One tiny wish

Discussion in 'Monday Night Combat 360 Wishlist' started by KamkaziChicila, August 17, 2010.

  1. KamkaziChicila

    KamkaziChicila New Member

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    My one wish that i really want is a "call support" button if you need some healing, because noone barely heals anyone when they play support. Please and Thank You for your time.
  2. DCtheEE

    DCtheEE New Member

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    I find that the reason why most support don't bother healing is because most other players just run into the fray without thinking and get demolished quickly by turrets/tanks. There's no point in healing if the person you'd be healing is just going to get slaughtered within 2 seconds.

    Sadly, we can't change player behavior. :-/
  3. Bufger

    Bufger New Member

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    I like this! Just hope it wouldnt get spammed like the other dudes name in that other game ive completely forgotten about now :p

    'I need a Hax0r quicklyyyyyy!'

    and DCtheEE - it would still be helpful to Tanks and Gunners waiting to walk out and clear a lane if only so they can get a supports attention and show their intention.
  4. DCtheEE

    DCtheEE New Member

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    Oh, I wasn't disagreeing, it's just this interesting argument that support isn't healing enough. They're not a purely healing class, so why would they waste their time healing an Assault when they could put up a Firebase, call an airstrike, etc.?

    I've seen a good support and Tank demolish an entire base together. It's not tough, and I wish more people would have the good sense to do it. A button for this would be nice.
  5. Bufger

    Bufger New Member

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    They might decide not to but just because they are called doesnt mean they have to go - it gives them the option of knowing where a teammate is in need and helping or knowing where that someone is but carrying on with whatever. Its just an extra option rather than giving them any kind of responsibility.
  6. DCtheEE

    DCtheEE New Member

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    Never indicated that it gives them responsibility they didn't have before. I agree with you.
  7. Vizor

    Vizor New Member

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    i think the main reason random people do not heal is because there is no reward for healing. i can't think of the times i have been in red on health and i have run up to a support and he just runs away. team fortress gives you assist's if your healing someone who kills someone. Borderlands gives you exp if you run over and revive someone. i think in this game they give you like 5 bucks for healing turrets. they should have money "tick" at the top of the support's head when he's healin. not so much adding extra armor to people either cause then there would be supports running around healing everyone and getting 3/3 turrents and triple airstrikes in seconds. more like if someone's health ( not buffed up) is half way you could top them off and get 15 bucks or so. just some ideas to help get some of those support players to actually support the team!!!
  8. DCtheEE

    DCtheEE New Member

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    That's actually a very good idea. Good incentive to have people heal.
  9. xxrpggamemanxx

    xxrpggamemanxx New Member

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    I heal people, but I really wish it would give me assists for people I'm healing. I'll heal a gunner or tank and watch them get 5 or 6 kills and I get zilch. Where as if I would of got assists I would have just got $75 or so. Which would be nice. I don't necessarily need money just for healing the people, but I would really like the assists.
  10. Handsome Andy

    Handsome Andy New Member

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    I tend to just shoot at the support on my team till they get the hint, as most people don't use the mic.
  11. Gomahetsuha

    Gomahetsuha New Member

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    Hi, I play support and what I like the most is seeing my team mates getting shot while they stay one single step too far from the healing aura of my sentry turret.

    What would you do in that case ? Heal the dumb player who is not aware of other classes' abilities ?

    Of course not, but I still do it. I'm as dumb as them I should let them learn it the hard way.

    So sorry but I really don't think your idea would change a thing. Players will call the Support from across the map, it'll be a real joke.
  12. BlueZebra

    BlueZebra New Member

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    You get juice for healing/draining...
  13. Vizor

    Vizor New Member

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    @bluezebra thats true although as a support once im juiced i get my confidence up too high and i run out and get killed. tho that has nothing to do with them changing the game for better , its more that i personally need to learn how to take advantage of that situation instead of sucking. i will pay attention more to the juice meter when im healing to see how much it goes up on a person who only has 1/2 health (say tank) and see if i benefit more from it. but if i had the choice i think i would like to get assist's when im healing a gunner that straight post's (my term for deploying) and mows 8 people down.

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