Since this game is heavily based on the idea of future sport and as a game show of sorts, I think a cool feature to add would be "Crowd Favorites". For instance, if a player is really racking up points fast, or getting a fantastic K/D ratio, they should be labeled as the crowd favorite. This could be a title only, but I think there should be a buff that increases that player's money/kill, and reduces their cost for juice temporarily. You could place a placard by their name to indicate they're the crowd favorite and announce it on the screen to all the players. Conversely, to balance it (and I'm by no means of a master on this), make it so that killing the crowd favorite yields the attacker a certain multiplier of a normal kill, i.e. $100 instead of a paltry $15/$25, as well as a good amount of juice. I think it would fit with the theme of the entire game and wouldn't necessarily break any balancing issues to put in.
I think a whole game mode could come from this. A crowd favourite is chosen randomly at the beginning and the game functions like a free for all. This crowd favourite racks up extra money for everything he does, but everyone is trying to kill him to obtain the crowds favourite position. The winner is the one who can gather up a set amount of money and make it to a certain location first. A game mode we've seen in a lot of other games, but just based around money
I like the original idea of having it as an extra facet of the game but would hate to see it as a mode. This game isn't balanced for DM gameplay and I would hate to see any modes that emphasize Pro v Pro.
I like the idea of gaining something extra because you're doing well in the arena. I'm sure people get hyped when a crowd is cheering them on. What about a money multiplier for each consecutive kill in a kill streak? Or is that something that's already in the game? Edit: Spelling
I don't think this is currently implemented, but then again, I'm not good enough to get much of a run. I like the added fact that making them a crowd favorite would make them a target for the other team. It adds a good way to make quick money and put some pressure on the good player to stay on their toes.
I think something giving more money would be better than buffing any kind of skills for a player already doing good in a game which I heard someone suggest before. I like this idea.