Absolutely Awful Host Migration

Discussion in 'Monday Night Combat 360 Feedback and Issues' started by marsh herrm, August 17, 2010.

  1. marsh herrm

    marsh herrm New Member

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    The host migration in this game is terrible...

    I was dropped 8 of the approximately 10 host migrations I had. The other two I ended up with a different class than what I started with.

    This really needs to be fixed...I was beasting on a team so good and a ******* host migration ruined it all and I didn't even get the money for it. Three juices and the game wasn't halfway over.

    At least add a option that saves the money you had in case you get kicked and then it counts.
  2. DR0KZ

    DR0KZ New Member

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    Well they can't really do much about host migritation, that's just crappy P2P for ya.
    But they should definetly save after ever death so you get to keep your stats and Protags.

    This weekend when i was splitscreening this over at a friend, for his first time ever actually played a good game, he usually just dies 20 times a match and gets like 2 kills but finally he was doing great and actually owning so much *** i couldn't believe it was him playing, only to get kicked out at the 13th minute by a failed host migration.

    We just turned the game off, man that sucked...
  3. ironzerg

    ironzerg New Member

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    We need a solution to all the ragequitting that goes one.

    Seriously, if a team starts to lose a match, people start ragequitting left and right, which ends up trashing the game. At least give us the option to act as a host, so those of us who will stick around to take our lumps can keep games rolling.

    I was playing last night, and it seemed like my friends and I finished less that 50% of the games, and very few games that started and ended 6v6.

    It's incredibly frustrating to be rolling along, and then have the game quit or lock up for a few minutes because some jerk host decided to ragequit the game.
  4. broncoburns

    broncoburns New Member

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    Plus, at least they attempted to put it in and it does work sometimes (it has actually worked more often than not for me). Most developers don't even bother with it cuz it's a lot of work to get right. Be patient and understanding cuz I truly believe that the devs have been reading every single suggestion and request coming from the community.
  5. ironzerg

    ironzerg New Member

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    Well, the bugs/balance/glitches can be tolerated by most people.

    However, if a lot of people are having trouble even completing games, it's going to send MNC down faster that something that goes down really fast.

    I know MNC made a big splash with people at PAX East, and if you go over to the thread on the forums, you'll see a general theme of "Love the game, hate the hosting".

    I remember when TF2 first launched, it was plagued with connection and dropping problems, which they eventually fixed. However, TF2 lost a huge amount of players and momentum during that time, and it was really hard to get people back on the bandwagon, as they had moved on to other things.

    IMHO, not being able to complete games or having players dropped out due to bad migration/connection design decisions is a bit of a show-stopper.
  6. broncoburns

    broncoburns New Member

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    I understand and even share your concern, but people have to remember that this is a $15 XBLA game coming from a VERY small indie dev house, not a $60 AAA retail game developed by a team of 100+. I find it incredible that they even wanted to include host migration in the first place.
  7. DR0KZ

    DR0KZ New Member

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    Yeah, allowing us to host ourself and have a server browser would fix alot. Right now it's just really frustrating.

    Ow man totally i'm absolutely impressed by the game so far.I'm sure most people will agree that these are the best 15 bucks you will ever spend. The quality is just stunning, especially for an XBLA game, but that just makes it all the more annoying to get kicked out of game this much! :)

    This is also the first host migration XBLA game that i know off btw (correct me if i'm wrong)
    Last edited: August 17, 2010
  8. ironzerg

    ironzerg New Member

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    I don't think the, "It's only $15" is a good excuse. If the host migration bug is making the game frustrating or unplayable for a large number of people, then people are going to give up and find something else to do.

    You can just as easily argue that people will say, "Eh, I only wasted $15 on this game, not really worth my time to stick around until the fix it," and move onto something else.

    Don't get me wrong here, I think MNC is a great game, and I think the guys at Uber are great. I had the chance to personally meet them at PAX and they seem like really cool guys.

