my rebuttal for people who say "class name here" is op

Discussion in 'Monday Night Combat 360 General Discussion' started by NOX toxic, May 27, 2011.

  1. NOX toxic

    NOX toxic New Member

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    its not that any one position is OP, any class can kill any other class, some have difficulty in killing classes but make up for it by being big bot pushers, and classes that cant push bots well can push on people, and the people if they are smart can avoid it.

    All multi-player games come down to outsmarting your opponent, and if your bitching that your getting owned too much (which is what whining about op classes is).....whats that say about you and your ability to outsmart players? my point exactly.
  2. x 2TurnTableS x

    x 2TurnTableS x New Member

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    In the words of my homie Xenonox, AMEN
  3. x Zatchmo

    x Zatchmo New Member

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  4. joker

    joker Active Member

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    OP usually comes down to one person getting destroyed by another because they are not as good as that person at the "OP" class. browse around the forums for awhile and u will see almost every class complained for being overpowered

    assaults mobility and bomb
    gunners power
    tanks charge and death blossom
    snipers explosive shots and ice traps
    supports firebase and easy juice accumulation
    assassins easy juice accumulation and ability to destroy bots and turrets

    i agree with the OP because *news flash* each class has its strengths and weaknesses meant to be used in an environment where 1 of each class is being played by a group of people with relatively the same skill level. this is hardly the case of *PUBLIC MATCHES*. each class has its counter, but if a good assault is going against 2 snipers who cant hit anything outside of an ice trap, gunners who dont claw or use silver+ armor, then yeah, of course it looks OP
  5. TOM12121112

    TOM12121112 New Member

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    assault is semi-overpowered in pubs, based solely on the fact that there are almost no competent gunners to counter him.

    so in essence, it is the same as how gunners would be overpowered if there were no sniper class.

    there are legitimate claims that assault is overpowered in public matches, but not much can be done about it.

    private matches on the other hand.
  6. wazupwiop

    wazupwiop New Member

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    There are some balance adjustments that need to be made, but I find that people need to pick their fights better. I watched an assassin cloak and run straight at me the other day when I was playing tank. Every time, I would charge 3 them and instakill them because they weren't running armor.

    Granted, this player needed some knowledge, but when I try to invite them into my party to help them, they reject me. Then they find the forums and go "This idiot played this class and schooled my noob butt. His class is overpowered!!!"

    It is frustrating for me because there are some adjustments that need to be made, but these whiners keep getting in the way of improving the game.
  7. Jester

    Jester New Member

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    I think the emphasis on kills really makes the Assault seem OP in pub matches if there were a bots killed or turrets killed stat for everyone to see the Assault would probably have less than anyone except maybe the Support (if he's not spamming gapshots). The Assassin is the counter she kills bots and turrets with the agility that is on par with the Assault people just don't see those stats and that's a shame. At the end of the match the only stat I care about is the W.
  8. Light My Pyre

    Light My Pyre New Member

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    Yo Ambie's Assault, What's up? We played a semi competitive match against the RICE clan with Crimsonskull117 and I got a good kill streak until that noob Assassin who wears No Armor and have Gold Juice back grappled me lol.

    Back to the topic.
    Assault is indeed OP and that's why I love using him. I don't use RoF but I can still win with no problem. Some people say that the Grenade Launcher sucks with no RoF but that's not true. It can still push bots and kill Snipers.

    I use kckzi's build BTW.
    Gold Armor/Silver Accuracy/Bronze Skill Recovery
  9. Th3 Con3

    Th3 Con3 New Member

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    I play assault as main in pubs and yes can usely stomp the other team but i still end up with 40 to 50 bot kills sometimes in the 100s(buzzers) he's not bad at killing bots.
  10. joker

    joker Active Member

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    hes not bad but hes far from good either. but with gold rof in a pub its more than enough to get the job done thats for sure, although when i see 80-90 bots killed on assault with 5 teammates i die a little on the inside
  11. th3cozy

    th3cozy New Member

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    If assault isn't OP'd then why has it been nerfed so hard in the PC version?
  12. Drizydraker0ger

    Drizydraker0ger New Member

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    By that logic every class is somewhat op'd. The sin and sniper and assault will have decreased effectiveness of armor.
  13. WildmanX2k

    WildmanX2k New Member

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    Only the bomb got nerfed, and it wasn't that bad of a nerf anyway.
  14. th3cozy

    th3cozy New Member

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    Assault armor, bomb and charge got nerfed.
  15. AARPS

    AARPS New Member

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    The way I understand it a ton of the nerfs are due to the amount of control afforded by kb+m instead of the controller.
  16. wazupwiop

    wazupwiop New Member

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    No class is extremely OP. Here are some of my best scores with all of the classes:

    Gunner 36-0

    Assault 41-0

    Tank 28-0

    Sniper 42-2

    Assassin 20-0

    Support 31-0

    They are all pretty close as far as "best" scores go. I do just about evenly with all of them. It really all depends on the competition and luck. The problem is that people don't know how to counter juicers and take down assaults. I am thinking about making a guides just on how to take down an assault and juiced players. People complain, but the assault has some major weaknesses that can be exploited. If you get into close-range with an assault, you have doubled your chances of killing them. If you get into medium range with an assault, you are going to die 90% of the time. If you go long range, it is usually 50-50 or no battle occurs.

    There are a few nerfs that should be made though. The support's shotty has way too long of a range. It needs to be reduced slightly, but the damage fallout should be about the same. The gunner's mortars need some boosting versus pros if you ask me. The assassin needs better hit detection with the shrukens, and she also needs those glitches fixed. The tank is probably fine as is, the only thing I could think of would be better hit detection. The assault could use slightly longer skill regen times to stop the extreme mobility that people complain about.

    Each class has something that needs to be nerfed. No class is OP though. There is a difference between an overall nerf and one class needing to be nerfed because of OP-ness.
  17. Doglasde0519

    Doglasde0519 New Member

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    The only thing that I think is op is a juiced Assassin. She can wreck an entire base of turrets. Though in my opinion if an Assassin is juicing, it means someone is not doing there job. Assault, Gunner, and Tank should be killing her every chance they get.

    Also there are remedies. My favorite being Snipers putting ice traps right next to the turrets.
  18. wazupwiop

    wazupwiop New Member

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    I'll be making a "juicer dominator" guide.
  19. Light My Pyre

    Light My Pyre New Member

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    Assault is "OP" if a "Good Player" is using him.
    I don't use Rate of Fire but I can win with no problem.
    Indeed, OP.
  20. chron11

    chron11 New Member

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    None of you kids are good. T1 GB.

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