Ha! Ha! Ha! I looovvve what you do. The match on Steel Peel became 6 vs 1 so I decided to goof around and I thought you were gonna Ground Zero me like the noob juiced Gunner lol. We had good games after that though.
When I play mnc I repeatedly hit myself in the **** with a frozen hammer, is that hardcore enough for you y/n
No. You should watch beheading videos and listen to ICP rap songs(which sucks) while playing MNC. You have failed my test. Lulz.
That's kinda how I play but I shove the controller straight up my *** and press the buttons by punching myself in the nuts. Oh, and I claw.
It's really funny cos this thread is me looking for players but everyone is talking about krunkthuzad's **** LMFAO. I'm just gonna stick with Crimsonskull117 lol. And krunk, I have not played with you for awhile. Party me up whenever you're bored bruddah.
Yeah man, ill look for you this morning when I get off work. I bought my brothers worms 2 and torchlight, havnt played since then those jerks, but ill kick them off today. Look for me around 9 am pst. Prime mnc time FFFFFFFFFF.
AM I HARDCORE ENOUGH? I TALK IN ALL CAPS AND LISTEN TO JUSTINA BEIBER. On a serious note Crimson plays with people? He's awesome
I love playing with Crimson. Both of us always plays Assault and he uses the XENONOX build and I use the kckzi build. Those builds are almost the same : XENONOX : Rate of Fire/Accuracy/Skill Recovery kckzi : Armor/Accuracy/Skill Recovery
I mumble and cough a lot, we will not understand what we are saying to each other but fun will be had.
Yo ill play with you sometime pyre, you might think that i dont like you , but personally i have no beef with you , other people i know may , but i usually dont hold grudges against anyone.
I'm glad I read that. Actually, I didn't really want to have a beef with you but the spawn strike thing really pissed me off. I told CoolHandLoot that I do whatever it takes to win as long as it's fair. (Even Juicing) I apologize. Feel free to add me. GT : Light My Pyre