Hellchick's Favorite Support Strats (And Yours)

Discussion in 'Monday Night Combat 360 Strategy and Tactics' started by [UBER]Hellchick, August 13, 2010.

  1. Snappyguy

    Snappyguy New Member

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    I think it's the equivalent of hacking them. Faster fire rate and longer sight. It may just be me seeing things. :?
  2. Vike113

    Vike113 New Member

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  3. PuRe x MaGiCkZ x

    PuRe x MaGiCkZ x New Member

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    copyed this from my post on the l2support thread
  4. Z3taPhi

    Z3taPhi New Member

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    I use aggressive placement of my firebase at a bottleneck close to the enemy money ball. I have been choosing to upgrade my firebase and hach first. If I can pull off a good FB placement and get a hach off, I am in good shape for the rest of the game and I will have put the opposing team on the defensive.

    I've also found that putting movement speed as the third endorsement coupled with a shotty pretty much puts assassins in the non-factor category.
  5. slob18c1

    slob18c1 New Member

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    I read in the faq thread that the Juice endorsement doesn't effect the gain of Juice, it just starts you off with more Juice. Anyone know which is correct? I'm looking at your Hellchick
  6. steamwitch

    steamwitch New Member

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    I like to tag team with a Gunner or a Tank and have an assassin watch my back. We charge in with bots on overheals as well as the rest of the team. Then I hack into the opposing turrets to really wreck up the place. The assassin kills any one who would try to stop me and the tank keeps the turret distracted till I finish the hack, I also spend some cash upgrading the turret I stole and overheal anything that needs it.

    Edit: we also spawn many Gremlins and gap shots.
  7. TooTroublesome

    TooTroublesome New Member

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    When you think an invisible assassin is around keep pressing left trigger.
    A red line will will zap in their direction, keep turning so thay stay infront of you.
    Also, as much as I hate it in games, just keep jumping.
    Ideally stay near your firebase, when the assassins invisibility runs out your firebase will attack them or you can start your hurtgun attack.

    I only play as support and most of the strategies are already mentioned in this thread so Ill just say a few quick ones that are most important to me.
    Keep your firebase on choke points and under cover if possible

    Ensure you get level 3 Air strikes asap and whenever the bots bunch up drop one in the middle of them. Also just because an enemy turret is undercover doesnt mean you cannot hit it with your air strike. The radius at level 3 is wide enough to drop the airstrike to just miss the ceiling and hit the turret. This is esspecially useful for the standard turrets either side of the moneyball.

    I never use the shotgun. The quick switching between attack and heal on the healing gun is very important. With enough bunny hopping and making yourself a difficult target to hit then any player can be beaten. And obviously you don't have to worry about reloading/accuracy.

    I'm sure theres much more but thats all I can think of now, they always work for me and im nearly always top of my team. I'm currently #1 Support on Sudden Death by about 120 rounds, so can't be all that bad :twisted: hehe
  8. overgrownpizza

    overgrownpizza New Member

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    My favorite is to use a ShaveIce Turret in the node that is usually covered by a wall. Then build my firebase near it so it picks off easy Pros\Bots and when the shaveice turret is fully upgraded and hacked it's freeze radius is pretty wide. Plus this makes cloaked Assassins have a frosty glow around them which makes them visible and the firebase picks them off while they are grappling me.

    ps: Shaveice turrets can be quite frustrating to the enemy team.
  9. Soulfire

    Soulfire New Member

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    Overhealing a jackbot as a support is the biggest **** move to the other team ever.
  10. Sloth_Mayne

    Sloth_Mayne New Member

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    My favorite support strategy is gold:Defence silver:rate of fire bronze:juice. The way this strategy works is at the beginning of the match buy a passive upgrade then begin healing black-jacks. What this does is not only does it give them a better chance to get to the enemy base but it boosts juice at an insane rate. By doing this, within the first two minutes of a match you should have juice and can just bum rush the enemy base. A few days ago three of my friends and i went into a match and all went support and did this. We all juiced at the same time and killed the moneyball within four minutes of the match starting. ;)
  11. Crimson Trainer

    Crimson Trainer New Member

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    Sloth in case you didnt know as a support having a rate of fire endorsement doesnt affect the rate of fire of the heal/hurt gun at all. The only thing it would be doing is helping out your shotgun.
  12. MassaYoda

    MassaYoda New Member

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    One thing I've found that helps with those pesky assassins if they're unfortunate enough to only get you in a frontal grapple is this:

    1 - While being grappled switch to the shotgun. If you switch when the grapple starts you'll have it out by the time it ends.

