Poll on control scheme

Discussion in 'Monday Night Combat 360 Feedback and Issues' started by neutrino, August 13, 2010.


Which controller scheme do you use?

  1. Standard

    230 vote(s)
  2. Tactical

    43 vote(s)
  3. Would use SouthPaw

    8 vote(s)
  4. Would like another alternate

    50 vote(s)
  1. MadMike Love

    MadMike Love New Member

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    Why does this thread exist then? haha.

    Sorry i didn't catch that, but even when i didn't i wasn't flaming...how was that even close to flaming? oh well.
  2. scathis

    scathis Arbiter of Awesome Uber Alumni

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    Made "sticky" hopefully we get a lot of votes and get a good solid idea of how people play.
  3. komanderkyle

    komanderkyle New Member

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    i play standard
    but i was wondering is it hard to make a remappable controller scheme?
  4. FyreWulff

    FyreWulff New Member

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    This game is sorely missing the 'Legacy' stick scheme and is currently the sole reason I have not bought it yet.

    Legacy sticks:

    Left stick left and right = turn / aim left and right
    Left stick up and down = move backwards and forwards

    Right stick left and right = strafe
    Right Stick up and down = look / aim up and down

    If that description isn't clear, you can also just look at this picture of the controller config screen from Halo 3:

    http://i120.photobucket.com/albums/o165 ... sticks.jpg

    If this was made available through a patch I would buy the game instantly.

    Also, even though I do not use the scheme, you can also consider me adding another vote for Lefty/Southpaw sticks and triggers.
  5. sokoto

    sokoto New Member

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    You should let the players customize every button the way they want it, that would be awesome and everyone would be happy ;)! Full customization is the key ;).
  6. Diablohead

    Diablohead New Member

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    I use the standard setup, it feels good and I have no personal problems with the layout.
  7. Briq

    Briq New Member

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    I added my opinion about Tactical being better before I played any assassin. I have to add now that I believe Tactical to be better for any class other than assassin. When I play assassin I have to switch back to the standard layout. I love being able to sprint by clicking in the left stick, so please don't change that <3 The reason I switch to standard for the assassin, as I'm sure you know, is just because of how key the lunge is. As you said, the reason tactical is so good for any other class is for any ability that involves aiming. You don't have to take your finger off the stick for that fraction of a second to hit the ability. With the assassin, you move stealth and smoke bomb to the Y and B buttons and neither of those require aiming to do. Not only that, but one of the key escape combos for an assassin is smoke bomb, jump, stealth, which on standard is B, A, Y. It doesn't get much easier than that. The main issue though is definitely the lunge. It'd be nice to somehow have lunge as the left bumper even on the tactical layout, but that's really just nitpicking. It's not difficult to change your controls on the fly during a game, so I can't really complain.
  8. Pure Reflex

    Pure Reflex New Member

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    I would be very happy if we could get a bumper jumper control, it would be very useful for sniping and assault classes.

    Just switch (a) jump with (LB) switch weapons.
  9. xxxScorpion

    xxxScorpion New Member

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    Completely. Would love to see Left Bumper lunge on Tactical.
  10. Surberus

    Surberus New Member

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    This is the only shooter I actually play (played some Shadowrun - the fps) and I am not a twitch player, heck I can't even switch classes mid game cus my brain gets all 'wtf did you do?!' on me. So yea, I play standard.
  11. zarakon

    zarakon Active Member

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    As a PC gamer, I expect the ability to map any action to any button. Is that too much to ask?

    It would also be bacon-level awesome if you could set different mappings for each class

    I use tactical so that I can use my abilities (other than assassin lunge) without removing my thumb from the aim stick. The one thing that's missing is a way to JUMP while continuing to aim. Especially annoying with tank and gunner who need to continue to hold the jump button to get their full height/distance. It would be AWESOME to be able to jump/hover with a tank while still aiming. Unfortunately there just aren't any buttons left to do that without sacrificing something else...

    Best solution? Bring the game to PC!
  12. TNT LotLP

    TNT LotLP New Member

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    I play standard, but that's because all of other options *suck*
    I want to edit my controls, really, really bad. Like, I want my two "active" skills on my bumpers. In my soldier's case, X and B, bomb on the RB (instinctive grenade button) and LB for the dash. And weapon switch would be Y (I love that for weapon switch) and reload on my X sounds like a great idea. I don't know where to put the jetpack though. Double tapping A is easy enough., really. Probably B, then. B is a pretty general button to me. But I like having reload on x and weapon switching on y. But fully customizeable controls shouldn't be that much of a hassle, and work so, damn, well.

    Also, the best solution is not to bring the game to PC, doy, it's to improve the current version.
  13. Briq

    Briq New Member

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    I don't think we need to bring control mapping to console games. Part of the appeal for me and many other console gamers is the fact that everyone is on an even playing field (other than modders/hackers of course, but cheating is another story.) With PC gaming there are so many variables to give someone an edge and in some cases a win before you even play the game. There's the quality of the computer itself, the mouse, and the keyboard/gamepad. Generally the guy who spends more money gets the edge.

    With consoles everyone is on the same hardware and it's just your skills against theirs. I know there's internet connection speeds to complain about, but there's nothing you can do about that. My point is if you start bringing in PC features to console games, like completely customizable controls, you start closing the gap between PC and console gaming. The min/maxers who spend a lot of their time trying to figure out the most optimized control scheme will have the edge against the guys who just turn on their console to shoot some people every now and then. The min/maxers are most likely going to have the edge on playing time alone, they don't need anything else helping them out.
  14. bgolus

    bgolus Uber Alumni

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    It should be noted that the game settings show the Tactical control scheme's X and Y buttons reversed. Y is switch weapons and X is reload.

    TNT LotLP - Try tactical. Right bumper is dash, left bumper is explosive, opposite of what you want, but not far off.
  15. TNT LotLP

    TNT LotLP New Member

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    True, but that, imo, only works well for the soldier. I don't like dashing with LB for instance, so I just keep it standard.

    whoah, man, seriously? Simply, that text, just to point out that people that customize the controls have an unfair advantage? A certain button combination that kills people best? That is *completely* untrue. It's not an advantage, it's a personal preference, not an option to turn incrediblewinawesomeness on/off. Now, if I could play this with a mouse and keyboard, that'd be unfair to ya'll people.

    But, simply put, you like playing on the console because you really can't change anything, and you think you're all on even ground? It's just buttong mapping, that's hardly closing a gap. It's just slight personalization.
  16. Snappyguy

    Snappyguy New Member

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    I've never bothered to switch controls, mainly because I see it as the creators designed those controls to be the best and choosing any other will give the opposing team the upper hand on me.

    Time to change apparently, they are all using different control schemes and I suck :lol:
  17. toxn54

    toxn54 New Member

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    I used regular.

    Lots of friends are using alternate, which they claim is the most efficient.

    Your graphic for alternate shows the wrong button for reload, I didn't look at it but they were laughing about it, its something like it shows x and is y or shows y and is x, I don't remember which. :)
  18. neutrino

    neutrino low mass particle Uber Employee

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    On console it's not commonly done because there are really only a limited number of schemes that make sense and it can become a testing nightmare (especially for cert).
  19. Devilturnip

    Devilturnip New Member

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    Okay, I buy that. What possible explanation could there be for not including a left handed scheme?
  20. bgolus

    bgolus Uber Alumni

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    No one in the office uses it or know anyone personally who use it, so we forgot to add it.

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