Super Healing Jackbots

Discussion in 'Monday Night Combat 360 General Discussion' started by Terminal Happiness, August 15, 2010.

  1. Terminal Happiness

    Terminal Happiness New Member

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    Ok, here's the thing. I have nothing against support. I love support! And don't even think it's very overpowered. In fact it's one of my favorite classes (though I've been playing as Assault a lot because of his AWESOME taunt). Scroll down to bottom of post for summary:

    Now here's my problem though. I just played a game of crossfire. We were pretty much dominating the whole game, and the other guys had no real direction or anything, and tried sniping, assassinations, everything. I was playing as an assault, but was also watching the base periodically. I wasn't very worried though, because we had a pretty awesome set up (3 rockIt turrets, 2 of which were second level; 1 3rd level laser turret, and 2 second level long range).

    Now near the end of the game, when the first Jackbots were spawning, 2 of the people on their team decided to become supports, and both of them started healing the jackbot. Now we were firing at the Jackbot, but we also trying to get rid of their turrets, and weren't able to kill it in their base. Then, when I see it heading to our base I started heading there too to try and kill it.

    At this point though, the jackbot was fully super healed. Normally it takes a hell of a long time to heal Jackbots, but because there was 2 of them they did it pretty fast. I can't describe to you how hard it was to kill this thing. Not only was I killed and had to respawn as an assassin to at least temporarily stop it, but those supports also spawned their turrets, making it hard as hell to kill them too. They were just sitting by their turrets healing the thing.

    The jackbot obviously killed all the turrets on its side, and eventually me and another assassin took it down (after like 4 grapples), but by then they were all in our base and we ended up losing.

    Now this is the second time this has happened to me. The first time it happened was the same scenario, except we still managed to win. This was fucked up though.

    I honestly think that players shouldn't be able to heal jackbots. Even when supports super heal other units, they can usually be dealt with, but jackbots are tough as **** already.

    Summary: Even though it takes a LONG *** TIME for a single support to superheal a jackbot, 2 or more can do it relatively quickly, and those jackbots become damn near impossible to kill, and can seriously mess a game up.
  2. DevilAir

    DevilAir New Member

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    lol i think it's a bug or something, in the ProTips it even says it's NOT POSSIBLE to overheal jackbots...
  3. CrashTheGame

    CrashTheGame New Member

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    I heal jackbots all the time (currently a full-time support player), and its really one of my favorite things. As soon as the jackbot spawns I get a smile on my face and run over to greet my new buddy. If we are winning, its game over. If we are losing, its our chance to come back. I've had a blast taking my jackbots to the hole and dominating, killing everything in the way.

    That being said, I think they should remove overheal for jackbots...or at least limit it to 25 or 50 percent.

    Healing the jackbots would then be a greater challenge and keeping them alive would make more satisfaction for the support players!
  4. Tigerfox 360

    Tigerfox 360 New Member

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    not a fan of over healing jackbots, since its said its not possible, but it really IS possible, they should probably remove that.
  5. Necroscourge

    Necroscourge New Member

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    Sounds like a glitch. Before I saw the protip I tried to overheal a bot and as far as I saw nothing happened. But in overtime and such I started seeing overhealed Jackbots.

    Its a bug, since the game flat out says you are not supposed to be able to do that.
  6. metalsnake27

    metalsnake27 New Member

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    When you heal jackbots, it shows their health bar not getting higher. However you can see the color on their body change from yellow to green. Also the other team is able to see his health bar continuously rising and being over charged.
  7. Necroscourge

    Necroscourge New Member

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    That explains so much.
  8. tlbww

    tlbww New Member

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    It is possible to overheal them. It's pretty much game over if they do, especially in overtime.
  9. The_Jx4

    The_Jx4 New Member

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    I've experienced this before, I was playing against Newbies though (I assume).

    I switched to Assault and I brought a few friends with me and we went ALL the way around the arena just to get behind it, we took out the turrets at their base in the process. They never saw us coming. Two Assassins, two Support, a Sniper, and an Assault.

    The supports overhealed each other and then drained the other supports with some help from the sniper, me and the Assassins took out the jackbot.

