. :D
  2. Galaxy010

    Galaxy010 New Member

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    I personally use Gold RoF and Silver Accuracy because the AR doesn't do a whole lot of damage without ROF.
  3. tyler251

    tyler251 New Member

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    Have you tried this set-up yet? i just went 22-5 with it and i didn't even focus on kills
    also how big is a difference on the reticule from gold to silver accuracy
  4. hatemakerr

    hatemakerr New Member

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    I can't play without gold ROF since that's the default on the class.
  5. tyler251

    tyler251 New Member

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    i don't really notice a difference at all with the added accuracy you should be able to fit their head in the reticule entirely so you kill at the same rate but burn through clips slower

    actually i don't even like the default assault class at all .......
  6. Downfall

    Downfall New Member

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    I'm conflicted on my Assault set up.

    Generally I go...

    Gold: RoF
    SIlver: Accuracy
    Bronze: Reload

    ...but sometimes I switch up the Gold and Silver ranking. Also, I do like a Gold Armor rank, but Armor is usually to stop assassins. However RoF on his Grenades take out Turrets so quickly, so it is hard to get anything else.

    In general though, I find Crit, Clip, and Skill pointless. Crit are built in, You can usually Kill on 1 clip, and his Skills are 1 time and done.
  7. Sengoku no Maou

    Sengoku no Maou New Member

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    With Gold accuracy your unzoomed reticule is the same size as your zoomed reticule with Silver.
  8. Briq

    Briq New Member

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    It's posted by a dev somewhere, but the general theme with most of the endorsements is like this:

    None -> bronze....big increase
    bronze -> silver....small increase
    silver -> gold.......big increase
  9. StriderHoang

    StriderHoang New Member

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    Whoa, whoa, whoa. I'm actually having trouble wrapping my head around that. I tend to think of gold/silver/bronze as being an incrementally bigger buff than the last. Is that wrong?

    Also, my gold is accuracy as well. The size of the reticule while still running and gunning is borderline hilarious to me. Accuracy/Crits/RoF.
  10. tyler251

    tyler251 New Member

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    it is quite comical how small the reticule is almost makes A.D.T.S. useless almost. Also i did start off with crits but i don't notice killing any faster without it so the little armor boost is nice.
  11. Audiotistik

    Audiotistik New Member

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    Personally i completely disagree, but it may be how i play the class.

    Gold: Accuracy
    Silver: Skill Recovery
    Bronze: Speed

    I get the gold accuracy because the small reticle combined with what i think is my very good ability to aim, i can win most gunfights, easily, and hit from long range with ease.

    I get skill recover because i use my bomb. . . . ALOT. I use it every way possible. I bait people into it around walls and ring them out. This is extremely easy to do. I use it like halo grenades if im having to run from someone chasing me, and they WILL fall for it. I also use it just to take out bots when im creeping. It also helps keep your charge up and your jetpack, though those both recover pretty fast.

    I get bronze speed just because i hate being slow, **** that, its annoying.

    Maybe this isnt how everything thinks the class should be played. But more than 75% of the time im more than positive 15, have at least 10 assists, and we win, so i dont see a problem with it. I've even won games against some of the higher ranked people on forums, so im pretty confident in my build.
  12. tyler251

    tyler251 New Member

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    That's fine that set up suits your play style well and if you think it works for you use it, but I encourage everyone to try this build and use my strategies and see if you do well.
  13. Hiero Glyph

    Hiero Glyph New Member

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    This is interesting because the AR has a maximum effective range regardless of Accuracy. Test it, the AR cannot deal any significant damage beyond a certain range regardless of how much Accuracy you have.
  14. Sir Edgworth

    Sir Edgworth New Member

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    QFT - I tried accuracy at gold, and sure you can hit people far away. But it does very little damage. I think assaults over emphasize accurracy.
  15. jjcpockets

    jjcpockets New Member

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    The assault rifle does less damage at longer ranges, even with the same number of hits. Anyone who uses gold accuracy is either just going to pester distant foes (which isn't necessarily useless) or make sure all of their bullets hit you right between the eyes.

    I recommend accuracy as at most a silver endorsement since that still enables you to hit with almost all shots fired at any range where the assault rifle has serious killing power. My gold endorsement is usually firing rate just to speed up the kill process and make sure they don't have much time to react against a surprise attack.
  16. Lightwrks

    Lightwrks New Member

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    I was a big fan of gold Crit and Acc, but I have become to love gold RoF instead. Accuracy doesn't bring enough to your game as much as Crit/RoF in my opinion. I'm always trying out different silver and bronze. Armor, skill recovery, clip, and reload.
  17. iMMoRTaL DR

    iMMoRTaL DR New Member

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    As a player who started to play assault the first day the game came out i would give advice by using GOLD~Critical Shot Silver~Accuracy Bronze~Reload Speed any questions hit me up in-game immortal dr is g-tag

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  18. tyler251

    tyler251 New Member

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    well i truthfully i use gold acc for my launcher
  19. Lightwrks

    Lightwrks New Member

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    What rank Armor does an assault need to survive a backstab? Silver?
  20. tyler251

    tyler251 New Member

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    no i think if the have grapple upgraded they can kill you but idk i don't play assassin like at all

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