Where's the 360 Love and How Come PC gets updates?

Discussion in 'Monday Night Combat 360 General Discussion' started by Ekanaut, April 27, 2011.

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  1. teapot

    teapot Post Master General

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    How many artists does it take to release an update?

    I still need to think of the punchline...
  2. DeadStretch

    DeadStretch Post Master General

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  3. teapot

    teapot Post Master General

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    just to clarify its supposed to be a joke and not serious.
  4. jaysofacton

    jaysofacton Active Member

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    I guess that could explain why I seem to take more damage when juiced than I used
    to - for the last month or so. Or is it just me?
  5. truckus

    truckus New Member

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    i noticed it too, but it could just be a mental thing. I have had a tendency to overextend myself while juiced lately so maybe I've just gotten ballsier and dumber
  6. th3cozy

    th3cozy New Member

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    Don't get me wrong here, MNC Fs Brink in the A in front of their kids, but it seems like we could be getting the majority of the PC balance tweaks through these non patch netvars, here's what brink did without a patch.

  7. DeadStretch

    DeadStretch Post Master General

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    "Netvars" are somewhat new. At the time Uber made their game not many Devs. knew how to take full advantage of it. So in the case of MNC they are only able to tweak what they added before game release. I mean look at Gears, it's a console seller, and all they really use it for is the XP system.
  8. Shroomkaboom

    Shroomkaboom New Member

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    At this point, given how blatant the disregard is for the 360 version of the game is, I have really considered getting rid of it and freeing up my hard drives memory for games that are actually NOT FORGOTTEN ABOUT. Why should I bother to play your game, when you aren't even going to bother updating it for the majority of fans who actually play it? Why should I invest the time, when you're clearly pandering to the Steam crowd?
  9. Big Ordeal

    Big Ordeal New Member

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    Exactly how many people do you think are working on this game? If you don't know I'll give you a rough answer. Last time I checked it was seventeen. It's a shame you don't see this kind of resentment toward valve for taunting the 360 TF2 community with updates, and pulling out at the last minute. They have countless devs working on and updating the title and they just gave up on the 360 community. Uber doesn't have enough hands to fix the character bio pages on their website, because they are working to give people who make brash assumptions like you updates. If Uber has given up on the 360 community (which I highly doubt) it's because of stuff like this. A small company is working as hard as it can to give a bunch of brats content that won't be appreciated a month after it's release.
  10. Deadpool FTW

    Deadpool FTW New Member

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    I'd advise you to actually read what Ekanaut wrote, but it's obvious you're too stupid to be convinced they're actually trying to get it updated.
  11. 13ip0lar

    13ip0lar New Member

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    I agree, I'm not expecting everything to be fixed or updated, but it would nice to have the changes happen gradually, then having the next update we actually get, change the game radically. Just my two cents though.

    I'd agree with this if you said they were new to the company, which I guess in a way you did. In any event, even games like Brink were using this concept years ago. I'm referring to Wolfenstein: ET. That game came out years ago, and had the ability to "tweak" game values with simple commands. So I don't think that's an acceptable answer. I mean I'm not saying lets find more reasons to say Uber is trash, but I don't accept that as a valid excuse for why they haven't taken advantage of their "tweak system". Unless, as you stated they didn't know how to fully use it, which really means they didn't tie it into a lot of things they should have when they made the game. Which is just all around... well doesn't matter really. The situation is what it is. Hopefully, Uber actually uses their profits to improve their company and in turn make more awesome games, which in the long road will give them a loyal customer base, and everyone wins. I would hate to find out they are just gonna take their money and run. I don't think hiring more artists is what they need though. Aren't they rebuilding the game engine? How many people are working on that if the majority are artists? Seems they got their priorities mixed up. Anyways, I don't want to come off as I'm Uber-bashing, I just really want to see a great game get the respect and attention from other gamers it deserves.
  12. Gentleman

    Gentleman New Member

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    Very well said, that man.
  13. Superchicken

    Superchicken New Member

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    In all honesty I wish you guys would give up on the 360 version of this game and just focus on making a full release MNC2 that has some sort of feasible support structure.
  14. ObiFett

    ObiFett New Member

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    This is the real answer. And the path Uber should be and hopefully are taking.
  15. Ekanaut

    Ekanaut Uber Alumni

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    There's a lot we want to do with MNC and working on updates including better support for future versions is something we're doing. We're also pushing for some platform changes that we see other developers also want that should help with future updates on Xbox.
  16. Discern88

    Discern88 New Member

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    I was wondering if there was going to maybe be any updates to playing split screen? I play only with my wife but its very laggy but its playable. My biggest gripe is when the host rage quits the game kicks us out and doesn't migrate. I know the lag probably can't be fixed but the host migration gets annoying.
  17. Ekanaut

    Ekanaut Uber Alumni

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    Host Migration and Splitscreen don't work together. There are way too many issues with trying to keep the pair from being on different teams, etc.
  18. PlumbumTheEpic

    PlumbumTheEpic New Member

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    Can we get some performance updates for splitscreen? When I play with or without the rest of the Mediocres, I sometimes play with my sis, the mini-Mediocre. Let's just say she respawns. A lot. The framerate lag is always enough to kill me.
  19. Discern88

    Discern88 New Member

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    I feel this so hard. Thanks for the input ekanaut. I'm not a programmer so I don't know what's doable. It sucks but ill live with it MNC is my favorite game lol
  20. Z Bear

    Z Bear New Member

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    Yeah, the splitscreen stuff is a big deal for my wife and I, as well. Can't tell you how many times I've died due to her respawn lag, and the lack of host migration is uber (get it?) frustrating. We've played at times where five games in a row would end in a host migration fail, and finally we're like, screw it, and do something else.
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