Assassin Changes

Discussion in 'Monday Night Combat 360 Feedback and Issues' started by wazupwiop, April 26, 2011.

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  1. xRustySpoon

    xRustySpoon New Member

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    I never called it a skill, re-read my post. Also, check out the guide section on how to correctly "smoke bomb jump". Judging by your post, I don't think you realize this ability exists.

    Saying the assassin is underpowered ranks right up there with some of the things wazup and Bro say for being one of the dumbest things I've ever heard on these forums.

    Edit: Yea Tom, I agree, assassin can make or break a game, depending on if you have on or not.
  2. Randomdude02

    Randomdude02 Member

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    Whoops. Yeah, that was my fault. I meant to post "better than a skill". My brain derped.

    I'm not sure what the smoke bomb jump has to do with what I said, unless you're honestly implying that you can use the smoke bomb every time you hit the ground again without delay, pause, or a recharge.

    And, for asking me to go back through a post, it's a bit odd you wouldn't notice I said she had disadvantages (more so when compared to others), and was underpowered in a specific aspect as opposed to being just plain underpowered.

    To address Tom: yeah, she makes a significant impact due to the .5 second kill time for bots. As stated above, I don't consider the Assassin as a whole in need of a buff.

    More accurately, other things need a nerf.

    She's good, but other people are better. Not much can be done but run from any competent player, or even a bad player that knows one or two tricks (i.e. clawing).
  3. TehRussBus

    TehRussBus New Member

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    Assassin is a good class, no doubt.

    It just gets F*cked over by lag and glitches WAY TOO HARD, as I mentioned earlier.

    Stutterstepping, lunge not traveling (might just be me), smoke bomb jumps not working, shurikens not coming out of the launcher until after I've shot the entire clip (wtf?), and grapples not registering.

    At this point, for me at least, the class is borderline unplayable.

    On a more productive note, anyone else think gunner deploy should give you explosive rounds and free Gold RoF, or is it just me?
  4. Undercover_Thudercat

    Undercover_Thudercat New Member

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    Nah. No other class can single handedly win a game against a pub stomping team like an assassin can. I've lost with a team of 2-3 against a single assassin, and I've beaten pub stomping teams of up to 6 with a single assassin. No other class can do that.
  5. WildmanX2k

    WildmanX2k New Member

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    It's fine, you just need to know when to use it in the right situations. Don't spend a ong time deployed either. Just deploy when you think your target is coming round the corner, kill him/her, then undeploy.
  6. TOM12121112

    TOM12121112 New Member

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    someone needs to learn to use the sword without grappling, then.

    even in orhganized private matches, i have be cut down multiple times by an assassin just cutting me, and i play a clawing gunner.
  7. Randomdude02

    Randomdude02 Member

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    Huh. As do I, and I basically just laugh at any Assassin dumb enough to try. Though, the "private" is probably where the difference is. Not exactly like there's that many good Assassins anywhere... at all.... on this game...

    From the other side, I basically ignore anyone besides the Support and other Assassins when playing as one. They're the only ones who can't completely screw me over and make it a near suicide to go after.
  8. Undercover_Thudercat

    Undercover_Thudercat New Member

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    Also, the assassin doesn't need a damaging skill.

    I am starting to hate the idea of the PC version's updates; all I want out of the assassin just better grapple detection and no more glitching on bomb jumps, lunges, and sprint.
  9. Vike113

    Vike113 New Member

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    This is mostly directed towards snipers, supports because they're the only ones who really exploits the grapple immunity, they weren't intentionally given help getting away from grapples.

    These classes, mainly support, abuse the grapple immunity to the point where it doesn't matter how good you are, you almost can't kill them. Add lag and it's impossible to kill them.

    But even when it's so obvious that this wasn't something Uber intended some people still think it's fine. Uber didn't give you immunity while grappling because of class balance, they did it because they didn't want to bother with doing in-air grapple animations. This is understandable, why waste time into something that hardly ever happen? And they couldn't just do the normal grapple animations in the air, that would just look weird, pulling both the grappler and the victim to the ground would probably not be the easiest thing to do either.

    So why should this boring, skill-less "tactic" or "playstyle" still be in the game? Assassins still have loads of problems with lag, why make it worse?

    I've said this before a long time ago (in internet time) but I'll say it again: This game is great, and Uber is an awesome developer, but the lag and the grapple immunity just ruins the game for me.
  10. truckus

    truckus New Member

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    this might sound dumb of me, but what do you mean by the sniper's and support's grapple immunity?

    You mean they do something to NOT get grappled or they can grapple and not take damage? I know the latter to be false.
  11. DeadStretch

    DeadStretch Post Master General

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    I made the mistake of deciding to click on the "view new post" icon on this thread. Yeah it brought me to the very first post then I continued to read the rest of the thread.

    These are what stuck out for me:


    Also I really, really, really have to say this:
    Lief was a good assassin during MNC's launch. Snarf (now) is far better then the Leif of then.

    I also have a few more thing to add but apparently what I say doesn't matter because I am a worthless mod. so I will let you all continue to bicker.
  12. Liefglinde

    Liefglinde New Member

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    Well yeah... my skills at launch can't even compare to my Assassin skills now.
  13. Vike113

    Vike113 New Member

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    Okay, maybe sniper doesn't have the same "grapple immunity" as support do because they need to be on the ground to aim, at least with the sniper. What I mean with immunity is that a support who will constantly spam jump will be almost impossible to grapple because they're in the air like 80% of the time. And if you count in lag they will be in the air even when they're on the ground on your screen.
  14. WildmanX2k

    WildmanX2k New Member

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    You should only be going after people if they don't know you are there. Sneak up on them first and then assassinate.
  15. NovaKnight21

    NovaKnight21 New Member

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    The problem with that train of logic with this discussion is, if the support doesn't do anything BUT jump, it doesn't matter if he knows you're there or not. He could just be spinning in a circle and jumping, not looking at the screen, and he'd have a miniscule chance of being grabbed.

    It's... A problem. And the only solution I could think of to fix it would be to give a cooldown to jumps. And me making that suggestion would make everyone instantly flame me for not being skilled enough to compensate for a little jumping.
  16. Nova Warlord

    Nova Warlord New Member

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    It is annoying when they nonstop jump , and depending on the lag it can be very annoying trying to grapple bunny hoppers. You have to compensate for how much lag there is and time it just as they fall down from there jump .
  17. WildmanX2k

    WildmanX2k New Member

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    Either wait for him to hack a turret or get him with shurikens. You could also time when he lands so you can back-grapple him unexpectedly.
  18. Liefglinde

    Liefglinde New Member

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    Problem with waiting is just that - waiting. A Support can make you just waste time by bunny hopping which directs your attention away from lanes.

    Also the Assassin doesn't shoot shuriken. She shoots cookies. Considering that the shuriken almost always miss even at point blank range, a plate of cookies and a clip of shuriken would do the same amount of damage.
  19. WildmanX2k

    WildmanX2k New Member

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    Ignore the support then. Choose an easier target or harras him with cookies :lol: .
  20. wazupwiop

    wazupwiop New Member

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    The assassin really does have an unfair disadvantage. The assassin depends on close-range grapples for many pro attacks. It is really hard to compensate for lag, and grapples can occur at any time because of lag. You have to have an amazing host before playing assassin is even a viable option.
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