The Uber Forums

Discussion in 'Monday Night Combat 360 General Discussion' started by joker, June 3, 2011.

  1. Reanimated Ace

    Reanimated Ace New Member

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    I am totally down for a forum Thread or Page that allows for role-playing characters with personas on MNC. I think that would be epic in a really funny way. LOLZ at the thought of somebody delivering a long prepared monologue in the pre-match lobby about how his team is going to smother the enemy, and how they are going to become slaves to the machines after they lose. Have to give Immortal303 +5 awesome points for mentioning the lack of epic Magneto style heel characters.

    I also support people making wagers in MNC for private matches. Wagers in the vain that involve the losing team MUST put something ridiculously stupid into their signatures (or anything friendly of the like).
  2. Edward Coug

    Edward Coug New Member

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    Uber has made many brilliant decisions and a few mind boggling ones. Perma-banning belongs on the mind boggling side. I will never understand permanently banning some of your biggest fans from your site. It's really silly when you think about it.

    It's just a game. But apparently talking about a game is serious business.
  3. Undercover_Thudercat

    Undercover_Thudercat New Member

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    If I weren't lazy and stoned, this would be sig'd.
  4. Col_Jessep

    Col_Jessep Moderator Alumni

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    The key word is business here. If you are looking for a forum without moderation for MNC:

    I was surprised that a fan forum didn't form before release of MNC as it has been the case for so many other games. In my opinion it was because this forum was moderated - unlike so many other official forums - and most of the players enjoyed their time here.

    I think I speak for all the forum staff when I say that we would like to keep a friendly tone here. Players come here to get information, learn how to play, talk about the game and make suggestions to the developers. Very few of them are interested in a flood of trash talking from a minority of clans and competitive players.

    Time has unfortunately shown that a lot of the trash talking escalates over time and some players can't distinguish between some friendly, competitive leg pulling and an all out flame war. And sometimes lines get crossed.

    However, nobody said you can't play MNC and trash talk. We just ask you not to do it here. ;)
  5. TrollBranquility

    TrollBranquility New Member

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    Oh good, that is the entire reason I spend $15 in the first place.

    If I pay for a game, I expect to trash opponents who take it seriously, and POSSIBLY help them get better as well, but they will have to do that work themselves and swallow their pride that they lose to me.

    I think that is the best way. You aren't encouraged to get better than your normal game, if you don't lose and get it rubbed in. I expect other players to see new things and try them, not see an enemy do new and great things and cry about it in the official forums and quit out.
  6. tlbww

    tlbww New Member

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    I read your post. Slanted arguments, but I agreed with most of your points. Just a few short replies.

    1. Playing to win IS playing competitively. What you're saying is by not playing privates or entering into leagues you AREN'T playing to win. I don't think it's a matter of semantics to say that you are actually blurring "casual vs hardcore" play with "league and non-league play". Obviously you were just making mention that there are people that are playing the game for any other reason than training for competitive, organized play and those that are.

    2. I disagreed with the bolded section. Imagine this is your opinion, but you should state it as such. I really dislike trash talk and often mute my microphone and lower the volume in games that have trash talking. I can dish it out but can't take it, so what I do is not say anything. Makes things a lot easier for everyone since I'm win more than I lose especially in games where I'm frequently playing the same person(s). Trash talking makes it worse as some people lose motivation to continue playing the game. You don't want to insult the person you enjoy playing (and probably beating) with to the point that they don't want to play with you. A poorly timed comment can ruin someone else's experience. I don't believe insulting the competition breeds healthy play.

    The more memorable and enjoyable games I've ever played is when everyone is having fun with ZERO trash talking. Everyone is playing to win (or no one is playing to lose), so everyone is doing what they can to win. I don't like playing with people that get their jollies rubbing lemon on wounds. I'm not a carebear, but a healthy gaming environment for the most people encourages positively amongst all it's players. Just thought I would put that out there. Ultimately, even with the little "healthy badgering" you get too many people that only shout insults such as the comical "You suck" or "What a newb." or "Whip my penile glue off your mother's facade." and many more. Many people also take too much of this trash talk way too seriously. Those people shouldn't even having a headset.

    3. I have some kids I tutor that play this game and visit the forums regularly. They range from 8-14 yrs old. All the stuff you think they wouldn't want to see or should see are the things they are looking for. Never assume you're peers in an online setting are all 18+ yr old fanboys.

