
Discussion in 'Monday Night Combat 360 General Discussion' started by citizen, August 17, 2010.

  1. citizen

    citizen New Member

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    The last couple of times I have played, right before we win the game, someone warps across the entire map at 200 mph and instantly destroy our money ball. One was an assassin named littleangel or something like that and the other was a support class. These guys litterally destroyed our money ball from full health in seconds. One of them was being shot nonstop by rocket turrets and not taking any damage.
  2. l2ELLIK

    l2ELLIK New Member

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    I've also encountered this 4NGEL something and he/she was just floating in place not taking any damage but just spamming those shurikens. I reported him/her and told him/her to take his/her *** back to MW2 with the rest of modding noobs.

    Seriously, it's people like this that absolutely ruin games. They think it's all some big ****ing joke but watch one day they will get what's coming to them.
  3. Arcell

    Arcell New Member

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    I don't think I saw any hacking or modding but I think I may have seen a bot(player). This person would always run the exact same way to the exact same spot and do the exact same thing (assassin, behind/under our spawn, shuriken the ball). Now that's not that odd in itself but I stood there in front of them with my shotgun for a few seconds and there was no reaction at all. No running, grabbing, anything trying to get away from it at all. I even approached them directly from the front so they'd have some indicator to run but they didn't.

    Now maybe this person was just incredibly stupid or had no desire to live but that seems pretty unlikely. Most people at least TRY to survive in such a situation.
  4. Phoenixrage

    Phoenixrage New Member

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    I know what you're talking about, I wish I'd grabbed the name of the gamertag of the assassin I saw moving at light speed in a match I was in on Saturday. It was literally ridiculous how fast her assassin was moving, she was lapping the arena in about a second.
  5. Herald of Ice

    Herald of Ice New Member

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    Yeah, I encountered the same issue yesterday... nothing out of the ordinary as the assassin stabbed me in the back, but as soon as she exited the animation... WOOSH! Even Ryu Hayabusa would have a hard time keeping up with her. xD
  6. l2ELLIK

    l2ELLIK New Member

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    Just encounter another floating jesus assassin. He ran into our base in overtime and just as me and another player were about to kill him he hit his jesus switch and just started floating there spamming shurikens at our money ball. His name is B0RD3R PATR0LIN(O are zeros). If you encounter him please report him.

    Something I've noticed though. All these modders are MW2 players. I Pray they get sick of this game and go back to that crap.
  7. zaceee

    zaceee New Member

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    well. I can confirm that the assassins that are sprinting/dashing at 1000000000mph aren't hackers, theyre just taking advantage of an exploit in the game, which i wont disclose here for fear of spreading it, but it is to do with the dash function and its rather easy to pull off, i haven't seen any of these GODMODE assassins you speak of yet though , they may actually be hackers, i'm not too sure about them.
  8. yoomazir

    yoomazir New Member

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    wow, I hope it's not going to kill the game for me...
  9. TheJackalMan

    TheJackalMan New Member

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    I had the misfortune of playing with a modder whose gamertag was covered by a proxy gamertag in game. For those of you who don't remember the full gamertag, but remember part of it, do what I'm going to do, go through the recently played with list, find the modder and report the hell out of them.
  10. T4CT

    T4CT New Member

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    we had a guy on our team in our xbox live party who we play with on a considerable basis and happen to know doesn't hack, and he inexplicably was able to move at super speed for a full life before his speed reset to normal

    similarly we had a match where our entire team's horizontal axis sensitivity became nearly non-existent, you could slam the stick to either side and it would take a full fifteen seconds to rotate 360 degrees

    I think some of these aren't actually mods, they're just hard *** bugs.
  11. l2ELLIK

    l2ELLIK New Member

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    The super speed assassin isn't a mod or hack, we've already established that. However the floating Jesus Assassin is indeed a hack/mod. I seem to only run into these dicks very late/early morning. The sad thing is these modders are probably grown *** men. Seriously, grow up and start playing the game the way it's meant to be played. The only reason you use that hack is because your crap assassin class sucks and the only way you can actually do any damage is to hack.

    Heres a suggestion for all you modding assassin. Play another class so that you can actually contribute to the overall victory instead of turning on your hacks at the last second to steal a win like a p****y.
  12. l2ELLIK

    l2ELLIK New Member

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    I don't think you have to worry about it considering I usually only encounter this type of player once every 20-30+ games. Don't worry, Uber reads the boards so I'm sure they are taking the names of people being reported. I won't let these **** ruin this great game. If I have too I will take down every lame *** hacker GT and report them here and to MS.

    Most important thing you can do is remember the gamertag of said player who is hacking and report it here.

    Edit: Can we get a sticky for this Uber?. Thanks.
  13. citizen

    citizen New Member

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    Unless the speed thing also speeds up attack speed, and does something for the support class too I don't think it's what I am talking about.

    As I said, at least twice I have been in a game where we were about to win, when our money ball had full health, and suddenly an enemy appears attacking our money ball and we lose instantly. One was an assassin and one was a support.
  14. forrestthewoods

    forrestthewoods Uber Alumni

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    We're aware of and working on a fix for the super speed assassin. The "Jesus Assassin" we are still gathering data on. If you can provide details please send them to me in a PM.

    - ForrestTheWoods
  15. Bufger

    Bufger New Member

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    Sometimes this is just normal play. When i play with my team im usually the assassin and as soon as the moneyball is down i go buy juice, cloak, walk right in and then crit the moneyball then keep swinging whilst running around it juiced - i can get about half of its health before i die!

    I did it last night as a juiced deployed tank with 2 juiced supports and a gunner hitting with crits - it took barely 2 seconds and the other team accused us of cheating (fact is we just rushed them!)

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