    THAT'S why I'm making the noise, and not trying to be a patient fanboy. If the true fans don't stress the urgency of these game-stopping issues, then MNC and Uber will nothing more than a footnote in the pages of Xbox Live history. And I know you, me, the rest of the fans and the MNC team don't want to see that happen.
  9. hostileparadox

    hostileparadox Well-Known Member

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    I think they should try to add a hosting option. Just because someone out of 12 people strangers has the best connection, doesn't mean they'll see the fight through....

    Of course this might be bad if you have hosts that hold games ransom so to speak... ESPECIALLY if they know they are host.
  10. Vernox

    Vernox New Member

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    This needs to be fixed I have spent a lot of time on this game since release and the last couple days it seems we can only get 1 match in before we either get kicked, or host disconnect after the match. Did they even test their own game for these issues?
  11. Nitro288

    Nitro288 New Member

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    Occasional quitters shouldn't even be chosen to host games at all. I think a system should be in place to keep track of quitter, so that then the game doesn't choose people that ragequit often to host games.

    The Host Migration could use work to, but I'd rather not have the game slow down because the host ragequits.
  12. neutrino

    neutrino low mass particle Uber Employee

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    Believe me, we are looking hard at these issues.

    And yes we did test the game before we released ;) However, it's difficult to simulate real world conditions. Every single multiplayer game on earth always has a few teething issues.
  13. Entropy

    Entropy New Member

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    IMO, ragequitting is a serious threat to this game. If there is not a noticable penalty for the person who does it, then it only screws the people who stay in the game. This was/is one of the #1 problems in DOTA. At least MNC lets new people join after the game is started, so its not as huge of an issue, but your new unupgraded player halfway through the game is going to be overmatched against the fully upgraded players on the other team.

    Also, I get disconnected from the lobby after just about every match. Is there no server migration in the lobbies? Or does it just fail a lot?
  14. Diablohead

    Diablohead New Member

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    Every day it seems the quitters become more often, it's a shame, 3 out of the 5 matches I played this evening had the host quit due to his or her moneyball dropping, why can't they just fight back especially when theres 7+ minutes to go before overtime.
  15. marsh herrm

    marsh herrm New Member

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    I was just 28-3 and the host ******* rage quit what a load of bullshit.

    That is ridiculous. The game not halfway over and we were dominating them.

    And of course my cash and protags don't count I believe.
  16. Screwbeck

    Screwbeck New Member

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    Very well said.
  17. FiercelyFuzzy

    FiercelyFuzzy New Member

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    Gotta admit, I've been running through matches left and right (over 70 wins and 1 lost in 2 days) and literally after EVERY game, the host would leave. I will keep playing, but this needs fixed. To start up a gaming, waiting to get it going takes a good 4ish minutes, then beating them takes 3 or less minutes, and then we gotta repeat. It really is annoying that it takes longer for host migrate>leaving>re-hosting>inviting>finding game>playing takes longer them actually beating them.
  18. Entropy

    Entropy New Member

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    I played again for an hour last night, and it seems almost every game had a host migration in it. This wasn't so rampant the first couple days the game was out, but seems to be getting increasingly common. The worst was when the host somehow left right after the moneyball was destroyed. So we waited for 1-2 minutes while it shuffled things around and "restarted" the game, only to just see the final scoreboard and wait another minute staring at the scores. Why are you forced to look at the scoreboard for so long?

    Also, I get disconnected from the lobby after almost every match. I think I see why people are quitting at the last second. By the time I wait through the scoreboards and get disconnected in the lobby, its been several minutes of doing nothing. FPS gamers are not known for their patience.
  19. xxxScorpion

    xxxScorpion New Member

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    I feel the pain you guys. Four games in a row just now my team won and the host quit out right when the game finished. The host either never migrates or does migrate and then fails for some reason. People these days...
  20. Kenz305

    Kenz305 New Member

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    The Host-Migration system should have its name changed to "Host-Never-Migration".

    They need to ditch this method of lobbying, it doesn't work. In the 1 in 10 chance the game actually migrates a new host, half of the players get dumped out anyways.

    Pleeeease Uber, fix this!

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