    2 - As soon as the grapple is over immediately grapple back. You'll knock them down to around 50% health this way.

    3 - As soon as your grapple is over fire the shotgun and laugh.

    I've downed quite a few assassins this way and it always gives me a good chuckle.
  13. MassaYoda

    MassaYoda New Member

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    I've also found this to be an excellent strategy, and it helps if you can place it near a wall so you can stand behind it and keep your firebase overhealed. Once you have it overhealed most classes can't take it out before it takes them out, and even if they can damage it faster than you can heal it they typically have to stop and reload before destroying it, giving you a chance to heal it back up. If they are able to finally destroy it you've done enough healing to be at or very close to juicing.

    I often (though not always) start with level 2 in firebase and hack and place aggressively. If I can place it close before an assassin gets me it works like a charm and can be a major pain for the enemy. I racked up over 40 kills in one game last night with this strat.
  14. steamwitch

    steamwitch New Member

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    Just tried a new trick and it worked out well! I tag teamed up with a gunner, who's endorsements were: Armor3, Reload2, and Firerate1. (Mine are Abilitys3, Armor2, Movement 1.) He upgraded his gun and deploy, I upgraded my turret and heal/bot support, then hack. He deploys pretty much where ever I drop a lvl3 turret and hack it to 3.3 and over heal him and be on my merry way. Doing this he got 30+ kills and 2 deaths! (I got 17 kills and 5 assists) I did come to see if he was doing well along with keeping my turret and him with over-heals. This takes a while to get going at full speed tho. I did my turret fully upgraded 1st and Hacking last. Because I wanted the turret to heal him first. I then did Bot support/heal-rate as the match got longer and other players would be larger threats. Ans finally Hacking to make the mini-turret a support for the gunner in the damage department. To say the least the whole team had to come after us to stop this.
  15. its rostad

    its rostad New Member

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    when you go to hack an enemys turret put down a firebase before you move in and it will distract the enemy turret just long enough for you to hach it
  16. DDMagnaS

    DDMagnaS New Member

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    What happens when a Support hacks a ShaveIce at all the different Hack levels? Fire-Rate doesn't really mean much on that turret..
  17. Josephs16

    Josephs16 New Member

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    To be honest the thing i do in most games is go in a game with my mate who is also playing support get our firebases and hacking to level 3 and take over there base by hacking there turrets

    there are 2 ways you can do this:

    1 place your firebase next to the turret your hacking so you get healed

    2 get your partner to heal you then obviously put your firebases in there bots path

    once me and my mate together hacked a few of there turrets and put our firebases down = insta win although watch out for those airstrikes :( (could be your downfall)

    this is extremely hard to do and takes a few trys before you succesfully hack into there turrets without dieing and getting some sort of offensive base up.

    i know it sounds like a crazy tactic thought up from the top of my head (it was) but it still works(occasionally)

    P.S the more supports you have in the game the better success rate you have.
  18. Dystopia

    Dystopia New Member

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    A friend and I just tested this in a private an hour or two ago. He used level 3 hack, and from what we could tell, the slow and cloak reveal range about doubles. That's pretty much it.
  19. CH Sidewinder

    CH Sidewinder New Member

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    josephs16, you're playing very similar to the way me and my friend do, but it sounds like you're over complicating it a little bit. we've one matches in one minute and 50 seconds before by similar means.

    first, we both upgrade our hack once and our passive once, then we make a mad dash for the enemy base (if we run into too many enemies the way we take, we try to go around them instead of fight through, also we try to follow behind a gunner or assassin so they can help clear the way for us).

    we get there, team up and kill any people who happen to actually play defensive (there aren't many, if any at all), then he heals me while I hack one, we run to the other and I heal him as he hacks it. we then both drop our FBs next to the money ball and start a mix between overhealing all our turrets, fighting off enemies that spawn, and shotgunning their money ball, upgrading and hacking our FBs as soon as we can. before too long (most likely after the shields drop) you may get a good sized wave of enemies realizing there's something serious going on, but with everything set there it will still take them a while to kill anything, if they're even able to, which gives your teammates plenty of time to navigate the relatively empty map to their defenseless moneyball, mop up any enemies that are left, and finish it off.

    on a side note, I love dropping all 3 of a fully upgraded air strike right on a shieldless moneyball.
  20. Josephs16

    Josephs16 New Member

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    thats exactly what i do its just you can do it on your 'own' with a level 3 FB if you have not got a friend :cry: or the easiest way if you have juice USE THE STUFF btw can you hack more than one enemy turret at once because i can imagine it would be very useful getting skill recovery

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