How old is MNC? And supports still haven't been changed.

Discussion in 'Monday Night Combat 360 General Discussion' started by gta015, June 5, 2011.

  1. gta015

    gta015 New Member

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    I've played MNC alot. More than any other game I own. The one thing that really pisses me off with this game is the support.

    How can Uber Entertainment justify a class that if everyone picks it the other team are instantly disadvantaged.

    Turret - Just leave it somewhere near a place that robots walk past and bang theres a brilliant way in for the other team.
    Shotgun - Too highly powered, longer range than it should be
    Healing/Damage gun - Can still harm/heal through walls despite there being a patch that should have fixed it
    Air Rockets - The fact that these explode at the highest point annoys me. When one is dropped below the spawn room it doesn't explode at the very top. Instead it explodes in the spawn room wiping out any members currently in it.

    So basically what I'm saying is. Sort it out ffs.

    The most recent game I played was in the LazorRazor arena. I joined a losing team where the other team were all supports and had placed 4 turrets under the bridge. They then managed to get into the base and hacked on the the turrets, 3 of them were healing each other and the other 3 were healing the turret. We had no f***ing chance!

    Host Migrations
    These happen a lot especially when the host is on a losing team. The other day we had one host migration and as soon as the game resumed there was another. Not to mention the fact that I was in mid air jumping from one platform to another when the migration took place. Consequently I fell to my death.

    That is all I have to say (it isn't but I'm bored of typing now).
  2. Col_Jessep

    Col_Jessep Moderator Alumni

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    When their team has 4 players who work together and your team doesn't... outch
  3. rhineville

    rhineville Member

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    If you've been playing this game since release you'd know the support has been changed (airstrike regen was nerfed, as well as juice gain and hack speed). Support is now one of the trickier classes to learn, as his combat options are a bit reduced.

    If you joined a losing team in the middle of the match, either the players on your team were awful enough to not know how to deal with supports/firebases or everyone on your team had left previously, giving the supports time enough to do their thing. The fact that they hacked both interior turrets means they had little opposition. I'd wager that if they chose a nice well-rounded team they'd still end up beating you...

    Airstriking the spawn does need to be fixed, though. Next time you see a support heavy team, go all gunners.
  4. jaysofacton

    jaysofacton Active Member

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    We only had 5 supports - johnno went assassin: spoil sport :lol:
    This definately need sorting - but posting about it doesn't help. Now all the noob
    supports are going to be airstriking the spawn.

    Edit - quite right we did start with 6 supports but someone not in our party either left
    or changed class ;)
  5. Patch

    Patch New Member

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    Support has received the most nerfs. The class is at best a mild annoyance against a competent team. It's wiser to run with a second Assault or Tank.

    The energy emitted by the Proton Stream helps to dissipate psychokinetic (PK) energy which Pros use to defend themselves. The uncoupled phase resonance of PK energy allows enemy combatants to be damaged through impermeable structures.

    If you can dodge a wrench, you can dodge an airstrike.

    Spawn striking is not a glitch, hack, or exploit. It's a result of Uber's substandard quality control. If it bothers you, consider boycotting their future products.

    On behalf of Doctors Venkman, Spengler, and Stantz, I would like to personally thank you for all the fun. We were amazed at how long the fire base orgy lasted. By the time someone figured out to buy juice and take them out, we had moved into the spawn. This would never happen against a team who knew what they were doing.

    Such is the nature of client/server multiplayer. The only solution is for Uber to provide dedicated servers for the 360 (hahaha). It's better for the host to migrate than be returned to the title screen. Host migrations are one of the few problems Uber managed to correct with the second update.
  6. Undercover_Thudercat

    Undercover_Thudercat New Member

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    Support is the most difficult class for beginners to fight against, that's for sure. However, once you figure out how to counter them, they are one of the easier classes to deal with unless they are supporting a good team.

    Assassin - shuriken firebases. don't be afraid to use a juice to kill it.