    4. Nothing I've said has anything to do with your proposed flame forum or of the like. I don't mind that idea, but I do feel that if there is a need for a flame forum, than that game community itself has issues: ones that I would stay away from.
  7. Ekanaut

    Ekanaut Uber Alumni

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    Our biggest fans that talk trash talk about us and make it personal, can't follow the guidelines on the forums, and make it difficult for other people on here? Those fans? Yeah, no thanks. We don't make games so we can get abused by our 'fans'. You wouldn't understand it unless you were in our positions. Most people can act like decent human beings but some have a hard time. You are a guest in our house and would you like it someone acted like a fool in yours? Would you welcome them back with open arms? No you would not.
  8. krunkthuzad

    krunkthuzad New Member

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    Add more maps please.
  9. joker

    joker Active Member

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    If they were buying what i was selling, yeah probably
  10. benzito7

    benzito7 Member

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    If I were you I would leave them a second chance, I would advised them one more time of the reasons they were banned and that if they repeat there behavior they will be ban permanently.

    After that, I agree with you, you gave them a second chance, they acted like fools again, though luck if you cant learn from your mistake.

    Monday Night Combat is a very very small community, they are barely any players left on PC, the Xbox 360 seems to be still going but I dont believe we can afford losing some very good contributor just because they made a mistake.

    Just my two cents.
  11. DeadStretch

    DeadStretch Post Master General

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    Actually many of the "perma-banned" users have gotten multiple chances to "try again." They themselves have made alternate accounts and 9 times out of 10 nothing changes.
  12. Z Bear

    Z Bear New Member

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    Trash talking is fine between friends. When some friends and I play games, we trash talk and make jokes about each other, but there are a couple of things that make it different than online games.

    1) I actually like those guys. I don't know who the heck you are. If the first words I hear out of your mouth EVER are "G*&D D@$N, UR ALL A BUNCH OF F*&IN MORONS!", then you're immediately written off as an adolescent jackhole, no matter how old you sound. On the other hand, I play with Lief and Random quite a bit now and they can trash talk all they want about me, because they were actually cool people when we first partied up. Besides, they're right, I am a F&$ING N00B.

    2) As you see in the last sentence, I have the ability to laugh at myself and understand to some degree how I am perceived by others. I, and most of the other people I play with, have a sense of perspective (just how big a deal it really is if something doesn't go our way), and don't take ourselves too seriously. But the large majority of online games have NONE of this. So their trash talk is not fun, entertaining, or even fun to hate. It's just annoying.
  13. joker

    joker Active Member

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    i like to think of it as "tough love." when i first became competitive in privates i took my share of heat and i knew when i fucked up, wasnt alot to be completely honest though. I wasnt a star but i wasnt a liability either. Most of my learning came from hearing other people get bitched out by grand prize members, and i just always accepted what they said as fact because well, they were the best so i figured it was for a reason. Along the way i implemented some of my own ideas about the game and how they could be even better but never really had to since the competition was pretty weak during the grand prize era. And not just in this game, but i know when i **** up in other competitive games, im pissed initially but i learn from it and do better next time. So its all really what you look for in a game. If you dont want to be competitive and dont want to get better by hearing harsh truth time to time then so be it, if you wanna be told you are doing fine when youre not then stay as good as you are. This is directed at nobody just a mass generalization, because alot of people in this game are happy with exactly how they play. But the people who have gotten better and better, and want to continue to get better, they take our "tough love" in stride
  14. Z Bear

    Z Bear New Member

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    Joker, my day job is as an HR trainer. I.E., I train people to do their jobs for a living. Yes, I am saying that I get paid to study about and apply principles of education to real life situations and help people do their jobs better.

    Saying that people learn best from being berated and belittled is just... well, it's wrong. It's not true. It's not effective, and it isn't a good way for people to learn. You can go on thinking that way if it pleases you, but it doesn't make it correct.

    If you create a friendly environment where people are free to give advice and are encouraging when people do something well and tactful when they do something wrong, you'll see people improving at a MUCH higher rate than the one you describe.

    That's just my professional opinion.
  15. Vlane

    Vlane New Member

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    And the only true one.
  16. That Dutch Guy

    That Dutch Guy New Member

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    I can confirm this.
  17. JackTrips

    JackTrips New Member

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    HR trainer? Why not HR Sensei? Get better, scrub.


    I nominate for post of the year. ZBear deserves 6 signed posters.
  18. Z Bear

    Z Bear New Member

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    ... I...
    U right, u right.
  19. Light My Pyre

    Light My Pyre New Member

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    Calling someone a scrub just because his/her opinions didn't match your's isn't right.
  20. JON10395

    JON10395 New Member

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    I disagree, scrub.

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