Best pitches for getting people to build turrets?

Discussion in 'Monday Night Combat 360 General Discussion' started by BeastGraphix, August 17, 2010.

  1. BeastGraphix

    BeastGraphix New Member

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    So anyone have succes getting people to build turrets?

    I usually go with the money making angle.
  2. Mutated Muskrat

    Mutated Muskrat New Member

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    I can't even begin to count the amount of money my turrets have made for me. A number of times I will respawn and see a +25 or a +15 pop up...sometimes several in a row. I almost always start a round by building turrets and upgrading as much as possible..waiting until later to upgrade my skills.
  3. Downfall

    Downfall New Member

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    You can be the richest person on the team, AND keep feeding the enemy team kills...honestly are you really using your skills (assassin)
  4. CrashTheGame

    CrashTheGame New Member

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    Sometimes I am selfish and I throw up a bunch of longshots right away for early cash flow. Got my assist count higher than my death count after I started using them lol.

    A lot of people upgrade them for me in pubs too...sometimes it seems like a race to fill the spots as well so I think they are getting used pretty good.
  5. Z3taPhi

    Z3taPhi New Member

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    Lazer turrets near the money balls closest bottlenecks are not only essential, but can rack up easy money quick. If the sound of money doesn't appeal, I don't know what will.

    Personally, I play support quite often and I like to be aggressive with my firebase placement. This can gain quick cash which I will usually use to place rockets near our money ball and longshots in the back.
  6. xxrpggamemanxx

    xxrpggamemanxx New Member

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    I just end up putting up all the turrets myself. No one else listens or even bothers. Never had any luck with asking people.
  7. Necroscourge

    Necroscourge New Member

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    I usually will bitch about turrets if they get ignored. Does not usually help but I will generally nag supports to build and hack longshots.
  8. AcidSnow

    AcidSnow New Member

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    Damn... I didn't know we got $ for turret kills... How did I not notice this before? I always just invested my $ in Ice Turrets.
  9. Veruca

    Veruca New Member

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    The first days playing MNC, it was all about killing the opposing pro's. Until that one time I actually tried a completely new strategy. I started building LazeRazors and Long Shots. I even stayed close to them, destroying the other team's bots. I actually protected the turrets. And lo and behold, when the game was won, I was treated to a very familiar 'ding' sound. I had unlocked the MVP Achievement. So yes, while running around 'pwning' players can be quite fun, it is even more satisfying to be rewarded with an MVP reward by being a teamplayer. Give it a try! :D
  10. Snappyguy

    Snappyguy New Member

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    Ding? :p
    Everyone knows it's a bleep bloop! :D

    Random google images picture, yay for the youtube bar?

    Showing people how much I dominate with them is fun.
  11. Porshapwr

    Porshapwr New Member

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    If you want to win - you build turrets. It's as simple as that.
  12. edfactor

    edfactor New Member

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    The worst is when I'm playing Blitz on Live and I'm the only one building turrets while my "teammates" camp out in front of the bot spawn points and are surprised when we get wiped out by Round 12.

    Oh, and no one wears a headset either so, my moaning falls on deaf ears.

  13. Qbakies

    Qbakies New Member

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    I play the Support class and try to build/upgrade/hack as much as I can. I'd just like to encourage people to stop building all Laser turrets. Sure they're cheap, but they are very easy to destroy in a rush even at lvl 3. ShaveIce turrets near the entry ways are a good build and even at lvl 1 can be a great help in stopping a rush.
  14. rhineville

    rhineville Member

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    On half the maps (Ammo Mule and Grenade 3) I start off buying level 2 hack, then go off to the left side to build two longshots and upgrade the one furthest up to try to shell the enemy base. On the others I build a longshot furthest back and a lazer up front. I look around to the other side? Nothing. Fine. I'm a support, maybe everyone expects me to be the base defense guy.

    So when I go gunner and go out to destroy and such, but when I respawn or make it back to base, what do I see? Nothing. Not even a lazer turret. SO I have to spend the money I was saving for dual miniguns to build up what the rest of the team should be helping with. Of course ,the two supports on our team that are shoving their firebases right into the line of fire of enemy turrets won't be upgrading or healing anything anytime soon...

    I mean seriously? Spend money on one skill off the bat and make one turret. Then the rest who didn't build turrets can upgrade one. So now we have a full base of decent turrets (that the support can at least try to overheal/upgrade) and everyone is generating some passive cash.
  15. edfactor

    edfactor New Member

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    Well, if you see me online, you can bet I'll be a team player and build some turrets and hack/overheal them.
  16. Bufger

    Bufger New Member

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    'i heard there is a viral super secret achievement that only unlocks whilst you're spawning bots or making turrets'

    Remember kids - lying is BAD :ugeek:

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