    Assault - AR down the sights rapes them. bomb clears a support away from the firebase. grenade launcher does okay damage to it from range/around corners, but isn't as effective as the AR. Just stay out of shotgun range.

    Gunner - Minis rape them. Mortars do okay damage from really far away.

    Sniper - Flak and Sniper rifle tear apart turrets, and smg beats supports shotgun unless you get too close. As long as you understand how to back up and maintain your distance while you attack, you're okay.

    Support - Airstrike firebases! Jump around when you shotgun fight another support.

    Tank - Product bomb blinds turrets. Jet gun rapes firebases. Rail gun is kinda slow dmg to them, but can still take them out if the support isn't healing it. As far as combat goes...there's really nothing a support can do to you from any range. Rail gun long distance and medium distance, and if he's dumb enough to get close enough, charge + death blossom.

    What I HATE about Support in pubs is that not every class is set up to take out every firebase. For example, if I'm assassin and a support has his firebase around a corner where it can't be shuriken'd, I have to count on my allies to take it out. Or when they put it on top of their own bridge on Ammo Mule and I'm an assault and my team's support won't airstrike it...ugh.

    Supports who sit by their firebase bug me so much, especially when it works simply because the person whose class counters that firebase spot best wont do anything about it.
  7. Foolamancer

    Foolamancer Member

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    And if a single Assassin, Tank, or Assault figures out where it is, it'll die in seconds.

    Not as powerful as the Jet Gun or Minigun at close range. It's also attached to the Support's squishy self. If you can't kill the Support fast enough or charge away from the Shotgun, that's on you, not them.

    So? Not exactly a huge deal.

    This, on the other hand, is an exploit. It needs to be patched.

    If you lose to a team of six Supports, then you are doing something very, very wrong. The Support has so many counters that it's not even funny. Assassins, Assaults, Gunners, and Tanks destroy Firebases with ease (and if they're all clustered together, a single Product Grenade 3 can solve your problem). It takes upwards of five seconds to Hack an enemy turret. That's more than enough time for you to shoot the hacker. The Shotgun is useless at mid- to long-range, so Assaults and Gunners destroy him with ease. The Support is terrible at destroying bots if you remove his Firebase, so an Assassin or Tank can single-handedly push into the base.

    And so on. In short, your loss here is not a comment on the overpoweredness of the Support. It's a comment on the disorganization of your team.
  8. DeadStretch

    DeadStretch Post Master General

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    Are you saying that you Air Striked the spawn room?
  9. joker

    joker Active Member

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    a team of 6 supports would get absolutely slaughtered by a team of 2-3 good players.. i cant believe this is a serious thread
  10. 2wynbge

    2wynbge Member

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    I agree ^
  11. Col_Jessep

    Col_Jessep Moderator Alumni

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    I played on a team with 6 Assassins once, it was hilarious. There was probably so much humming that the other team didn't know where to turn. We would have got our asses kicked by a good team though... :lol:
  12. Big Ordeal

    Big Ordeal New Member

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  13. jaysofacton

    jaysofacton Active Member

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    Hell no - That is most definately cheating & I discourage it when when people on my
    team do it.
  14. x Zatchmo

    x Zatchmo New Member

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    But, it's free Airstrike kills for my counter.
  15. Immortal303

    Immortal303 New Member

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    Insert immortal303 rant about how the Support has been shafted too much already, followed by presumtious, hyperbolic statements about ur playing ability.
  16. PlumbumTheEpic

    PlumbumTheEpic New Member

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    I kick people out of the team for it...

    But we're all too honorable for that.
  17. jaysofacton

    jaysofacton Active Member

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    Superbia in proelia
  18. Gentleman

    Gentleman New Member

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    I've managed to "Ground Zero" myself before.

    Like, not have the actual air-strike kill me, but actually get it stuck on me.
  19. PlumbumTheEpic

    PlumbumTheEpic New Member

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    Say wha?
  20. truckus

    truckus New Member

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    I think this is a joke from another thread where someone asked if it was possible.'s not.

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