Share your Ideas for Maps and Modes

Discussion in 'Monday Night Combat PC Discussion' started by NeoCyberman, June 3, 2011.

  1. NeoCyberman

    NeoCyberman Active Member

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    Juice Rush

    I had this idea for a juice smuggling game where members of eighther team have to escort a payload caried by industrial strength bots of near illegal levels of juice to the oponents goal.

    The robots are above normal levels in strength and power but can be taken out causingt the juice to drop and remain in place. Another squad of bots is summoned following the route to continue the push.

    The anihalator reduces the bots to half strength.

    Whatever team fills the juice meter first or the most within the time limit wins. Instead of coins juice spurts everwhere.

    Arena is Apocalips or maybe Grenade II.

    I'm not sure if the bot paths should cross and what should happen then.

    Feel free to share your ideas

    As a side not I have exams so I won't be on the forum or game as much in the comming weekend.
  2. Awpteamoose

    Awpteamoose Active Member

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    map - a circle with a golden fence of magnificence on one side
    mode - sumo
    two teams brawl and the winning team gets the opportunity to stand on the one and only fence, the greatest invention of Uber Entertainment
  3. DeadStretch

    DeadStretch Post Master General

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    I had an idea for a Single Moneyball game type a while ago but I still think it's a great mode and all. If you want to read here is the link: viewtopic.php?f=19&t=2467
  4. teapot

    teapot Post Master General

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    What about capture the flag? The bots are the one that need to pick up the flag, and run back on the lane while you escort them? There could be timed flag returns or touch returns. I'd say only blackjacks and slimbots are able to run the flag, since each bot is so different from each other. Wouldn't be fair for an over healed bouncer to run the flag back that quick.

    Obviously more work would have to go into this idea, but I think it'd be cool to have more than one game mode (besides blitz)

    as far as map ideas.. I think I'd like something multi level.. that wouldn't have much effect on bots, but it'd add more depth in the level.
  5. Coverop

    Coverop New Member

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    How about escort the Mascot ?

    You are escorting a mascot from center map and you need to escort to enemy base (specific area).

    The grapple on mascot will start you escorting and by the same you'll be the leader.
  6. DeadStretch

    DeadStretch Post Master General

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    As long as he does the worm the whole time I escort him. :D
  7. teapot

    teapot Post Master General

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    grappling the mascot changes directions? shooting the mascot either speeds him up or slows him down depending on whose base he's targeting?
  8. DeadStretch

    DeadStretch Post Master General

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    That would actually be quite hectic. The team who is escorting the Mascot would just be shooting the **** out of him while the other team would be shooting the **** out of those shooting the **** out of the mascot. Assassin suicide grapples anyone? Surprise Gunner Slams to spread everyone apart? Tank Charge 3 to make a clear path?

    I'm starting to really like this! :p
  9. Coverop

    Coverop New Member

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    Well. Only enemy gets Money and Juice because It would be cheat-y to Escort and earn (at the same time) money and juice by simply shotting at him.

    Well. Depends of map.
  10. DeadStretch

    DeadStretch Post Master General

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    Teapot made a suggestion that shooting the Mascot could make him walk a faster. That's where my comment came from. :D
  11. Kupi

    Kupi New Member

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    Personally, I'd just like to see a three-lane map. Maybe not with extra bots (because the game's balance is so heavily tied to who can accrue the most money), but by giving each team an "attack lane" on the sides of the arena, while the middle lane is a conjoined "clash lane". Do you protect the bots on your attack lane for a quick shot at the enemy's Moneyball, sacrificing your income? How much effort do you spend pushing back the enemy's attack lane, since you can't open up their Moneyball that way? Or, do you play it safe and push the center so you can get better access to the juice machines and Annihilator? Could make for some interesting tactics. (More so than the one-lane maps, at least...)

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