[Devorax Z] Sniper Guide

Discussion in 'Monday Night Combat 360 Strategy and Tactics' started by devorax, August 14, 2010.

  1. KahLriK

    KahLriK New Member

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    Coming from the juiced Sins perspective... There's very little.

    Grapple will wreck me, but it's also quite possible that I will kill you before you get the chance to grapple me.

    If you throw a trap, it won't actually deploy for a few seconds, giving me ample time to kill you.

    If you're retreating, the best bet would be to actually throw the trap in the direction you're headed. By the time I get there, I MIGHT get frozen.

    Other than that, my tip would be to jump. If you're in the air, I can't grapple you, and you're harder to hit.

    Use my speed against me. If the assassin who's chasing you lunges a lot, try and make them lunge off the edge of the map.

    There really isn't an easy way to deal with juiced pros... They're supposed to be able to kill two or three things without even blinking, so 1v1 is nearly impossible if they know what they're doing.
  2. Rolos

    Rolos New Member

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    Thanks :D
    I will try the speed tips out.

    UPDATE! - I let a few Sins ring themselfs out, worked pretty well but not all the time.
  3. KahLriK

    KahLriK New Member

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    I just know that I personally screw up everyone once in a while and throw myself off the map, haha...

    I feel like lunge can be unpredictable with its damage sometimes. At times, you stop once you hit the target. Others, you stop, but do no damage to the target (this might be a lag issue, it happened multiple times today, and it annoyed the hell out of me). Other times, you'll damage them, keep going, and that's when I usually kill myself.
  4. devorax

    devorax Member

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    It's generally hard to deal with a juiced anything, if you are not juiced yourself.

    If some one comes at me juiced I just try for a ring out grapple.
  5. Rolos

    Rolos New Member

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    Thank for the help :D
  6. devorax

    devorax Member

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    Any time =]
  7. Xen

    Xen New Member

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    Thanks to Devorax for the guide! Clearly it works for your playstyle!

    I've always been a sniper since Tribes, jetpacking and scope/no-scope mid-air kills,love it.

    I went to the sniper right away and while I am still working it out for my style I'm still figuring out what to slot and why and am finding that it's not only about my playstyle but also the map and how exposed i might be.

    Rate of fire, reload or crit and skill cool downs (sorry not used to all the names yet) is what i've been running - I don't seem to get many assassins one me as I shoot and move.

    I run armor on just about all my classes in gold for exactly your reason as it does help 99% of the time against front striking assassins, however with the sniper I relay on my traps skills more and would rather have more firepower than defense.

    Different strokes!
  8. OhBoyKJoy

    OhBoyKJoy New Member

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    Honestly if you play smart as a sniper and have some skill you will put up a constantly high k/d. I had troubles early on sniping but lately I've had some ridiculous games going like 22-0 and stuff, with my usual games having me go around like 15-5 or so, and I still play as a team player using my lines of sight to hit bots and turrets across the map.

    Here's a few tips I have.

    First off the sniper is a semi automatic weapon but you can hold down the trigger. Kind of like the needle rifle in reach. It shoots slow but you don't have to let go of the trigger.

    As a sniper, you are the Kryptonite to tanks and gunners. Those classes will kill any other class basically with ease but all you need to do is keep your distance, and hit their head if possible.

    Once you get passive to three USE IT. Spray robots and turrets from across the map because not only will you damage the turrets but you'll damage everything around it. I get at least 3 or 4 kills a game while shooting turrets and robots because I hit some passerby with two of my shots.

    Use your traps and flak. I seemed to kind of ignore these at first but the flak is awesome for killing bots and turrets, and the traps are perfect for protecting you and setting people up for headshots. Throw a flak into the middle of a bunch of bots or near a turret and its free coins for you.


    Ok and here are a few questions I have.

    1. What to do with extra cash? I usually only upgrade grapple to 2 to save cash but idk whether its better to buy bots, upgrade turrets, call in long shot turrets or what. Any opinions?

