Discussion in 'Monday Night Combat 360 Feedback and Issues' started by TehRussBus, April 9, 2011.

  1. TehRussBus

    TehRussBus New Member

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    Like I said, I don't like going too far with the rewards. I think just a nice little bonus will do. Like the extra 50 dollars after getting a Mega Streak. I think juice just takes it too far for my tastes...
  2. rhineville

    rhineville Member

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    I've said it before; remove any monetary gain while juice is active.

    Everyone can still melee for it, everyone can still buy it, everyone can still get it "naturally" and everyone is still superman when they have it, but you can't sustain it just by juicing again. Suddenly you realize that the kills you get off it don't really mean much, and you'll use it objectively (whether that means killing the right people or taking down the right turrets). That means everyone has to work for it without juice somehow, making it easier to bounce back.

    I don't know about you guys but I do see juice chaining all the time (on my team and the opposing team).
  3. Jester

    Jester New Member

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    If you do this then you would need to remove the bonus for triple kills, 'round the horn, ect. as it gives an unfair monetary advantage to the heavy classes; especially gunner who can get a triple kill fairly easy without juice whereas it would be impossible for a support to get one sans turrets.
  4. NovaKnight21

    NovaKnight21 New Member

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    Sans turrets, airstrikes, and ROF3 shotguns, you mean.
  5. rhineville

    rhineville Member

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    The monetary advantage as far as multikills goes to the heavies, but the natural juice advantage? Assassins and snipers with explosive rounds gain it in a second, the supports can get juice with no danger to themselves.
  6. ReqAsh

    ReqAsh New Member

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    ...Didn't it use to be 1000 before the last big update? I remember they made rokkit turrets more affordable and such..and I think juice was 1000.
  7. DeadStretch

    DeadStretch Post Master General

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    Nah, juice has always been $500. What they did change was the cooldown timer on the juice machines. Now it's 60 seconds I believe as opposed to what it was before which was something like .01 seconds.
  8. ReqAsh

    ReqAsh New Member

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    I am bringing this back because something happened to me today. I got severely juice chained by two people who were talking to each other. One was a gunner one was an assault and they all have ridiculous customs. Gunner G.RoF/S.Armor/B.Juice. I know he can be taken out but not when they are all talking to each other and my team sucks. (Not to mention they had 3 gunners and 2 assaults)

    Any way back to the point.

    By the time I joined they were all in my base and taking over the juice points and everything. (Lazer Razor) What they would do is protect each other, melee bots, juice in. Buy juice, get multi kills because they were spawn killing, buy juice repeat. When I did make it over to there the juice was NEVER available. They sat by it waiting. A clusterf**k of people camping next to it.

    I had an idea. What if we kept the 60 second cool down in general, but each pro has their own cool down. When you buy juice, you need to wait 90 or 150 (2 min) seconds or whatever it is before you, individually, can buy more. This will make is so that people can still buy juice, but the same person can't keep buying as quickly. Really other than taking the ability to buy juice out (which I don't like considering some games where we are being camped, and I can't get it naturally.)This is the only thing I can think of.

    Unless you raise the price of juice per individual pro every purchase. First is 500 second 1000 third 1500 then back to 500. But that seems annoying.
  9. Randomdude02

    Randomdude02 Member

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    I personally think the price should be raised. I very (seemingly) simple solution that would make it more difficult to continue spamming the OP of juice, whilst rewarding those who are Kill Whores. Everyone wins.
  10. DeadStretch

    DeadStretch Post Master General

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    If juice was on an individual cooldown you would see a team of 6 all juice at the same time. Also putting it on a personal cooldown would mean they would get juice more often simply because it's a personal cooldown and not global.

    Juice is fine as is, Price wise. I think the changes to Juice on the PC are as good as it gets because lets be honest it's not that they can kill you with no effort it's that they can kill you, your whole team and base of turrets with no effort. The changes juice got on the PC are the perfect answer to all of that without breaking it.
  11. Randomdude02

    Randomdude02 Member

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    Is true. I'm still thinking from a 360 perspective without the current juice nerfs into effect.
  12. That Dutch Guy

    That Dutch Guy New Member

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    but... but I don't want the PC nerfs :(
  13. NeoCyberman

    NeoCyberman Active Member

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    Speaking from experience the nerf has had a couple of effects.

    1.) Supports are now important
    2.) Competent gunners are necessary
    3.)Assassin is a more pro skill oriented class
    4.) Teamwork during a juice is what determines a win
  14. DeadStretch

    DeadStretch Post Master General

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  15. NeoCyberman

    NeoCyberman Active Member

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    Well the assassins skill floor has risen considerably. Also her role seems not as necessary given the drawbacks should there be a good tank on the team.

    As for the others I often forget that randoms on the 360 are less retarded.
  16. Randomdude02

    Randomdude02 Member

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    Wait. LESS retarded? ...that can't be right...
  17. Vlane

    Vlane New Member

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    It's not about defending.
  18. DeadStretch

    DeadStretch Post Master General

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    I didn't say it was...
  19. Im Hudson

    Im Hudson New Member

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    1. No, they are the most easily countered class that completely relies on their team, and their greatest defensive contribution can be easily destroyed by 4-5 of the 6 classes on console. On PC, they can be much more self suficient with bot streaks, have a MUCH easier path to getting an early level 3 which will then only likely be destroyed by a juiced gunner (or tank/assassin if they are assisted).

    2. No, competent gunners are not necessary on the console in the way that we are talking about here. They are necessary on the PC to break high level turrets in conjunction with a push. They are capable of this role on console as well, but so are other classes. On PC, it is pretty difficult to solo a lvl 3 rockit with anything other than a gunner.

    3. *shrug*

    4. He is talking about teamwork during a juice being important on PC. On console it is much easier for a single class to juice, kill all the turrets, bots, and pros in his path then walk in the base with bots. Soloing a juiced pro has nothing to do with it.
  20. DeadStretch

    DeadStretch Post Master General

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    Ahhhh. Gotcha. Thanks.

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