1) This game looks like a must get for me, but I'm wondering if this game will fall into obscurity like Demigod did? 2) Will there be new classes down the pipe? 3) I heard future DLC is in store. Anyone know the price?
I heard recently that there are 160 active players on usually. This is roughly all hours of the day I believe. Either way, most people find servers. The devs work constantly on new content. Like TF2, it usually comes out map at a time with balance updates now and then. Classes are probably guna stay. They are, as of now, very well rounded and balanced tactically. Steam will probably see most or all of it's updates for free.
More like it peaks at around 100-120 people on at once more recently, falling to 1/10th of that at times link. DLC is free and so far new content has come along regularly, though some of it is kind of pointless/silly (costumes, new taunts).
Most of the time I get on I find roughly 3-4 servers and those are typically full. Not only that but thats when I set my ping range to 150 which I hate doing in the first place. In all honesty, I wouldn't recommend it until mod tools come out because it may or may not pick up after that. I recommended this to 3-4 of my friends (all avid tactical shooter fans) and none of them played the game after the first couple weeks of having it.
check out the gameplay videos section to get a good idea how classes are played and good luck out there if u get it