    When someone is using a grapple on the JB attack it as much as possible. Buy Juice also.
    It'll be down in no time.
  10. The Reaver

    The Reaver New Member

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    Honestly, I think you shouldn't be able to heal them at all.
  11. The_Jx4

    The_Jx4 New Member

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    That takes out some of the strategy of the game, and basically makes them unfit for fear.
    I just don't think over-healing is cool.

    If the supports wanna heal jackbots, take the bastards out.
  12. KahLriK

    KahLriK New Member

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    Two supports healing ANYTHING will be difficult to deal with.

    If a Jackbot is simply overhealed, that isn't a problem, any Assassin could slash the thing down without even grappling it in no time. As long as you're in melee range of the Jackbot, it won't move, it'll just keep throwing down shockwaves, which can be jumped over.

    If two Support players are healing the Jackbot.. Well, then it becomes impossible to kill solo. Obviously, the supports have to be killed, as do their Firebases, depending on their location.

    That's easier said than done of course, especially if you're not playing with an actual team of people that you know who communicate.

    I'd call Jackbot Overhealing a solid strategy. It's nothing that needs to be changed, it's simply teamwork that needs to be countered with an equal show of teamwork.
  13. Terminal Happiness

    Terminal Happiness New Member

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    I honestly agree with that. Jackbots are a powerhouse unit, and though I respect the team work the 2 of them had, it's still cheap as **** to super heal those things and at that point there was nothing we could do (I mean you gotta understand that the jackbot isn't the only threat either, we still have the rest of their team to deal with).
  14. Rolo

    Rolo New Member

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    I love the fact you can heal them, makes it more challenging and gives an edge to the team who has a support player. If your team does not have a support player in the line-up, you doing it wrong. Period.

    One of, if not the most important class in the game. There is nothing stopping you from spawning as support to over heal your Jackbots. Use more team work than the other team does in a team oriented game and you'll win. That simple. I can see your frustration if your stuck with a random team, but don't take something out of the game because you have a hard time doing it. IMO of course.
  15. Neff

    Neff New Member

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    The protip says that it is not possible to overheal Jackbot XLs, but it doesn't say anything about regular Jackbots.

    Maybe limiting Jackbots to only be affected by one Support heal/hurt gun at a time would make the time invested worth the reward.
  16. Proven

    Proven New Member

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    I'd have to ask, what about your Jackbot?

    And if you were Assault, why didn't you just constantly grenade their turrets, and call for help? Or you could have even done a suicide charge grapple on one of the Supports, rather than constantly suiciding as an Assassin.

    And as someone else said, juice. Juice would have let you take out the two Supports super quick.
  17. KahLriK

    KahLriK New Member

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    I guess the reason I feel so ok about the Jackbot thing is because I literally never remember having a problem with them.

    However, that's because my grapples removes half of their health and then I can take away the rest of it in seconds as an Assassin..

    But of course, with someone actively healing the creep, it becomes more difficult.
  18. Tvayumat

    Tvayumat New Member

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    The Jackbot XL is just the full name for the Jackbot. They are not different bots.

    As a support, I have seen overhealed Jackbots, though I have never succeeded in overhealing them myself. I find that getting behind a Jackbot and supporting it's march can be an effective strategy, but it is far from perfect, and can be stopped by a number of strategies from a number of classes.

    Overhealing Jackbots should be fixed so we can't do it, but for the love of god, removing Jackbot healing altogether would reduce them to a mild annoyance at best.
  19. Terminal Happiness

    Terminal Happiness New Member

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    Jackbot XLs are Jackbots.

    And secondly, the people saying "Oh you should have done this or that", keep in mind that it's easier said than done. These are 2 supports, with turrets, healing an already overhealed jackbot in our base. Oh, and there's also the little tid bit about THE REST OF THEIR TEAM coming in too at one point.

    Having a support and having 2 supports overhealing jackbots are 2 completely different things. And as the game already states, superhealing jackbots shouldn't technically be possible, so your argument that this is me taking my frustration out of the game isn't holding much water.

    Also, though I was with a random team at the time, we had pretty good coordination. Like I said I became an assassin and paired up with another one to eventually take the jackbot down, and we had other units coming back to give us support. But there just wasn't much we could do.

    It's a cheap tactic, it technically shouldn't be possible, and it undermines the game.
  20. Rawdell210

    Rawdell210 New Member

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    Perhaps be able to heal them but not over heal? This way. Have som chance at killing them with hazards graples etc.

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