The demo has been released to a selected few. Personally I think a demo should be available to everybody to give them a taste of the game so they will buy it but whatever... Review by TotalBiscuit: Looks like they took the Duke and pressed him into the whole CoD corset that has been going on the last few years: Only two weapons equipped, limited ammo, regenerating health, only a couple of enemies at a time... To top it all off the Duke sounds like an asthmatic after running like 20 meters. WTF?!? They started the game really well with a huge boss monster, lots of shooting and action and after that they turned the game into a tactical shooter? All I'm missing are flashbangs and taking cover and this might be as well Rainbow Six Outer Space. I think the Duke needs all his weapons back, 5 times the ammo and a lot more aliens waiting for some *** kicking. Graphics are good enough but there's to much walking and not enough shooting. Otherwise the game looks great but I don't want physics puzzles that take 3 times the amount of time as all the shooting combined... Opinions?
Hey, after I watched Yahtzee's review I expected gold. In any case... yeah, looks like it's a good thing I didn't cave and buy it. I was between preordering and waiting 6 months for a steam sale. Looks like I'll just be taking option number 3.
I played the demo, and I got exactly what I expected: trash. the thing was so bad it was almost unplayable, the dialogue was forced and horribly unbelievable, and the gameplay was pretty much total ***.
Duke Nukem always reminded me of Doom. Doom3 was kind of conforming the Doom series to the new trash that was common modern shooters. Duke Nukem was predictably going to be just that. I too think doing all they did was going overboard. More than 2 weapons would have made it less obviously modern shooter trash. Ammo should be short-supply, but should be massively-collectable like in old games, where you can pick up 9999 rounds of something instead of just 2 clips. Layouts should be kind of interesting, like puzzles and such, but they should limit it to one really long puzzle per game, and make the landscape a little more interesting to travel on like Half-Life2.
I wonder who came up with the two weapon limitation is the first place. Yeah, it might be more tactical and you are forced to make a decision but it's less fun in my opinion. I believe Far Cry even made you drop one of your two weapons when you wanted to use a rocket launcher, something that was thankfully removed in Crysis 2 IIRC. One of the worst offenders imo was Crysis, not only did you only get two weapons you basically had to pick up every single clip from the ground. Really fun when you are crawling through high grass and shrubs 90% of the time and you have to go searching for the dropped weapon. Otherwise a fun game but why did every enemy only carry like one or two clips.... 0.o Realism is all nice as long as it doesn't get in the way of fun. Just imagine you would have to buy ammo in MNC and the Assault could only carry 4 magazines before he has to buy new ammo at spawn. :lol:
I played the Duke Nukem Forever demo, and I don't really think there is enough content to really get a feel for what the game will be like on release. On another note, when given the opportunity to draw on the whiteboard, I drew a boot going into the alien's crotch, and lol'd when the military guy said he couldn't understand my plan, but if he had one of his men would probably still have an arm and maybe both of his balls.
From what I have seen the game took the feel out of a game that put realism aside for fun. I was put off when I heard only two weapons. More put off by regenerating health. Making an old school style shooter should be a little project of mine.
I played DNF for one or two hours and didn't want to play on. The game has a lot of racing and puzzels in it, some of the are nicely done even, but the shooter part is seriously lacking. For starters, there is not enough shooting going on. The enemy AI is pretty terrible, you don't need the cover system at all. Now this wouldn't be bad if there were enough enemies or you wouldn't recover your health in a heartbeat. But there is not enough challenge. I played on normal difficulty and the game felt too easy. It tries to add tactical element but they don't work with stupid AI. Being restricted to two weapons makes the game a little tougher but costs a lot of fun. This is not a military simulation, more would have been more in this case! Story and interactivity are simple. Now, I didn't expect much to begin with, but you can only draw so many dicks on whiteboards before it gets boring. And the whole way other characters make make the Duke out to be a godlike figure feels just forced and doesn't really do anything for the game. That development time could have been spent better. In conclusion: Parts of the game show what would have been possible but they just miss the point where it gets good. Too many ideas were implemented at the cost of the core part of the game, the shooter part. It feels like 20 teams of developers had designed a game without knowing what the others were doing. DNF is a collection of minigames and puzzles, forced together into one game and loosely connected by interactive story telling and the odd shooting sequence. The game want's to be too much at the same time and fails to be exceptional in any single department. It's not good enough as a shooter, too easy for a puzzle game and to bland for a story driven adventure. Please keep in mind that I only played it for a short time but that's the impression I was left with. We were disappointed with the game and then proceeded to play some bowling on the Wii. That game only does one thing, but it does it well. So much more fun than DNF...
I guess I wont be getting and neither will my coworker behind me who will soon be reading your review. You saved us $49.99! Thanks! L. Spiro