    2. Does critical shot do anything at all really? I'd be willing to test it out but so far I don't notice much of a difference.
    Last edited: August 18, 2010
  9. XShadowStormX

    XShadowStormX New Member

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    That is one of the best tips in dealing with juice people -> grapple them. You need to be able to eat away at the 10 seconds they have and get them away from you.

    Next best thing is a ground pound or charge but that is only half of the classes.
  10. Solid scorpion

    Solid scorpion New Member

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    i use gold armor silver RoF and bronze clip size and i absoloutely wreck people, first thing i upgrade is trap and grapple so anyone who gets close to me is fucked, dont need pen or flack off the bat cuz it doesnt affect my headshots and it is real easy to get 150 bucks, using 2 sensitivity i usually go about 30-5 every round, unless people in my game are below around lvl50 then i usually dont die at all. i like to position myself near theose jumps pads that through you in the air and i put ice trap on where you land and another infront of me and stand between. only class that ever kills me are lucky assassins that lunge through my traps and get me from behind which usually only happens every 5 or 6 games. 3x armor and 2x RoF is the best combo using crit for ur sniper rifle is useless because body shots are never one shot anyway, and if your going for headshots every kill like me crit doesnt matter if they die in 1 shot anyway. Devorax has a nice guide but his bronze skill doesnt seem necessary since if you miss grapple it only takes like 1.5secs to recharge anyway.
  11. Injun97

    Injun97 New Member

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    I read the Guide, And i suddenly feel more dedicated to become a more supportive and reliable Sniper for my soon-to-be teammates, though once i became more used to the Endorsements, I have gotten a lot of hate-mail, claiming that I'm a cheater, exploit-user and a hacker due to my high kill number and very low death number.

    The Gold Endorsement (Armor) helps a lot, I've lasted about 5-10 seconds longer in a firefight, and i now have a chance to kill an Assault or an Assassin once they're done using a grapple or in the Assaults case, a Bomb, and it helps a bit against other snipers with a Level 3 Rate of Fire Endorsement.

    As to the other Endorsements, They go well with my play style, and i doubt they will be replaced any time soon.

    So all-in-all, this Guide helped me a bit, and i do hope to VS Devorax in the future to find out what the Best Sniper of MNC is all about. :)
  12. PohTayToez

    PohTayToez New Member

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    I've been playing sniper nearly 100% of the time and I think I've gotten pretty good at it. I've been tweaking my custom class over time, and while I feel that an armor endorsement is a must, and I played with it gold endorsed for quite a while, as I've tweaked my class I've been slowly moving it down until now I only use bronze endorsed armor.

    Armor endorsement is very important, but not just to avoid assassin OHKOs from the front. If you're playing sniper right, then you shouldn't be worried about getting grappled at all most of the time. Endorsed armor also prevents OHKO's from the Assault's grapple as well as other attacks, and gives you a lot more leeway for things like the Support's shotgun, assault's bomb, gunner's slam, etc. Since bronze endorsement is enough to do this, I feel that gold endorsement should be saved for something else. My current preference is Rate of Fire (Gold), Clip Size (Silver), and Armor (Bronze). I find that Rate of Fire, in addition to allowing you to simply deal out more DPS against turrets, moneyball, and bots, also gives you a one up on enemy snipers. When two snipers square off the goal is to predict the other's shooting/strafing rhythm while preventing them from predicting yours. I find that being able to shoot nearly twice as fast as the other sniper really throws them off. Also, I find that with RoF if you're shooting just a single viewable limb of someone in cover you can sometimes get the 2-3 shots needed for the kill before the enemy even realizes he's being shot.

    And the clip size I use simply because it allows me to kill the money ball in a single clip with juice. Also, it with RoF makes the uzi a much more effective weapon.
  13. tlbww

    tlbww New Member

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    Not possible, but pretty close given the best possible situation.
  14. PohTayToez

    PohTayToez New Member

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    Well, I haven't ever done a private match to make sure it can take out the whole thing, but I know it's really damn close. I typically throw a flak before I start shooting, more for suppression than money ball damage but there have definitely been games where the flak along with a single clip allowed me to single handedly take 100% of the money ball's health.

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